0 EJAT - All the commandments

Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law. Matthew 5:18

All the Commandments in the Bible

    Biblical order, with first occurence


      1. Camels, conies, hares, and swine are unclean.  11:4 (746)
      2. All beasts that go on all four paws are unclean to you.  11:27 (747)
      3. These animals are also unclean: weasels, mice, tortoises, ferrets, chameleons, lizards, snails, and moles.  11:29 (748)
      4. Distinguish between clean and unclean animals.  20:25 (749)
      5. Don't make your soul abominable by beast or fowl.  20:25 (750)
      6. Animals that live in the water but don't have fins or scales are abominations.  11:10 (753)
      7. The carcasses of animals that live in the water but don't have fins or scales are abominations.  11:10 (701)
      8. The following birds are abominations: eagles, vultures, ospreys, kites, ravens, owls, nighthawks, hawks, cuckoos, cormorants, swans, pelicans, storks, herons, lapwings, and bats.  11:13 (754)
      9. All four-legged creeping fouls shall be an abomination to you.  11:20 (755)
      10. All flying creeping things are abominations, except for those that go on all four and have legs above their feet.  11:21 (756)
      11. Every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth is an abomination.  11:41 (757)
      12. Any animal that crawls on its belly, goes on all four, or has lots of feet is an abomination.  11:42 (758)
      13. When you are making your oblation of first fruits to God, don't burn them on the altar.  2:12 (764)
      14. Don't crossbreed your animals.  19:19 (765)
      15. Don't plant crops with mixed seed.  19:19 (766)
      16. Don't eat fruit from a tree for the first three years of its life.  19:23 (767)
      17. The fruit that a tree produces during its fourth year is holy and must be offered to God.  19:24 (768)
      18. Eat fruit that a tree produces during its fifth year.  19:25 (769)
      19. Don't eat any bread or grain until you offer God the harvest sacrifice.  23:14 (770)
      20. Don't worry about what you'll eat on the seventh year when you plant no crops.  25:20 (771)
      21. Determine the value of animals according to the following rules.  27:9 (772)
      22. Animals that are devoted to God cannot be sold or redeemed.  27:28 (773)
      23. Obey all of the commandments.  19:19 (3)
      24. If a man has sex with another man's wife, kill them both.  20:10 (552)
      25. If a man has sex with his father's wife, kill them both.  20:11 (553)
      26. If a man has sex with his daughter in law, kill them both.  20:12 (554)
      27. If a man has sex with another man, they have committed an abomination. Kill them both.  20:13 (555)
      28. Stone to death parents who sacrifice their children to Molech.  20:2 (564)
      29. Stone to death wizards. A man ... that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:27a  20:27 (565)
      30. Stone to death people with familiar spirits. A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit ... shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:27b  20:27 (566)
      31. Stone to death blasphemers.  24:16 (567)
      32. If a man "takes" a wife and her mother, burn all three.  20:14 (574)
      33. If the daughter of a priest plays the whore, burn her to death.  21:9 (575)
      34. If you eat the flesh of a peace offering whole you have your uncleanness upon you, you will be cut off.  7:20 (579)
      35. If you touch an unclean thing (like the uncleanness of man, or an unclean beast, or any abominable unclean thing) while eating the flesh of a peace offering, you will be cut off.  7:21 (580)
      36. Cut off anyone who eats blood.  7:27 (581)
      37. If you eat a peace offering on the third day after the animal is sacrificed, you will be cut off.  19:5 (582)
      38. If a man has sex with his sister or half-sister, they shall be cut off.  20:17 (583)
      39. If a man has sex with a menstruating woman, they shall be cut off.  20:18 (584)
      40. If you don't afflict your soul on the tenth day of the seventh month, you will be cut off.  23:27 (585)
      41. Kill any animal that has sex with a human.  20:15 (592)
      42. Don't marry your wife's sister while your wife is still alive.  18:18 (657)
      43. Don't take your brother's wife.  20:21 (658)
      44. Don't burn your children to death.  18:21 (686)
      45. Fear your mother and father.  19:3 (687)
      46. Don't force your daughter to become a whore.  19:29 (688)
      47. Put a dollar value on human life according to the following table.  27:3 (697)
      48. Humans who are devoted to God cannot be sold or redeemed.  27:28 (698)
      49. Humans who are devoted to God must be killed.  27:29 (699)
      50. When you kill an animal while hunting, pour its blood on the ground and cover it with dirt.  17:13 (1419)
      51. Rebuke your neighbors.  19:17 (1420)
      52. Don't profane God's name.  18:21 (26)
      53. Fear God.  19:14 (27)
      54. Hallow God's name.  22:32 (28)
      55. Don't turn to idols.  19:4 (124)
      56. Don't make idols.  26:1 (125)
      57. Don't rear up a standing image.  26:1 (126)
      58. Don't set up an image of a stone.  26:1 (127)
      59. Don't do after the doings of the Egyptians and Canaanites.  18:3 (156)
      60. Don't use enchantment.  19:26 (166)
      61. Don't observe times.  19:26 (167)
      62. Don't go a whoring after people with familiar spirits.  19:31 (168)
      63. Don't seek after wizards.  19:31 (169)
      64. Don't defraud.  19:13 (1253)
      65. Don't cheat.  19:35 (1254)
      66. Don't oppress one another.  25:14 (1260)
      67. Don't vex strangers.  19:33 (1267)
      68. Love the stranger as yourself.  19:34 (1268)
      69. The same laws apply to strangers as to those who live in your country.  24:22 (1269)
      70. Help the poor.  25:35 (1293)
      71. Don't curse deaf people.  19:14 (1304)
      72. Don't cause a blind person to stumble.  19:14 (1305)
      73. Judge others fairly.  19:15 (1307)
      74. Don't hate your brother.  19:17 (1308)
      75. Love your neighbor as yourself.  19:18 (1309)
      76. Stand in the presence of old people.  19:32 (1312)
      77. Honor the face of an old man.  19:32 (1313)
      78. Leave the corners of your field and some of your grapes in your vineyard unharvested for poor people and strangers to eat.  19:9 (1314)
      79. If you kill someone else's animal, replace it.  24:18 (1315)
      80. Don't endanger the life of your neighbor.  19:16 (1342)
      81. Don't gossip.  19:16 (1368)
      82. Don't seek revenge.  19:18 (1381)
      83. Grudge not.  19:18 (1382)


