The First Book of Moses, called Genesis
1 The first creation account (1-2)
2 The first creation account (continued) (4-25)
The second creation account (4-25)
3 Two trees, a talking serpent, and a fearful god (1-24)
4 Cain kills his brother Abel (1-8)
The life of Cain (9-18)
Lamech, a bigamist and a murderer (19-24)
Adam and Eve have another boy: Seth (25-27)
From Seth to Noah (6-32)
God Plans the Flood (5-22)
The Great Flood (11-24)
Noah's Sacrifice (20-22)
9 God's Post Flood Instructions (1-7)
The Rainbow (8-19)
Noah, the Drunk and Naked (20-21)
The Curse of Canaan (22-29)
10 The Descendants of Japheth, Ham, and Japheth (1-32)
From Shem to Abraham (10-26)
Abraham, Sarah, and Lot travel to Haran (27-32)
12 Abraham travels to Canaan (1-9)
Sarah lies for Abraham (the first time) (10-16)
God sends plagues on the Pharaoh and his household (17-20)
13 Abraham, Sarah, and Lot return to Canaan (1-5)
Abraham and Lot split up (6-10)
Lot chooses Sodom for his new home (10-13)
God promises to give Abraham everything else (14-18)
14 The Battle of Sodom and Gomorrah (1-17)
Melchizedek gets one-tenth of the booty (18-24)
15 God's promise to Abraham (1-21)
16 Abraham impregnates Sarah's slave, Hagar (1-14)
Sarah forces Hagar to leave (5-6)
God sends an angel to retrieve Hagar (7-14)
Hagar gives birth to a son, Ishmael (15-16)
17 God's everlasting covenant: Circumcision! (1-14)
God promises to get Sarah pregnant. (15-16)
Abraham laughs at God. (17-22)
Abraham, Ishmael, and male slaves are circumcised. (23-27)
18 Abraham feeds God and two men. (1-8)
Sarah laughs at God. (9-15)
God wonders if he should tell Abraham about Sodom. (16-22)
Abraham tries to talk God out of it. (23-33)
19 Two angels come to Sodom (1-3)
The men of Sodom ask to get to know the angels (4-5)
Lot offers his two virgin daughters (6-9)
Lot and his family leave Sodom, and God destroys it (10-25)
Lot's wife looks back, and God turns her into salt (26-29)
Lot gets drunk and impregnates his daughters (30-38)
20 Abraham repeats the "She's my sister" lie (1-2)
God threatens to kill Abimelech and his people (3-11)
Abraham says it was only a half lie (12-16)
God opens all the wombs in Abimelech's kingdom (17-18)
21 God visits Sarah and she concieves. (1-7)
Sarah tells Abraham to abandon his first son, Ishmael (8-11)
God tells Abraham to do as Sarah says (12-13)
Abraham does as he's told (14-21)
Abraham swears to God. (22-34)
22 God tells Abraham to kill his son, Isaac (1-2)
Abraham prepares to kill his son for God (3-10)
An angel to the rescue! (11-15)
God blesses Abraham for his willingness to kill his son (16-18)
Rebekah is Abraham's great-niece (19-24)
Abraham buries Sarah in a cave (3-20)
24 Abraham makes his servant swear to God (that he won't let Isaac marry a Canaanite) (1-9)
The servant finds a wife for Isaac - Rebekah. (10-67)
25 Abraham takes another wife - Keturah (1-4)
Abraham dies, giving all his possessions to Isaac (5-11)
The generations of Ishmael (12-18)
The birth of Isaac's sons, Esau and Jacob (19-28)
Esau sells his inheritance for a bowl of lentil soup. (29-34)
26 God tells Isaac to visit the land of the Philistines (1-6)
Isaac uses his dad's famous "She's my sister" lie (7-11)
God blessed Isaac in the land of the Philistines (12-17)
Isaac digs some wells. (18-22)
Isaac went to Beersheba (23-33)
Esau married Judith and Bashemath. (34-35)
27 Jacob and Rebekah deceive Isaac (1-46)
28 Isaac's instruction to his son Jacob: Don't marry a Canaanite. (1-5)
Esau collects a third wife. (6-9)
Jacob dreams on a pillow of stones. (10-17)
29 Jacob and Rachel: The Great Baby-Making Contest (1-35)
30 The Great Baby-Making Contest continues (1-24 [1])
Jacob asks Laban to let him leave. (25-31)
Jacob's speckled and spotted cattle caper (32-48)
31 Jacob runs away from Laban (1-21)
Laban catches up to Jacob (22-43)
This heap is a witness (44-55))
32 Jacob meets God's host (1-2)
Jacob prepares to meet Esau (3-21)
Jacob has a wrestling match with God - and wins! (22-32)
34 Shechem and Dinah (1-31 [1])
35 Jacob travels to Bethel (1-15)
Rachel dies (16-21)
Reuben has sex with his father's concubine (22-27)
Isaac dies (28-29)
36 The generations of Esau (1-43)
37 Jacob loved Joseph more than his other children (1-4 [1])
Joseph's first dream (5-8)
Joseph's second dream (9-11)
Joseph's brothers get rid of Joseph (12-36)
38 Judah and the daughter of Shuah (1-5)
Er, Tamar, and Onan (6-12)
Judah and Tamar (13-30)
39 Potiphar buys Joseph. (1-6)
Potiphar's wife (7-18)
Joseph is imprisoned. (19-23)
40 The king's butler and baker (1-8)
The butler's dream (9-15)
The baker's dream (16-19)
Joseph's interpretations come true (20-23)
Joseph interprets the Pharaoh's dreams. (25-46)
Joseph's interpretations come true. (47-57)
42 Jacob's sons travel to Egypt (1-24)
Jacob's sons return to Canaan (25-38)
43 Jacob's sons return to Egypt (1-34)
44 Jacob's sons leave Egypt (1-3)
Joseph's divining cup (4-34)
45 Joseph identifies himself to his brothers (1-28)
46 Jacob and his family travel to the land of Goshen (1-7)
The names of Jacob's family (8-28)
Joseph meets Jacob and his family. (29-34)
47 Pharaoh invites Jacob and his family to live in Goshen (1-12)
Joseph collects all the money in Egypt (13-27)
Joseph swears to bury Jacob in Canaan. (28-31)
48 Jacob's (messed up) blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh (1-22)
49 Jacob's deathbed speech (1-32)
Jacob dies. (33)
Joseph's brothers apologize to Joseph (14-21)
Joseph dies (22-26)