Contradictions by First Occurrence (560)


  1. When was heaven created?   Genesis 1:1
  2. Who created heaven and earth?   Genesis 1:1
  3. When were the stars made?   Genesis 1:1
  4. When did God divide light from darkness?   Genesis 1:4
  5. From what were the fowls created?   Genesis 1:20
  6. From what were the animals created?   Genesis 1:20
  7. How many gods are there?   Genesis 1:26
  8. Is childbearing sinful?   Genesis 1:28
  9. May Adam eat from any tree?   Genesis 1:29
  10. What kind of animals may we eat?   Genesis 1:29
  11. Who was Timnah?   Genesis 1:38
  12. Does God work on the Sabbath?   Genesis 2:2
  13. Should we bear each other's burdens?   Genesis 2:4
  14. How long did creation take?   Genesis 2:4
  15. Were plants created before or after humans?   Genesis 2:4
  16. Were humans created before or after the other animals?   Genesis 2:18
  17. Did God originally create humans male and female?   Genesis 2:18
  18. Is marriage a good thing?   Genesis 2:18
  19. When was Eve created?   Genesis 2:20
  20. Is wisdom a good thing?   Genesis 3:6
  21. Does God have a body?   Genesis 3:8
  22. Does God know and see everything?   Genesis 3:8
  23. Is everyone descended from Adam and Eve?   Genesis 3:20
  24. Does God respect anyone?   Genesis 4:4
  25. Does God desire animal sacrifices?   Genesis 4:4
  26. What became of Cain?   Genesis 4:12
  27. Is polygamy OK?   Genesis 4:19
  28. Was Enoch the sixth or the seventh from Adam?   Genesis 5:3
  29. Must everyone die?   Genesis 5:24
  30. Who was Noah's youngest son?   Genesis 5:32
  31. How many sons are there?   Genesis 6:2
  32. Do angels have sex?   Genesis 6:2
  33. Was God satisfied with his creation?   Genesis 6:6
  34. God does repent?   Genesis 6:6
  35. Has there ever been a just person?   Genesis 6:9
  36. Has there ever been a righteous person?   Genesis 7:1
  37. To kill or not to kill   Genesis 7:4
  38. When did Noah enter the ark?   Genesis 7:11
  39. How many animals of each kind did Noah take into the ark?   Genesis 7:15
  40. Did everyone (except for Noah and his family) die in the flood?   Genesis 7:21
  41. How long did the flood last?   Genesis 8:3
  42. How long was the ark afloat?   Genesis 8:4
  43. When did the earth dry after the flood?   Genesis 8:13
  44. Will God curse the earth?   Genesis 8:21
  45. Is it OK to eat blood?   Genesis 9:4
  46. Are we punished for the sins of others?   Genesis 9:20
  47. Who was Sheba's father?   Genesis 10:7
  48. Where was Abraham buried?   Genesis 10:7
  49. Who was Dedan's father?   Genesis 10:7
  50. Who was the father of Uz, Hul, and Gether?   Genesis 10:23
  51. How many languages were there before the Tower of Babel was built?   Genesis 11:1
  52. Who was the father of Salah?   Genesis 11:12
  53. How old was Terah when he died?   Genesis 11:26
  54. How old was Abraham when Ishmael was born?   Genesis 11:26
  55. Did God call Abraham before or after he moved to Haran?   Genesis 11:31
  56. Can God be seen?   Genesis 12:7
  57. When was the city of Dan named?   Genesis 14:14
  58. Who owns the earth?   Genesis 14:19
  59. How long was the Egyptian Captivity?   Genesis 15:13
  60. What are the borders of Israel?   Genesis 15:18
  61. How many sons did Abraham have?   Genesis 16:15
  62. Is circumcision required?   Genesis 17:7
  63. Is incest forbidden?   Genesis 17:16
  64. Did Sarah have faith that she would conceive?   Genesis 18:10
  65. Can God do anything?   Genesis 18:14
  66. Was Lot a righteous man?   Genesis 19:8
  67. Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?   Genesis 19:24
  68. How many generations from Abraham to Moses?   Genesis 21:1
  69. How old was Ishmael when he was abandoned by Abraham?   Genesis 21:14
  70. Is it OK to swear?   Genesis 21:23
  71. Has God ever tempted anyone?   Genesis 22:2
  72. Was Keturah Abraham's wife or concubine?   Genesis 25:1
  73. What is the human life span?   Genesis 25:17
  74. Will there be many Jews?   Genesis 26:4
  75. Who named Beersheba?   Genesis 26:33
  76. Who was Laban's father?   Genesis 28:5
  77. Is it okay to marry your wife's sister, while your wife is still alive?   Genesis 29:24
  78. Is it always wrong to steal?   Genesis 31:19
  79. Who did Jacob wrestle with?   Genesis 32:24
  80. When did Jacob rename Luz to Bethel?   Genesis 35:6
  81. Who was Bashemath's father?   Genesis 36:2
  82. Who was Anah?   Genesis 36:2
  83. Who was Korah's father?   Genesis 36:14
  84. Who was Dishon's father?   Genesis 36:20
  85. Who brought Joseph into Egypt?   Genesis 39:1
  86. Where did Joseph's brothers find the missing money?   Genesis 43:21
  87. How old was Benjamin when his clan migrated to Egypt?   Genesis 44:22
  88. Was Mahli the son of Levi?   Genesis 46:11
  89. How many descendants of Jacob and Leah went to Egypt with Jacob?   Genesis 46:15
  90. Will God destroy those that intermarry?   Genesis 46:20
  91. Were Naaman and Ard the sons or the grandsons of Benjamin?   Genesis 46:21
  92. How many were in Jacob's family when they came into Egypt?   Genesis 47:27
  93. What were the twelve tribes of Israel (Jacob)?   Genesis 49:0
  94. Where was Jacob buried?   Genesis 50:13
  95. Exodus