      1. If you lend money to poor people, don't charge them interest.  22:25 (388)
      2. If you loan money to your neighbor and take his clothes as collateral, return them before sundown.  22:26 (389)


      1. Pay your workers at the end of each working day.  19:13 (390)
      2. On each Jubilee year, return all purchased property to the original owners.  25:13 (391)
      3. Buy and sell property based on the number of years since the last jubilee, with the price proportional to the number of years until the next jubilee year.  25:14 (392)
      4. Don't sell real estate.  25:23 (393)
      5. If you buy land, you must allow the seller the right to buy it back.  25:24 (394)
      6. If one of your poor relatives is forced to sell land, then you must buy it, with the usual Jubilee year pricing.  25:25 (395)
      7. If you sell a house in a walled city, you have the right to buy it back within a year after the sale.  25:29 (396)
      8. If you sell a house in an village without a wall, you may buy it back whenever you like.  25:31 (397)
      9. The Levites' cities are their possessions, which they may redeem at any time.  25:32 (398)
      10. The fields in the suburbs of the Levites' cities may never be sold.  25:34 (399)
      11. Value holy houses according to the following rules.  27:14 (400)
      12. Value sanctified fields according to the following rules.  27:16 (401)
      13. If a field is sold or not redeemed during the Jubilee year, it becomes the priest's possession. But the field, when it goeth out in the jubile, shall be holy unto the LORD, as a field devoted; the possession thereof shall be the priest  27:21 (402)


