IN DACLast is 79 SABoM Doctrine & Covenants 79

To some to speak with tongues. And to another is given the interpretation of tongues. 46:24

Trivia: Who did Jesus command to pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon?

Jared Carter should go to the eastern countries
AbsurdityBoring Stuff 79:1-4

1 Verily I say unto you, that it is my will that my servant Jared Carter should go again into the eastern countries, from place to place, and from city to city, in the power of the ordination wherewith he has been ordained, proclaiming glad tidings of great joy, even the everlasting gospel.

Jared Carter should go again into the eastern countries, from place to place.

2 And I will send upon him the Comforter, which shall teach him the truth and the way whither he shall go;

The Comforter will tell him where to go.

3 And inasmuch as he is faithful, I will crown him again with sheaves.

If he's faithful, I'll crown him with sheaves.

4 Wherefore, let your heart be glad, my servant Jared Carter, and fear not, saith your Lord, even Jesus Christ. Amen.



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