  96. Is it wrong to lie?   Exodus 1:18
  97. Did Moses fear the king?   Exodus 2:14
  98. Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush?   Exodus 3:2
  99. What is God's name?   Exodus 3:14
  100. Was Moses a good speaker?   Exodus 4:10
  101. Who hardened the Pharaoh's heart?   Exodus 4:21
  102. Did Abraham know God's name?   Exodus 6:3
  103. Who was Libni's father?   Exodus 6:17
  104. How many days is unleavened bread to be eaten during the Passover?   Exodus 12:15
  105. Did God kill all the Egyptian cattle in the sixth plague?   Exodus 12:29
  106. Is God warlike or peaceful?   Exodus 15:3
  107. Is dancing a sin?   Exodus 15:20
  108. What was in the Ark of the Covenant?   Exodus 16:32
  109. Where did Moses get water from a rock?   Exodus 17:1
  110. Can God be tempted?   Exodus 17:2
  111. How did God tell Moses to get water from a rock?   Exodus 17:5
  112. Who was Moses' father-in-law?   Exodus 18:5
  113. Is it OK to make images?   Exodus 20:4
  114. How should parents be treated?   Exodus 20:12
  115. Is it wrong to have sex outside of marriage?   Exodus 20:14
  116. Is it OK to covet?   Exodus 20:17
  117. Who gave the law to Moses?   Exodus 20:22
  118. How should strangers be treated?   Exodus 22:21
  119. Does God approve of human sacrifices?   Exodus 22:29
  120. Is only God holy?   Exodus 22:31
  121. How should we treat our enemies?   Exodus 23:4
  122. How should the Canaanites be treated?   Exodus 23:28
  123. Did God command the Israelites to make him burnt offerings?   Exodus 29:16
  124. What animals must you sacrifice each day?   Exodus 29:36
  125. Is it OK to drink alcohol?   Exodus 29:38
  126. Is it OK to take a census?   Exodus 30:11
  127. Is is OK to use perfume?   Exodus 30:37
  128. Does God ever tire?   Exodus 31:17
  129. Where did Moses receive the ten commandments?   Exodus 31:18
  130. Did God destroy the nations?   Exodus 33:2
  131. Did Moses see God face to face?   Exodus 33:11
  132. Who wrote the (second set of) ten commandments?   Exodus 34:1
  133. Is God merciful?   Exodus 34:6
  134. How should Sabbath-breakers be punished?   Exodus 35:2
  135. Who made the ark of the covenant?   Exodus 37:1
  136. Leviticus

  137. What must a congregation do if it sins through ignorance?   Leviticus 4:13
  138. Does God desire animal sacrifices?   Leviticus 4:20
  139. What should you do if you sin through ignorance?   Leviticus 5:17
  140. Which flying creeping things may we eat?   Leviticus 11:21
  141. Who may offer sacrifices to God?   Leviticus 17:1
  142. Is it necessary to keep the Sabbath?   Leviticus 19:3
  143. Is God the author of confusion?   Leviticus 19:15
  144. Should we love or hate our brother?   Leviticus 19:17
  145. How should nonbelievers be treated?   Leviticus 19:18
  146. How should adulterers be punished?   Leviticus 20:10
  147. How should homosexuals be treated?   Leviticus 20:13
  148. How should a man who has sex with a menstruating woman be punished?   Leviticus 20:18
  149. Does God love everyone?   Leviticus 20:23
  150. May a eunuch enter into the congregation of the Lord?   Leviticus 21:17
  151. Should you punish people with an eye for eye and a tooth for a tooth?   Leviticus 24:19
  152. Should we fear God?   Leviticus 25:17
  153. Numbers

