Genesis : Contradictions
- Who created heaven and earth? 1:1
- When was heaven created? 1:1, 1:6
- When did God divide light from darkness? 1:4, 1:16
- When were the stars made? 1:16, 1:1
- Were humans created before or after the other animals? 1:25, 2:18
- How many gods are there? 1:26, 3:22, 11:7
- Is childbearing sinful? 1:28
- May Adam eat from any tree? 1:29, 2:17
- What kind of animals may we eat? 1:29, 9:3
- Does God work on the Sabbath? 2:2
- How long did creation take? 2:4
- Were plants created before or after humans? 2:4
- Should we bear each other's burdens? 2:4
- Is marriage a good thing? 2:18
- Did God originally create humans male and female? 2:18
- From what were the fowls created? 2:19, 1:20
- From what were the animals created? 2:19, 1:20
- When was Eve created? 2:20
- Is wisdom a good thing? 3:6
- Does God have a body? 3:8
- Does God know and see everything? 3:8, 4:14, 11:4, 18:1, 18:17, 18:20, 22:12, 32:27
- Is everyone descended from Adam and Eve? 3:20
- Does God desire animal sacrifices? 4:4, 8:20, 15:9
- Does God respect anyone? 4:4
- What became of Cain? 4:11, 4:16
- Is polygamy OK? 4:19, 16:1, 25:6, 26:34, 28:9, 31:17, 32:22, 11:2
- Was Enoch the sixth or the seventh from Adam? 5:3
- Must everyone die? 5:24
- Who was Noah's youngest son? 5:32, 6:10, 7:13, 9:18, 9:22, 10:1
- Is each person free to believe (or disbelieve) whatever he or disbelieve) whatever he or she wishes? 5:51
- Do angels have sex? 6:2, 19:1
- How many sons are there? 6:2
- Was God satisfied with his creation? 6:6
- God does repent? 6:6
- Has there ever been a just person? 6:9, 6:9
- Does God approve of slavery? 6:9, 7:1, 9:25, 24:35, 17:12, 16:8, 26:12
- Has there ever been a righteous person? 7:1
- To kill or not to kill 7:4
- When did Noah enter the ark? 7:11
- How many animals of each kind did Noah take into the ark? 7:15
- Did everyone (except for Noah and his family) die in the flood? 7:21
- How long did the flood last? 8:3
- How long was the ark afloat? 8:4
- When did the earth dry after the flood? 8:13
- Will God curse the earth? 8:21
- Is it OK to eat blood? 9:4
- Will God flood the earth again? 9:11
- Are we punished for the sins of others? 9:21, 20:18
- Who was Dedan's father? 10:7, 25:3
- Who was the father of Uz, Hul, and Gether? 10:23
- How many languages were there before the Tower of Babel was built? 11:1
- Who was the father of Salah? 11:12
- How old was Terah when he died? 11:26, 11:32, 12:4
- How old was Abraham when Ishmael was born? 11:26, 11:32, 16:16
- Did God call Abraham before or after he moved to Haran? 11:31
- Can God be seen? 12:7, 17:1, 18:1, 26:2, 26:24, 32:30, 35:9, 48:3
- When was the city of Dan named? 14:14
- Who owns the earth? 14:19, 14:22
- How long was the Egyptian Captivity? 15:13, 15:16
- 15:18
- How many sons did Abraham have? 16:15, 22:2, 22:12, 25:2, 16:15, 22:2, 22:12, 25:2
- Is circumcision required? 17:7, 17:10, 17:13, 17:19
- Is incest forbidden? 17:16, 20:12, 19:30
- Did Sarah have faith that she would conceive? 18:10
- Can God do anything? 18:14
- Was Lot a righteous man? 19:8
- Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah? 19:24
- How many generations from Abraham to Moses? 21:1, 25:21, 35:23
- How old was Ishmael when he was abandoned by Abraham? 21:14
- Is it OK to swear? 21:23, 24:2, 24:9, 31:53, 47:31
- Does God approve of human sacrifice? 22:2
- Has God ever tempted anyone? 22:2
- Was Keturah Abraham's wife or concubine? 25:1
- Who was Sheba's father? 25:3, 10:7, 10:26
- Where was Abraham buried? 25:3, 10:7
- What is the human life span? 25:17
- Will there be many Jews? 26:4
- Who named Beersheba? 26:33
- Who was Laban's father? 29:5, 28:5
- Is it okay to marry your wife's sister, while your wife is still alive? 29:24
- Is it always wrong to steal? 31:19
- Who did Jacob wrestle with? 32:24
- When did Jacob rename Luz to Bethel? 35:6
- Who was Bashemath's father? 36:2
- Who was Anah? 36:2, 36:14, 36:20, 36:24
- Who was Timnah? 36:10, 1:38, 36:22
- Who was Korah's father? 36:14
- Who was Dishon's father? 36:25, 36:20
- Who brought Joseph into Egypt? 39:1
- Where did Joseph's brothers find the missing money? 43:21
- How old was Benjamin when his clan migrated to Egypt? 44:22
- Was Mahli the son of Levi? 46:11
- How many descendants of Jacob and Leah went to Egypt with Jacob? 46:15
- Will God destroy those that intermarry? 46:20
- Were Naaman and Ard the sons or the grandsons of Benjamin? 46:21
- How many were in Jacob's family when they came into Egypt? 47:27
- What were the twelve tribes of Israel (Jacob)? 49:0, 49:1, 49:3
- Where was Jacob buried? 50:13