0 SAB trivia list

Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum is therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it! Ezekiel 24:6

Trivia: In Ezekiel 3, what did God tell Ezekiel to eat?

SAB: Trivia Questions


  1. Who told the first lie in the Bible?
  2. Why did God open Leah's womb?
  3. Why did God create a woman?
  4. Who was the first person to plant a vineyard, make wine, and get drunk?
  5. Why do thorns and thistles exist?
  6. What is the prefered way to swear in Genesis?
  7. Who bought his brother's birthright with bread and lentil stew?
  8. Which of the following women told her husband to have sex with her slave girl: Sarah, Rachel, or Leah?
  9. Who told Abram (Abraham) to have sex with his wife's slave girl?
  10. What did God do on the seventh day of creation?
  11. How did God punish the serpent for beguiling Eve?
  12. Who saw his father drunk and naked?
  13. What just and righteous man offered his daughters to a crowd of angel rapers?
  14. When did God repent for the first time?
  15. Who was the only just and perfect preacher of righteousness?
  16. Who was the first polygamist in the Bible?
  17. Why did God kill Onan?
  18. How old was Noah when the flood began?
  19. How old was Noah when his three sons were born?
  20. How old was Noah when he died?
  21. Who was the first person to never die?
  22. How did the animals get their names?
  23. Which of Israel's sons did he love the most?
  24. According to Genesis 6:4, where did "the mighty men which were of old" come from?
  25. Why did God put a mark on Cain?
  26. How did Leah use mandrakes?
  27. What did God say would have happened to Adam and Eve if they ate from the tree of life?
  28. Who made his wife lie two times to save his own skin?
  29. Who had sex with Leah by mistake?
  30. Why did God confound language at the Tower of Babel?
  31. How did God know that Adam had eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
  32. Why did God change Jacob's name to Israel?
  33. How old was Ishmael when he was circumcised?
  34. Why did God curse the ground?
  35. Who had sex with women to produce a race of giants?
  36. Who was the first human to kill an animal in the Bible?
  37. What was the first thing that Noah did after getting off of the ark?
  38. How did God punish Eve?
  39. Why did God kill Er?
  40. Who was the first drunk and naked preacher of righteousness?
  41. After the flood, what was the only thing that God told Noah not to eat?
  42. Who said, "Give me children, or else I die?"
  43. Why did God decide to destroy man and beast in the flood?
  44. What just and righteous man got drunk and impregnated his two virgin daughters?
  45. Who was cursed with slavery because his father saw his grandfather drunk and naked?
  46. Which of Jacob's sons had sex with his father's concubine?
  47. Who made the first clothes?
  48. How did God punish Abemelech for believing Abraham's lie about Sarah?
  49. Who built the first city mentioned in the Bible?
  50. How old was Abraham when he was circumcised?
  51. In Genesis 34, what did Jacob's sons do while the males in Shechem's town were recovering from circumcision?
  52. What did God call the first man and woman that he created?
  53. What was the curse of Cain?
  54. Who had sex with his daughter-in-law and then said she should be burned to death?
  55. In Genesis 22, Why did God bless Abraham?
  56. Which two Bible books begin with the words "In the beginning"?
  57. Abraham bargained with God about how many righteous people it would take to keep God from killing everyone in Sodom. God finally agreed to what number?
  58. Who was the King of Babel?
  59. Why did God create the animals?
  60. In Genesis 4, why did Cain became so angry that he killed his brother Abel?
  61. What did God tell Abraham to do with his first son, Ishmael?
  62. After Cain killed Abel, what did God say would happen to anyone who killed Cain?
  63. EXODUS