  154. Did God tell Moses to number the Levites?   Numbers 3:14
  155. How many male Levites more than one month old did Moses and Aaron count?   Numbers 3:39
  156. How old did a Levite have to be to be counted?   Numbers 4:3
  157. Is it OK for men to have long hair?   Numbers 6:5
  158. Who wrote the Pentateuch?   Numbers 12:3
  159. Who argued in favor of occupying Canaan during the Exodus?   Numbers 14:6
  160. Should we follow our own hearts?   Numbers 15:39
  161. What angered God so much that he didn't allow Moses to enter the promised land?   Numbers 20:7
  162. Where did Aaron die?   Numbers 20:27
  163. Did Balaam curse the Israelites?   Numbers 23:3
  164. Does God lie?   Numbers 23:19
  165. How many did God kill for committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab?   Numbers 25:9
  166. Did God burn all of Korah's children to death?   Numbers 26:11
  167. Who was Zelophahad's father?   Numbers 27:1
  168. What is the correct recipe for the new moon sacrifice?   Numbers 28:11
  169. Did the Israelites kill every male in Midian?   Numbers 31:7
  170. Was Moses meek?   Numbers 31:14
  171. Who survived to see the promised land during the Exodus?   Numbers 32:10
  172. How long does God's anger last?   Numbers 32:13
  173. Deuteronomy

  174. Who wrote the Pentateuch?   Deuteronomy 2:9
  175. Who wrote the Pentateuch?   Deuteronomy 2:37
  176. Will the earth last forever?   Deuteronomy 4:40
  177. Did the Israelites see God face to face on Mount Horeb?   Deuteronomy 5:4
  178. Are the laws of the Old Testament still binding?   Deuteronomy 7:9
  179. Does God know what is everyone's heart?   Deuteronomy 8:2
  180. Are we all God's children?   Deuteronomy 14:1
  181. Were the Israelites to spare the trees in the countries they invaded?   Deuteronomy 20:19
  182. Does God prefer castrated men?   Deuteronomy 23:1
  183. How many generations must a bastard wait until his offspring can enter the congregation of the Lord?   Deuteronomy 23:2
  184. Did any Moabite enter the congregation of the Lord?   Deuteronomy 23:3
  185. How should the Edomites be treated?   Deuteronomy 23:7
  186. Is it OK for a divorced woman to remarry?   Deuteronomy 24:1
  187. Are those who obey the law cursed?   Deuteronomy 27:26
  188. Do humans have free will?   Deuteronomy 30:19
  189. Was Moses in good mental and physical health at age 120?   Deuteronomy 34:7
  190. Did the Centurion ask Jesus directly to help his servant?   Deuteronomy 34:10
  191. Joshua

  192. Who is the Lord of this world?   Joshua 2:11
  193. Did Joshua remove the twelve stones from the Jordan River?   Joshua 4:9
  194. Did the city of Ai exist after Joshua destroyed it?   Joshua 8:28
  195. Has the sun ever stood still in the sky for 24 hours?   Joshua 10:12
  196. Did Joshua kill everyone in Gezer?   Joshua 10:33
  197. When was King Jabin killed?   Joshua 11:11
  198. Who drove the Anakim from Hebron?   Joshua 15:14
  199. To whom were the cities of Exhtaol and Zoreah given?   Joshua 19:41
  200. What tribe was Aijalon from?   Joshua 21:23
  201. Who Was Achan's father?   Joshua 22:20
  202. Did Balak fight with Israel?   Joshua 23:9
  203. Is death final?   Joshua 23:14
  204. Does God forgive sins?   Joshua 24:19
  205. Who bought the sepulchre in Sechem from the sons of Hamor?   Joshua 24:32
  206. Judges

  207. Did the Israelites take Jerusalem from the Jebusites?   Judges 1:21
  208. Can God stop iron chariots?   Judges 4:13
  209. Who is the most blessed woman?   Judges 5:24
  210. Was Sisera asleep when he was murdered?   Judges 5:26
  211. Is it OK to test God?   Judges 6:36
  212. How many sons did Gideon have?   Judges 9:4
  213. Ruth

  214. Is it OK to marry a Moabite?   Ruth 4:13
  215. 1 Samuel

  216. Was Samuel a Levite or an Ephraimite?   1 Samuel 1:1
  217. What is the earth set upon?   1 Samuel 2:8
  218. How long was the ark of the covenant at Abinadab's house?   1 Samuel 7:1
  219. Who was Samuel's firstborn son?   1 Samuel 8:2
  220. Does God help in times of need?   1 Samuel 8:18
  221. Who was the father of Kish?   1 Samuel 9:1
  222. Were the Philistines subdued all the days of Samuel?   1 Samuel 13:5
  223. What was Jonathan's first slaughter?   1 Samuel 14:14
  224. Who were Saul's sons?   1 Samuel 14:49
  225. Why was Saul rejected as king?   1 Samuel 15:2
  226. Was Haman an Agagite?   1 Samuel 15:33
  227. How many sons did Jesse have?   1 Samuel 16:10
  228. Was David a man of war before he fought Goliath?   1 Samuel 17:33
  229. How did David kill Goliath?   1 Samuel 17:49
  230. Who killed Goliath?   1 Samuel 17:49
  231. When did Saul meet David?   1 Samuel 17:55
  232. How many Philistine foreskins did David buy his first wife with?   1 Samuel 18:27
  233. When did Saul become David's enemy?   1 Samuel 18:29
  234. When did "Is Saul among the prophets?" become a proverb?   1 Samuel 19:24
  235. When was the last time that Samuel saw Saul?   1 Samuel 19:24
  236. When David fled to Nob, what was the priest's name?   1 Samuel 21:1
  237. Was David alone when asking for the holy bread at Nob?   1 Samuel 21:1
  238. Was Abiathar the father or the son of Ahimelech?   1 Samuel 22:20
  239. Did Saul inquire of the Lord?   1 Samuel 28:6
  240. Was Jesus the first to rise from the dead?   1 Samuel 28:11
  241. Did Saul and Samuel kill all the Amalekites?   1 Samuel 30:17
  242. How did Saul die?   1 Samuel 31:4
  243. 2 Samuel

  244. Did Saul's family die with him?   2 Samuel 2:9
  245. Who was David's second son?   2 Samuel 3:1
  246. Who were the sons of David born in Hebron?   2 Samuel 3:2
  247. Was Solomon David's second or fourth son by Bathsheba?   2 Samuel 5:14
  248. Where did God kill Uzza?   2 Samuel 6:6
  249. How many horsemen did David take?   2 Samuel 8:4
  250. How many men did David kill?   2 Samuel 10:18
  251. When did Absalom rebel against David?   2 Samuel 15:7
  252. Who was Amasa's father?   2 Samuel 17:25
  253. How many sons did Absalom have?   2 Samuel 18:18
  254. How many children did Michal (David's first wife) have?   2 Samuel 21:8
  255. Who did Elhanan kill?   2 Samuel 21:20
  256. Did David sin?   2 Samuel 22:21
  257. What were David's last words?   2 Samuel 23:1
  258. How many mighty men did David have?   2 Samuel 23:8
  259. How many valiant men drew the sword in Israel and Judah as counted by Joab?   2 Samuel 24:9
  260. How many years of famine?   2 Samuel 24:13
  261. For how much did David buy the threshing floor?   2 Samuel 24:24
  262. 1 Kings

  263. Was Solomon alone when he sacrificed 1000 burnt offerings at Gibeon?   1 Kings 3:4
  264. Who was the greatest: Jesus or Solomon?   1 Kings 3:12
  265. How many stalls did Solomon have?   1 Kings 4:26
  266. Who was Heman's father?   1 Kings 4:31
  267. What was Solomon's gift to Hiram?   1 Kings 5:11
  268. How many overseers did Solomon have?   1 Kings 5:16
  269. When did Solomon's reign begin?   1 Kings 6:1
  270. Which tribe was Hyram from?   1 Kings 7:13
  271. How high were the pillars?   1 Kings 7:15
  272. What was the volume of the molten sea in Solomon's temple?   1 Kings 7:26
  273. Does God dwell in darkness or in light?   1 Kings 8:12
  274. Does God dwell in temples?   1 Kings 8:13
  275. Is anyone without sin?   1 Kings 8:46
  276. How many officers did Solomon have?   1 Kings 9:23
  277. How many talents of gold did Hiram send Solomon?   1 Kings 9:27
  278. Is God the creator of evil?   1 Kings 14:10
  279. How did Jeroboam die?   1 Kings 14:20
  280. Who was Abijam's mother?   1 Kings 15:1
  281. How were Abijam and Asa related?   1 Kings 15:9
  282. Did Asa remove the high places?   1 Kings 15:14
  283. When did Baasha die?   1 Kings 16:6
  284. Was Jehu the son or grandson of Nimshi?   1 Kings 19:16
  285. Did Elisha receive Elijah's mantle before or after Elijah is taken up into heaven?   1 Kings 19:19
  286. Did God bring evil upon Ahab?   1 Kings 20:42
  287. Did Jehoshaphat remove the high places?   1 Kings 22:42
  288. 2 Kings