  64. What is God's mountain?
  65. According to Exodus 14:24-25, who took off the Egyptians' chariot wheels?
  66. According to Exodus 15:8, how did God gather together the waters?
  67. Who has God sworn to be at war with "from generation to generation"?
  68. In Exodus 19:9, God said all the people would hear his voice when he talked to Moses. In that meeting, how did God say he would manifest himself?
  69. Which of God's plagues on Egypt could the Pharaoh's magicians do?
  70. In Exodus 15:25, what happened when a tree was thrown into the waters?
  71. In Exodus 17, the people were thirsty. How did they respond?
  72. What was the third plague of Egypt?
  73. What was the tenth plague of Egypt?
  74. How many souls came out of the loins of Jacob?
  75. According to Exodus 21:15, what is the punishment for smiting your father or mother?
  76. According to the Bible, who said these words: "Slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour"?
  77. According to Exodus 21:2, how long may you own a Hebrew slave?
  78. What was the sixth plague of Egypt?
  79. In Exodus 19:13, what did God say would happen to anyone who touched Mount Sinai?
  80. What was the seventh plague of Egypt?
  81. What was the second plague of Egypt?
  82. After Moses turned turned his rod into a serpent, what did Pharaoh's magicians do?
  83. In Exodus 4, what happened when Moses threw his rod on the ground?
  84. What was the ninth plague of Egypt?
  85. According to the Bible, when is it OK to beat your slaves?
  86. How many people did God kill because of the calf "which Aaron made"?
  87. Who is called a "man of war" in the book of Exodus?
  88. What was the first plague that the Pharaoh's magicians couldn't do?
  89. Who said he had uncircumcised lips?
  90. In Exodus 4, who tried to kill Moses?
  91. Who in the Bible has the name "Jealous"?
  92. Why did God harden the Pharaoh's heart?
  93. According to Exodus 15:6, what did God do with his right hand
  94. What did Pharaoh's magicians do after Aaron caused frogs to covered the land of Egypt?
  95. What was the fourth plague of Egypt?
  96. What was the first plague of Egypt?
  97. What did the Magicians tell Pharaoh after witnessing the third plague of Egypt?
  98. What was the fifth plague of Egypt?
  99. How did Zipporah stop God from killing Moses?
  100. What was the eighth plague of Egypt?
  101. Who makes people dumb, deaf, and blind?
  102. According to Exodus 17, how did Moses obtain water for the people to drink?
  103. In what chapter of Exodus can you find instructions for selling your daughter and taking a second wife?
  104. What does the Bible say to do to a child that curses his father or mother?
  105. Who made a golden calf and made the people dance naked around it?
  106. When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, what name did God use to refer to himself?
  107. After Moses turned the river to blood, what did Pharaoh's magicians do?
  108. Just before God appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai, what were Moses's instructions to the male Israelites?
  109. In Exodus 17, there is a battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites. During the battle, what happened when Moses put his hand down?
  110. To whom did God show his "back parts"?

  112. In Leviticus 24, what did God tell the people to do to with a blasphemer?
  113. How long is a mother unclean after delivering a baby boy?
  114. When must a male be circumsised?
  115. What do all of the following people have in common
  116. According to Leviticus 11:6, what animal chews the cud?
  117. In Leviticus 8:23, what does Moses put on Aaron's right ear, thumb, and big toe?
  118. What is the biblically correct way to kill a man or women with a "familiar spirit"?
  119. According to Leviticus 3:16, who does all the fat belong to?
  120. According to the Bible, a 20 to 60 year-old man is worth 50 shekels of silver. How much is a woman of the same age worth?
  121. How long is a mother unclean after delivering a baby girl?
  122. In Leviticus 27, human life is given a monetary value. How much are fetuses and babies less than one month old worth?
  123. What two things are you not allowed to eat according the "perpetual statute" given in Leviticus 3:17?
  124. Why did God kill Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu?
  125. How long is a menstruating woman unclean?
  126. What does the Bible say about a man whose hair has fallen out?
  127. NUMBERS

  128. Who was the only person in the Bible to die naked?
  129. How many were killed for "committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab"?
  130. Who did God tell Moses to vex and smite in Numbers 25?
  131. What was God's tribute from the Midianite massacre?
  132. According to the the book of Numbers, God is as strong as what animal?
  133. God stopped killing people for "committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab" because "his wrath was turned away" by a man who thrust a javelin through a man of Israel and a daughter of Moab.
  134. Who asked this question: "If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days?"
  135. The people complained about the lack of food and water during the Exodus, so God sent fiery serpents to bite them.
  136. In Numbers 17, what happened to Aaron's rod?
  137. After God killed Korah, his companions, their families, and 250 incense burners, the people complained saying, "ye have killed the people of the Lord." So God sent a plague on the people. How many people died in the plague?
  138. What were the names of the Israelite man and the Midianite woman that were killed by Phinehas in Numbers 25?
  139. What did Moses his soldiers to do to the Midianites in Numbers 31?
  140. What did God tell Moses to do when "the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab?"
  141. In Numbers 12, Miriam and Aaron criticized Moses for marrying an Ehiopian woman. How did God respond?
  142. According to the Bible, who was the meekest man on the face of the earth?
  143. In Numbers 11, the people complained about the lack of meat. How did God respond?
  144. According to Numbers 23:24, "the people shall rise up as a great lion" and then do what?
  145. What happens to a woman who fails the "Law of Jealousies" test in Numbers 5?
  146. Why did God not allow Moses to enter the promised land?
  147. In Numbers 16, Korah and his companions challenged Moses's leadership. How did God respond?
  148. What did God give Phinehas for killing the inter-tribal couple in Numbers 25?
  149. Numbers 24:8 makes several predictions about what God will do to his enemies. Which of these is not included?
  150. What man had a conversation with a donkey in Numbers 22?
  151. In Numbers 15, God told the people to stone a man to death. What was his crime?
  152. What did God do when the the people complained about the lack of food and water during the Exodus from Egypt?
  153. Why did God burn people to death in Numbers 11:1?
  154. What was the booty that the Israelites got from the Midianite massacre?
  155. Why was Moses angry with his officers in Numbers 31?
  156. What is the first use of the word "Amen" in the Bible?