  289. Has anyone ever ascended into heaven?   2 Kings 2:11
  290. Is it OK to call someone father?   2 Kings 2:12
  291. Should we rend our clothes?   2 Kings 5:7
  292. Did God give Gehazi leprosy?   2 Kings 8:4
  293. Who was Athaliah's father?   2 Kings 8:18
  294. How old was Ahaziah when he began to reign?   2 Kings 8:26
  295. When did Ahaziah begin to reign?   2 Kings 9:29
  296. Did God commend or condemn Jehu for the killings at Jezreel?   2 Kings 10:30
  297. Where was Joash buried?   2 Kings 12:20
  298. When did Jehoash become king of Israel?   2 Kings 13:10
  299. Does God allow pregnant women to be ripped apart?   2 Kings 15:16
  300. How long did Jotham reign?   2 Kings 15:30
  301. Was Ahaz buried with his fathers?   2 Kings 16:20
  302. Who was the best king?   2 Kings 18:5
  303. Why did God turn the sundial back ten degrees?   2 Kings 20:7
  304. How did King Josiah die?   2 Kings 22:20
  305. Who succeeded Jehoiakim as king?   2 Kings 24:6
  306. How old was Jehoiachin when he began to reign?   2 Kings 24:8
  307. Did Zedekiah's eyes see the king of Babylon?   2 Kings 25:7
  308. On what day did the temple burn?   2 Kings 25:8
  309. How high was the chapiter?   2 Kings 25:17
  310. How many men were in the king's presence?   2 Kings 25:19
  311. On what day of the month was Jehoiachin released from prison?   2 Kings 25:27
  312. 1 Chronicles

  313. Who was Uzziah's father?   1 Chronicles 3:10
  314. What were the generations from David to the Babylonian Captivity?   1 Chronicles 3:11
  315. Was Jechoniah the son or the grandson of Josiah?   1 Chronicles 3:15
  316. Did Jeconiah have any sons?   1 Chronicles 3:17
  317. Who was Zerubbabel's father?   1 Chronicles 3:19
  318. Who were the sons of Benjamin?   1 Chronicles 8:1
  319. How many men did the chief of David's captains kill?   1 Chronicles 11:11
  320. Who tempted David to number Israel?   1 Chronicles 21:1
  321. How many generations were between Levi and Moses?   1 Chronicles 23:6
  322. Who were the sons of Heman?   1 Chronicles 25:4
  323. 2 Chronicles

  324. Was Asa perfect?   2 Chronicles 16:12
  325. Who was Zechariah's father?   2 Chronicles 24:20
  326. Where did Josiah die?   2 Chronicles 35:24
  327. Did Jehoiakim die in Babylon or near Jerusalem?   2 Chronicles 36:5
  328. Ezra

  329. How many of Arah's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:5
  330. How many of Pahathmoab, Jeshua, and Joab's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:6
  331. How many of Zattu's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:8
  332. How many of Bani's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:10
  333. How many of Bebai's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:11
  334. How many of Azgad's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:12
  335. How many of Adonikam's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:13
  336. How many of Bigvai's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:14
  337. How many of Adin's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:15
  338. How many of Bezai's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:17
  339. How many of Bethlehem and Netophah's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:21
  340. How many of Lod, Hadid, and Ono's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:33
  341. How many of Senaah's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:35
  342. How many of Asaph's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:41
  343. How many children of the porters returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:42
  344. How many of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda's offspring returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:60
  345. How many singing men and women returned from Babylon?   Ezra 2:65
  346. How much gold, silver, and clothing did the people give?   Ezra 2:69
  347. Was Zechariah Iddo's son or grandson?   Ezra 5:1
  348. Job

  349. Is the devil tied up or free to roam?   Job 1:7
  350. Does God destroy both the righteous and the wicked?   Job 9:22
  351. Can God be found through reason alone?   Job 11:7
  352. Do evildoers prosper?   Job 12:6
  353. Do the wicked live long?   Job 21:7
  354. Who brought evil on Job?   Job 42:11
  355. Psalms

  356. Is it good to be foolish?   Psalms 5:5
  357. Where does God dwell?   Psalms 9:1
  358. Is every word of God pure?   Psalms 12:6
  359. Is it OK to call someone a fool?   Psalms 14:1
  360. Does anyone ever do anything good?   Psalms 14:3
  361. Does God listen to and answer prayers?   Psalms 18:41
  362. Is the law of God perfect?   Psalms 19:7
  363. Is wealth a sign of righteousness or of wickedness?   Psalms 37:25
  364. Should we rejoice when our enemies suffer?   Psalms 58:10
  365. Is Salvation by faith alone?   Psalms 62:12
  366. Will the righteous flourish?   Psalms 92:12
  367. Does God sleep?   Psalms 121:3
  368. Can only God work wonders?   Psalms 136:4
  369. Is anyone justified?   Psalms 143:2
  370. Proverbs