  158. How does God view the work of a craftsman?
  159. When you go to war and see a beautiful woman what should you do?
  160. If the brother of a married man who died childless fails to have sex with his dead brother's wife, what must the wife do?
  161. What should a man do if he finds out that his wife isn't a virgin on his wedding night?
  162. According to the Bible, usury is okay when you are loaning to whom?
  163. What should be done if a man rapes an unbetrothed virgin damsel?
  164. If two men fight and the wife of one touches the private parts of the other, what must be done to her??
  165. If your testicles are damaged or your penis is cut off, what can't you do according to Deuteronomy 23:1?
  166. According to Deuteronomy 23:2, who can't enter the congregation of the Lord, even to the tenth generation?
  167. According to Deuteronomy 21, what should you do with stubborn or rebellious sons?
  168. What should you not do to your father's skirt, according to Deuteronomy 22:30?
  169. Why did God harden king Sihon's spirit?
  170. What must you do with a prophet or dreamer who gives you a sign or a wonder?
  171. If a man has sex with a woman who is married to another man, what should be done?
  172. What does God call it when a man remarries his former wife?
  173. What is the punishment for disobeying a priest?
  174. According to the Bible, what must you not plow with?
  175. What should you do to those who worship other gods?
  176. How big was king Og's bed?
  177. What does Deuteronomy 23:17 say there shall be none of among the sons and daughters of Israel?
  178. According to Deuteronomy 20:13, what must you do the males of a city that God delivers to you?
  179. What does the Bible say about those who set a light by their father or mother?
  180. What should be done with a man who hatefully kills another man?
  181. Why does the Bible say that you shouldn't eat hares?
  182. If a man commits a sin worthy of death, how long should you hang him on a tree?
  183. What type of garment are you not allowed to wear, according to the Bible?
  184. According to Deuteronomy 20:14, what must you do the females of a city that God delivers to you?
  185. According to Deuteronomy 18, what should you do to false prophets?
  186. According to Deuteronomy 24, when can a man divorce his wife?
  187. According to Deuteronomy 20:19, what must you not destroy when you besiege a city?
  188. What are cross-dressers to God?
  189. What must you put on the corners of your garments?
  190. If you hear of a city where people serve other gods, what should you do, according to Dt 13:12-17?
  191. What should be done if a man has sex with a betrothed virgin in the city?
  192. What must you circumcise according to Deuteronomy 10:16?
  193. Instructions are given in Deuteronomy 23:13 for covering up feces when defecating. Why is that?
  194. If a married man dies without children, what must his brother do?
  195. With how many stripes may a wicked man be beaten?
  196. What does God say about his arrows and sword in Deuteronomy 32:42?
  197. An Ammonite or Moabite can't enter the congregation of the Lord for ten generations. Why is that?
  198. According to Deuteronomy 20:16, what must you keep alive in the cities that God gives you?
  199. What does Deuteronomy 25:19 say you must do about Amalek?
  200. If your brother, son, daughter, wife, or friend asks you to serve another god, what must you do, according to Dt 13:6-10?
  201. JOSHUA

  202. What was Achan's punishment for taking the accursed thing during the Jericho massacre?
  203. After killing everyone in Ai and burning the city, what did Joshua do to the king of Ai?
  204. What did Joshua say the Israelites should keep away from during the Jericho massacre?
  205. What did Caleb say he'd give to whoever could smite Kirjathsepher?
  206. What did God tell Joshua to do after the Israelites crossed the Jordan River in Joshua 4?
  207. What did Joshua write on stones on mount Ebal?
  208. In Joshua 10, what did Joshua tell his captains to do to the five captured kings?
  209. How did God help Joshua fight the Amorites at Gibeon?
  210. Why did God harden the hearts of Joshua's enemies in Joshua 11?
  211. In Joshua 5:2, God told Joshua to make some sharp knives and do what with them?
  212. What happened to the men who left Egypt during the Exodus?
  213. Who did Joshua say should not be killed in the city of Jericho?
  214. What did the Israelites say they'd do to those who refused to obey Joshua?
  215. What was the place called where Joshua circumcised the Israelites the second time?
  216. In Joshua 5, Joshua met a man with a sword near Jericho. Who was the man?
  217. What was the name of the harlot that Joshua's spies visited in Jericho?
  218. JUDGES

  219. Who killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad??
  220. Who is called "blessed among women" in Judges 5?
  221. In Judges 19, what did the Levite do to the body of his dead concubine
  222. What did the Israelites to do king Adonibezek when they captured him?
  223. How many men did Samson kill (for their clothes) when the spirit of the Lord came upon him?
  224. Who sacrificed his daughter to God as a burnt offering?
  225. In Judges, when the Israelites do evil in the sight of the Lord, how does God respond?
  226. What was the first test that Gideon gave to God?
  227. What judge had forty sons and thirty nephews who rode on seventy donkeys?
  228. In Judges 15, Samson caught 300 foxes. What did he do with them?
  229. What did Samson do when he saw a harlot in Judges 16?
  230. How many men did Samson kill with the jawbone of an ass?
  231. Why did Abimelech ask one of his men to kill him with his sword?
  232. What did Samson find in the carcass of a lion?
  233. In Judges 3, Ehud delivers a message from God to king Eglon. What was the message?
  234. What woman pounded a nail through a sleeping man's skull?
  235. What was the name of the angel who made Samson's barren mom pregnant?
  236. In Judges 12, 42,000 men were killed for failing to correctly prounounce what word?
  237. What was Samson's riddle?
  238. What was the second test that Gideon gave to God?
  239. How did God tell Gideon to select his soldiers?
  240. What did God send between Abemelech and the men of Shechem?
  241. Why did God tell Gideon to reduce the size of his army?
  242. How many sons did Gideon have?
  243. What did Gideon do when the spirit of the Lord came upon him?
  244. Who killed seventy of his brothers on one stone?
  245. What did Gideon do to the men of Succoth?
  246. How many did Samson kill in his suicide terrorist attack?
  247. How did Samson quench his thirst in Judges 15:19?
  248. Who had thirty sons that rode on thirty donkeys?
  249. In Judges 1, why couldn't God drive out the inhabitants of the valley?
  250. What did Gideon make that all of Israel went a whoring after?
  251. RUTH

  252. Who bought Ruth for a wife?
  253. Who named Ruth's son Obed?
  254. What did Ruth tell Boaz to do after he discovered her lying at his feet?
  255. What did Naomi tell Ruth to do to Boaz's feet?
  256. How did Boaz show that he had bought Ruth for a wife?
  257. How much barley did Boaz put in Ruth's veil?
  258. 1 SAMUEL