  371. Should we think for ourselves?   Proverbs 2:2
  372. Does wisdom make people happy?   Proverbs 3:13
  373. Does the bible condemn gambling?   Proverbs 10:4
  374. Do bad things happen to good people?   Proverbs 12:21
  375. Who (or what) is a ransom for the righteous?   Proverbs 13:8
  376. Should we believe everything?   Proverbs 14:15
  377. Does God want some to go to hell?   Proverbs 16:4
  378. If God likes you, will everyone else like you too?   Proverbs 16:7
  379. Is it good to be happy?   Proverbs 17:22
  380. Ecclesiastes

  381. What's new?   Ecclesiastes 1:9
  382. Does hell exist?   Ecclesiastes 3:19
  383. Is money good or bad?   Ecclesiastes 10:19
  384. Isaiah

  385. Who is the first and the last?   Isaiah 0:0
  386. What was Sodom's sin?   Isaiah 1:10
  387. What was Jesus H. Christ's real name?   Isaiah 9:6
  388. Will the Messiah be a descendant of David?   Isaiah 11:1
  389. Will everyone see the majesty of God?   Isaiah 26:10
  390. Does God ever get furious?   Isaiah 27:4
  391. Jeremiah

  392. Should you pray for everyone?   Jeremiah 7:16
  393. Should we look for signs from heaven?   Jeremiah 10:2
  394. Will those who call on the Lord be delivered?   Jeremiah 14:12
  395. How long was the Babylonian Captivity?   Jeremiah 25:11
  396. Hosea