  259. Who hacked Agag into pieces before the Lord?
  260. What was the name of the Philistine god who fell on his face (twice) in front of the ark of God in Ashdod?
  261. What made Saul's evil spririt from God go away?
  262. Who was the best looking guy in Israel?
  263. How many people of Bethshemesh were killed by God for looking into the ark?
  264. In Samuel 18, what happened when the evil spirit from God came upon Saul?
  265. According to Hannah's prayer in 1 Samuel 2, what did God set the earth upon?
  266. How did God smite the people of Ekron?
  267. Who asked the witch of Endor to bring Samuel back to life?
  268. When the spirit of the Lord left Saul, and an evil spirit toubled him. Where did the evil spirit come from?
  269. How many Philistines did Jonathan kill in his very first slaughter?
  270. How did God smite the people of Gath?
  271. Who was born after the Lord remembered Hannah?
  272. Who literally stood head and shoulders above every other person in Israel?
  273. Who said that Jonathan must die for eating some honey?
  274. What did the Philistine priests say the people should make to stop God from smiting them with hemorrhoids?
  275. What did Samuel write on a stone at Mizpeh?
  276. Who killed Nabal?
  277. What did Saul do when the Spirit of God came upon him in Naioth?
  278. What did David pay for his first wife?
  279. Why did God repent of making Saul king?
  280. How did Jonathan seal his covenant with David?
  281. Which of Elkanah's two wives had a womb that was shut up by God?
  282. What sign did God promise to give to Eli?
  283. Who cut off the end of Saul's skirt while he was going to the bathroom?
  284. How did God smite the people of Ashdod?
  285. In 1 Samuel 11, what did Saul do when the Spirit of God came upon him?
  286. Who blew a trumpet while traveling throughout Israel saying, "Let the Hebrews hear"?
  287. Who thanked Abigail for preventing him from killing everyone who pisses against the wall?
  288. What did Eli think was wrong with Hannah when he saw her praying?
  289. 2 SAMUEL

  290. Who gave Saul's wives to David?
  291. Why did God kill Uzzah?
  292. Who arranged for Uriah's death in battle?
  293. Why did God send a three-year famine on David's kingdom?
  294. Who had sex with David's ten concubines in the sight of all of Israel?
  295. How did Ammon feel about his half-sister Tamar after he raped her?
  296. Which of David's sons killed his half-brother for raping his sister?
  297. How long did David and Bathsheba's first baby live after God made the child sick?
  298. Under which rib did Abner smite Asahel?
  299. Which of David's son's raped his half-sister?
  300. How did David punish his ten concubines for being publicly raped by his son?
  301. Who said these words to Jonathan, 'Very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women'?
  302. How many men did God kill to punish David for having a census?
  303. How did God punish Michal for criticizing David for dancing nearly naked in fron of God and everybody?
  304. Who killed two lion-like men of Moab, a lion in the snow, and a goodly Egyptian with a spear in his hand?
  305. What did David say about the lame and the blind?
  306. Why did God kill David and Bathsheba's first son?
  307. Under which rib did Baanah and Rechab smite Ishbosheth?
  308. Whose head did the woman of Sheba cast over the wall to Joab?
  309. How much did Absalom's hair weigh?
  310. Who said this to David: I will force your neighbor to have sex with your wives in the sight of everyone?
  311. In 2 Samuel 21, What stopped God's three-year famine?
  312. What was David's curse to Joab and his family?
  313. What did David command his young men to do to Rechab and Baanah?
  314. Who was completely righteous and clean in God's sight?
  315. According to 2 Samuel, who told David to have a census?
  316. Who chased the birds and beasts away from the dead bodies of her sons as they hung before the Lord?
  317. At the time of king David, who was the best looking guy in Israel?
  318. Who did king David leave behind when he left Jerusalem to avoid being killed by his son Absalom?
  319. What was the name of the woman that David had sex with after watching her bathe?
  320. Under which rib did Joab smite Amasa?
  321. How many men did Adino the Eznite kill with his spear at one time?
  322. Under which rib did Joab smite Aabner?
  323. How many men did Abishai kill with his spear?
  324. David enslaved one-third of the Moabites. What did he do with the remaing two-thirds?
  325. 1 KINGS