  397. Will Ephraim return to Egypt?   Hosea 11:3
  398. Jonah

  399. Did a fish or a whale swallow Jonah?   Jonah 1:17
  400. Who cast Jonah into the sea?   Jonah 2:3
  401. Zephaniah

  402. Does the Bible condemn astrology?   Zephaniah 1:4
  403. Zechariah

  404. On what did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?   Zechariah 9:9
  405. Malachi

  406. Can God be tempted?   Malachi 3:15
  407. Matthew

  408. Was Jesus the son of David?   Matthew 1:1
  409. From which of David's sons was Jesus descended?   Matthew 1:6
  410. Who was Jesus's paternal grandfather?   Matthew 1:16
  411. How many generations from Jesus to Abraham?   Matthew 1:17
  412. How many generations were between the Babylonian captivity and Jesus?   Matthew 1:17
  413. Was Joseph the father of Jesus?   Matthew 1:18
  414. When was Jesus born?   Matthew 2:1
  415. Was Jesus born in a house or a manger?   Matthew 2:1
  416. Where did Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus?   Matthew 2:1
  417. Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph go to Egypt or Nazareth?   Matthew 2:14
  418. Were the Pharisees baptized by John?   Matthew 3:7
  419. Did Jesus baptize anyone?   Matthew 3:11
  420. How did God address Jesus at his baptism?   Matthew 3:17
  421. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, what was the sequence of temptations?   Matthew 4:1
  422. Is Jesus God?   Matthew 4:1
  423. Should you serve God alone?   Matthew 4:10
  424. Which came first: the calling of Peter and Andrew or the imprisonment of John the Baptist?   Matthew 4:12
  425. Did Jesus heal Peter's mother in law before or after calling Peter?   Matthew 4:18
  426. How did Peter and Andrew become Jesus's disciples?   Matthew 4:18
  427. Did Jesus preach his first sermon on a mountain or a plain?   Matthew 5:1
  428. Did Jesus come to bring peace?   Matthew 5:9
  429. Should we let others see our good works?   Matthew 5:16
  430. Is it OK to add to the law of Moses?   Matthew 5:21
  431. Is divorce ever permissible?   Matthew 5:32
  432. Is anyone good?   Matthew 5:45
  433. Should Christians pray in public?   Matthew 6:5
  434. Do Christians know how to pray?   Matthew 6:9
  435. Is God's will always done in heaven?   Matthew 6:10
  436. Should Christians be concerned with material things?   Matthew 6:31
  437. Is casting out devils a sign of a true Christian?   Matthew 7:22
  438. Did Jesus know everything?   Matthew 8:10
  439. What will happen to Jews when they die?   Matthew 8:12
  440. Was Jesus homeless?   Matthew 8:20
  441. How many men were possessed with devils?   Matthew 8:28
  442. What was the name of the tax collector who was called by Jesus?   Matthew 9:9
  443. How should publicans be treated?   Matthew 9:10
  444. Was Jairus's daughter alive when Jesus was approached?   Matthew 9:18
  445. When was the woman who touched Jesus's robe cured?   Matthew 9:20
  446. What were the names of the apostles?   Matthew 10:2
  447. Should the gospel be preached to everyone?   Matthew 10:5
  448. Did Jesus tell his apostles to go barefoot and without a staff?   Matthew 10:10
  449. Is there an unforgivable sin?   Matthew 10:33
  450. Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus as the Son of God?   Matthew 11:2
  451. Was John the Baptist Elijah?   Matthew 11:7
  452. Who is for or against Jesus?   Matthew 12:30
  453. Did Jesus perform many signs and wonders?   Matthew 12:39
  454. Did Jesus have secret teachings?   Matthew 13:10
  455. When was Jesus rejected by the people in his hometown of Nazareth?   Matthew 13:53
  456. Did Herod think Jesus was John the Baptist?   Matthew 14:1
  457. Does the Bible approve of capital punishment?   Matthew 15:3
  458. How did Peter find out that Jesus was the Messiah?   Matthew 16:16
  459. Did Jesus forewarn the apostles of his death and resurrection?   Matthew 16:21
  460. When did the transfiguration occur?   Matthew 17:1
  461. Did the disciples understand when Jesus told them about his coming death?   Matthew 17:22
  462. Is it a a good thing to be childish?   Matthew 18:3
  463. What was Jesus' sixth commandment?   Matthew 19:17
  464. Is Jesus good?   Matthew 19:17
  465. Who asked Jesus for the best seats in heaven?   Matthew 20:20
  466. How much power did Jesus have?   Matthew 20:23
  467. Was Jesus a ransom for many or for all?   Matthew 20:28
  468. How many blind men were healed near Jericho?   Matthew 20:30
  469. When did Jesus' temple tantrum occur?   Matthew 21:1
  470. On the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem, did Jesus ask his disciples to get one animal or two?   Matthew 21:1
  471. When did Jesus curse the fig tree?   Matthew 21:12
  472. When did the cursed fig tree die?   Matthew 21:19
  473. Should we do what the Pharisees say to do?   Matthew 23:1
  474. When will the end of the world come?   Matthew 24:14
  475. When did Jesus say he would return?   Matthew 24:14
  476. Will Jesus's second coming be visible to all?   Matthew 24:30
  477. Did Jesus say before the cock crow or before the cock crows twice?   Matthew 26:34
  478. Did Jesus ask God to save him from crucifixion?   Matthew 26:39
  479. Did Judas identify Jesus with a kiss?   Matthew 26:47
  480. Was Jesus taken to Caiaphas or Annas first?   Matthew 26:57
  481. Did Jesus say, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up"?   Matthew 26:59
  482. How did Jesus respond when questioned by the high priest?   Matthew 26:63
  483. To whom did Peter deny knowing Jesus?   Matthew 26:69
  484. How did Judas die?   Matthew 27:0
  485. Who bought the potter's field?   Matthew 27:6
  486. Was Jesus silent during his trial before Pilate?   Matthew 27:12
  487. Who put the robe on Jesus?   Matthew 27:17
  488. What color was Jesus' robe?   Matthew 27:28
  489. Who carried Jesus' cross?   Matthew 27:32
  490. What did the soldiers give Jesus to drink?   Matthew 27:34
  491. What did the sign over Jesus' head say?   Matthew 27:37
  492. Did both thieves revile Jesus?   Matthew 27:44
  493. When was Jesus Crucified?   Matthew 27:45
  494. What were the last words of Jesus?   Matthew 27:46
  495. What did the Centurion call Jesus when he died?   Matthew 27:54
  496. Where did the women watching the crucifixion stand?   Matthew 27:55
  497. Who buried Jesus?   Matthew 27:57
  498. When did the women (or woman) arrive at the sepulchre?   Matthew 28:1
  499. Who did the women see at the tomb?   Matthew 28:2
  500. When did the women discover that Jesus's body was missing?   Matthew 28:5
  501. Did the women immediately tell the disciples?   Matthew 28:8
  502. Did Mary Magdalene recognize Jesus when he first appeared to her?   Matthew 28:9
  503. Where did Jesus tell his disciples to go after his resurrection?   Matthew 28:10
  504. To whom did Jesus make his first post-resurrection appearance?   Matthew 28:11
  505. How many disciples did Jesus appear to in his first post resurrection appearance?   Matthew 28:16
  506. Where did Jesus first appear to the eleven disciples after the resurrection?   Matthew 28:16
  507. Mark

  508. What did Jesus do after his baptism?   Mark 1:12
  509. Are those who believe Jesus is the Christ of God?   Mark 1:23
  510. Where was the home of Peter and Andrew?   Mark 1:44
  511. Where did the devils ask not to go?   Mark 5:9
  512. Where did Jesus cure the blind man?   Mark 8:22
  513. Who can cast out devils in the name of Jesus?   Mark 9:38
  514. When was the Holy Ghost given?   Mark 12:36
  515. Was Jesus crucified the day before or the day after the Passover meal?   Mark 14:12
  516. Did the cock crow before or after Peter's denial?   Mark 14:66
  517. When did the Temple veil rip?   Mark 15:37
  518. How many women came to the sepulchre?   Mark 16:1
  519. Was the tomb opened or closed when the women arrived?   Mark 16:3
  520. Were the men or angels sitting or standing?   Mark 16:5
  521. Were the men or angels inside or outside the tomb when the when the women arrived?   Mark 16:5
  522. Did the eleven disciples believe the two men who claimed to see Jesus?   Mark 16:12
  523. How are people judged by God?   Mark 16:16
  524. Luke