  326. Who said that dogs will lick Ahab's blood?
  327. In 1 Kings 22, who put a lying spirit in the mouth of prophets?
  328. Who married the Pharaoh's daughter and brought her to Jerusalem?
  329. What prophet tore Jeroboam's garment into twelve pieces?
  330. Who killed all of Baasha's family and friends according to the word of the Lord, leaving not one who pissed against a wall?
  331. How did God kill the disobedient prophet in 1 Kings 13?
  332. What caused the earthquake when Solomon was made king?
  333. Who did God feed with ravens?
  334. In 1 Kings 20, what happened to a man who refused to smite a prophet when the prophet asked him to do so?
  335. When Solomon brought the ark into the temple, how many animals did he sacrifice?
  336. Who asked Bathsheba to ask Solomon to give him Abishag for a wife?
  337. Who told Benaiah to kill Adonijah?
  338. Why did God kill King Ahab?
  339. How many animals did Solomon sacrifice at Gibeon?
  340. Who said he was going to kill Baasha's family (and posterity) and feed them to the dogs and birds?
  341. How long did Elijah survive on a couple angel food cakes?
  342. How many children did Solomon have?
  343. What did God say would happen to Ahab's family if they die in the city?
  344. How many did God kill in Elijah's prayer contest?
  345. Who killed everyone is Jeroboam's family according to the saying of the Lord??
  346. When did Solomon sacrifice 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep?
  347. Who told Benaiah to kill Shimei?
  348. Who killed Jeroboam's sick son?
  349. What king did what is right in the sight of the Lord by expelling sodomites from the land?
  350. How many songs did Solomon write?
  351. Who revived a widow's son by stretching himself out on him three times?
  352. According to 1 Kings 20, why did God kill 100,000 Syrians?
  353. According to 1 Kings 20, how many Syrians died when a wall fell on them?
  354. Who had 700 wives and 300 concubines?
  355. Who told Benaiah to kill Joab?
  356. What did God say would happen to Ahab's family if they die in the country?
  357. Who said dogs would eat Jezebel?
  358. When the ark was brought into the Temple, what made it so that the priests couldn't carry out their duties?
  359. Who did more evil than everyone who ever lived before him?
  360. Who said he'd kill everyone in Ahab's family who pissed against a wall?
  361. Who was advised to say that his little finger would be thicker than his father's loins?
  362. How much gold did Solomon receive each year?
  363. Whose hand did God "dry up" and then restore?
  364. What was the name of the young virgin who tried to get some heat for old King David?
  365. Who was wiser than Heman?
  366. Who removed his mother as queen for making an idol in a grove, and then destroyed his mom's idol by burning it?
  367. Who did God say he would cut off from Jeroboam?
  368. 2 KINGS

  369. Why did God kill Ahaziah?
  370. Who did God say these words to: Because thou hast done well in executing that which is right in mine eyes, and hast done unto the house of Ahab according to all that was in mine heart, thy children of the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel?
  371. What city did God say he'd do so much evil to that it would make people's ears tingle?
  372. Who made an iron axe head swim?
  373. How many times did the dead boy sneeze after being raised from the dead in 2 Kings 4?
  374. In 2 Kings 19, how many sleeping soldiers did the angel of God kill?
  375. What king broke Moses's brass serpent?
  376. How did God punish 42 little chidren for making fun of Elisha's bald head?
  377. Who killed Ahab's seventy sons?
  378. What did God say he'd do to all of Ahab's descendants?
  379. Which king of Israel ripped apart all of the pregnant women of several cities?
  380. What king called an assembly for Baal and then killed all of Baal's followers?
  381. Who was the best king of Judah?
  382. What happened when a dead man's bones touched Elisha's dead body?
  383. Who brought a dead boy back to life by putting his mouth on the dead boy's mouth, eyes on eyes, and hands on hands, and then stretching himself on the boy's body??
  384. How many did God burn to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill?
  385. What king killed priests and burned their bodies on an altar?
  386. Who went to heaven in a chariot of fire?
  387. How did Isaiah cure Hezekah's boil?
  388. What city did God say he'd wipe like a dish?
  389. Who did God say the dogs would eat and whose body would be like dung upon the ground?
  390. What king of Judah fathered a son when he was only eight years old?
  391. In 2 Kings 17, what did God do to the foreiners who didn't fear or know him well enough?
  392. What was Elisha's first miracle>
  393. Which king of Judah did God smite with leprosy?
  394. How many of Ahaziah's relatives did Jehu kill?

  396. According to 1 Chronicles, who inspired David to have a census?
  397. Why did God kill Er?
  398. What mighty man killed an Egyptian who was five cubits tall?
  399. Why did God say that David couldn't build God's house?
  400. Who among David's men had faces like lions and could run as fast as deer on the mountains?
  401. How many men did God kill in a pestilence because of David's census?
  402. What mighty man killed two lion-like men of Moab and a lion in pit on a snowy day?
  403. How many men did Jashobeam kill with his spear at one time?
  404. Why did God kill Uzza?
  405. How many men did Abishai kill with his spear at one time?

  407. How many Ethiopians did God help Asa kill?
  408. How did God punish Jehoram for making everyone in Judah commit fornication?
  409. Who had a house that was more than four times as big as God's?
  410. Who was advised to say that his little finger would be thicker than his father's loins?
  411. When Solomon finished building the temple, how many animals did he sacrifice?
  412. How many men did God help Abijah kill?
  413. For how many years was Solomon king of Israel?

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com