  525. Does righteousness come from following the Law?   Luke 1:6
  526. Who was Jesus' grandfather on his father's side?   Luke 3:21
  527. How many generations were there from David to Jesus?   Luke 3:23
  528. Who washed Jesus's feet with her tears and dried his feet with her hair?   Luke 7:36
  529. Did the Samaritans receive Jesus?   Luke 9:52
  530. Was Mary blessed?   Luke 11:27
  531. Who are wiser, the children of this world or the children of light?   Luke 16:8
  532. When was the blind man (or men) healed?   Luke 18:35
  533. Did Jesus go to heaven after he died but before his ascension?   Luke 20:42
  534. When did Satan enter Judas?   Luke 22:3
  535. Can thieves go to heaven?   Luke 23:32
  536. Did Jesus drink on the cross?   Luke 23:36
  537. Where did Jesus go when he died?   Luke 23:43
  538. When did Jesus ascend into heaven?   Luke 24:1
  539. Were the disciples frightened or gladdened when they saw Jesus?   Luke 24:37
  540. Was it OK to touch the risen Jesus before his ascension?   Luke 24:39
  541. John

  542. Does Jesus judge people?   John 5:22
  543. Did Jesus bears witness of himself?   John 8:18
  544. Was Jesus's witness of himself true?   John 8:18
  545. Who makes people blind?   John 9:1
  546. How did Jesus cure the blind man?   John 9:1
  547. Is it possible to fall from grace?   John 10:28
  548. Who sent the Holy Ghost?   John 15:26
  549. Did any of the apostles ask Jesus where he was going?   John 16:5
  550. Did Jesus tell his disciples everything?   John 16:12
  551. Was Mary Magdalene happy or sad when she saw the risen Jesus?   John 20:11
  552. Should we believe in unseen things?   John 20:29
  553. Acts

  554. Did Luke include everything that Jesus did?   Acts 1:1
  555. How many believers were there at the time of the ascension?   Acts 1:15
  556. What did Judas do with the silver?   Acts 1:18
  557. Who raised Jesus from the dead?   Acts 2:24
  558. Should we obey human or divine law?   Acts 5:29
  559. How old was Abraham when he left Haran?   Acts 7:4
  560. Did Paul go to Jerusalem from Damascus immediately after his conversion?   Acts 9:26
  561. Is circumcision required?   Acts 15:28
  562. If a husband believes, is his wife saved also?   Acts 16:31
  563. Can women be church leaders?   Acts 18:26
  564. In whose name is baptism to be performed?   Acts 19:5
  565. Did the men with Paul hear the voice?   Acts 22:9
  566. Were the men with Paul knocked to the ground?   Acts 26:14
  567. Romans

  568. Was Abraham justified by faith or works?   Romans 4:2
  569. Who was to blame for original sin?   Romans 5:12
  570. Who was God's firstborn son?   Romans 8:29
  571. Is it OK to curse people?   Romans 12:14
  572. Should we try to please others?   Romans 15:2
  573. 1 Corinthians

  574. Is God the author of confusion?   1 Corinthians 1:27
  575. Is all Scripture inspired by God?   1 Corinthians 7:12
  576. Is it OK to marry unbelievers?   1 Corinthians 7:12
  577. Should you speak in tongues?   1 Corinthians 14:39
  578. Did Paul see Jesus?   1 Corinthians 15:8
  579. 2 Corinthians

  580. Who forces non-believers to disbelieve?   2 Corinthians 4:3
  581. Galatians

  582. Did Paul visit all of the disciples when he went to Jerusalem after his conversion?   Galatians 1:18
  583. Should we bear each other's burdens?   Galatians 6:2
  584. Colossians

  585. Should believers discuss their faith with non-believers?   Colossians 4:5
  586. 1 Thessalonians

  587. Is the day of the Lord at hand?   1 Thessalonians 5:23
  588. 1 Timothy

  589. Does God approve of slavery?   1 Timothy 1:9
  590. 2 Timothy

  591. Can the devil capture us at will?   2 Timothy 2:26
  592. Hebrews

  593. Did Enoch die?   Hebrews 11:13
  594. Was Rahab saved by faith or works?   Hebrews 11:31

Copyright © 1999-2024
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)