      1. Don't take a widow's clothing for collateral in a loan.  24:17 (410)


      1. If you see or hear something, say something.  5:1 (441)
      2. A thief must return what was stolen plus 20%.  6:2 (442)
      3. Don't walk in the manners of the nations that God destroyed for you.  20:23 (473)
      4. Don't unknowingly swear to do something evil or good.  5:4 (483)
      5. Don't swear falsely in God's name.  19:12 (484)
      6. Leprosy must be diagnosed by a priest.  13:2 (888)
      7. A person who suffers from leprosy is unclean.  13:3 (889)
      8. The following procedure must be used to diagnose leprosy.  13:4 (890)
      9. People with leprosy must destroy their clothes, not wear hats, and cover up their upper lips while shouting, "Unclean, Unclean!"  13:45 (891)
      10. People with leprosy are defiled.  13:46 (892)
      11. They must live completely alone.  13:46 (893)
      12. The law of the plague of leprosy in a garment.  13:47 (894)
      13. Perform this ceremony after you are healed of leprosy.  14:1 (895)
      14. What to do when your house has leprosy.  14:33 (896)
      15. A priest must diagnose dry itch.  13:29 (898)
      16. A person with dry itch is unclean.  13:29 (899)
      17. The following procedure must be used to diagnose dry itch.  13:31 (900)
      18. A priest must diagnose freckles.  13:38 (901)
      19. A person with a freckle is clean.  13:38 (902)
      20. If a man has hair fall off of his head, he is bald but he is clean.  13:40 (903)
      21. If a man has hair fall off the part of his head that is toward his face, he is forehead bald but he is clean.  13:41 (904)
      22. If there is a white reddish sore on the bald man's head, the priest will declare him unclean. And if there be in the bald head, or bald forehead, a white reddish sore; it is a leprosy sprung up in his bald head, or his bald forehead. Then the p  13:42 (905)
      23. Don't eat any fat, not even in your own home.  3:16 (917)
      24. Distinguish between animals that you may and may not eat.  11:2 (918)
      25. Eat animals that part the hoof, are clovenfootted, and chew the cud.  11:3 (919)
      26. Don't eat camels, conies, hares, or swine.  11:4 (920)
      27. Eat animals that live in water and have fins and scales.  11:9 (921)
      28. Don't eat animals that live in the water but don't have fins or scales.  11:10 (922)
      29. The following birds may not be eaten: eagles, vultures, ospreys, kites, ravens, owls, nighthawks, hawks, cuckoos, cormorants, swans, pelicans, storks, herons, lapwings, and bats.  11:13 (923)
      30. Eat flying creeping things that walk on four with legs above their feet. Among these are locusts, beetles, and grasshoppers.  11:21 (924)
      31. Don't eat creeping things that creep on the earth.  11:41 (925)
      32. Don't eat any animal that crawls on its belly, goes on all four, or has lots of feet.  11:42 (926)
      33. Don't wear a garment made from different kinds of fibers.  19:19 (955)
      34. Don't round the corners of your head.  19:27 (961)
      35. Don't ruin the corners of your beard.  19:27 (962)
      36. Don't cut your skin for dead people.  19:28 (963)
      37. Don't have any tattoos on your body.  19:28 (964)
      38. Don't accidentally touch an unclean thing, like a dead beast, cow, or creeping thing.  5:2 (971)
      39. Don't accidentally touch the uncleanness of man.  5:3 (972)
      40. If you touch the carcase of an unclean animal you must wash your clothes and be unclean until the evening.  11:23 (973)
      41. Whatever a dead unclean animal touches is unclean.  11:32 (974)
      42. If an animal that may be eaten dies of natural causes and you eat it, wash your clothes. After your clothes are washed, you will be unclean until evening.  11:39 (975)
      43. Don't make yourself abominable, defiled, or unclean with creeping things. Ye shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creepeth, neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that ye should be defiled thereby  11:43 (976)
      44. Revere God's sanctuary.  19:30 (197)
      45. On every Sabbath day, bake twelve cakes and set them before the Lord.  24:5 (237)
      46. Afflict your soul on the tenth day of the seventh month.  16:29 (242)
      47. Don't do any work on the tenth day of the seventh month.  16:29 (243)
      48. On the first day of the seventh month have a trumpet-blowing sabbath, a holy convocation.  23:24 (244)
      49. Don't do any work on the first day of the seventh month.  23:24 (245)
      50. On the tenth day of the seventh month there shall be a day of atonement, a holy convocation.  23:27 (246)
      51. Dwell in booths for seven days in the feast of the seventh month.  23:42 (247)
      52. Count fifty days after the wave-offering Sabbath.  23:15 (248)
      53. Have a holy convocation fifty days after the wave-offering Sabbath.  23:15 (249)
      54. Don't do any work on the holy convocation day.  23:15 (250)
      55. The seven-day feast of tabernacles begins of the fifteenth day of the seventh month.  23:34 (251)
      56. Don't do any work on the first day of the feast of tabernacles.  23:34 (252)
      57. During the seven-day feast of tabernacles rejoice with tree and palm branches.  23:0 (253)
      58. Don't do any work on the eighth day of the feast of tabernacles.  23:0 (254)
      59. Every fifty years, blow a trumpet on the tenth day of the seventh month.  25:8 (255)
      60. Declare a jubilee year every fifty years.  25:10 (256)
      61. Return to your family on the jubilee year.  25:10 (257)
      62. During the jubilee year, don't sow, reap, or gather grapes.  25:11 (258)
      63. Priests must stay away from holy things when they are unclean.  22:1 (263)
      64. A priest who has leprosy may not eat holy things.  22:4 (264)
      65. A priest with a running isue may not eat holy things.  22:4 (265)
      66. A priest who has touched an unclean dead thing may not eat holy things.  22:1 (266)
      67. A priest whose seed has gone from him may not eat holy things.  22:4 (267)
      68. A priest who has touched a creeping thing may not eat holy things.  22:5 (268)
      69. No stranger shall eat of the holy thing.  22:10 (269)
      70. No one who is visiting a priest shall eat of the holy thing.  22:10 (270)
      71. No hired servant of a priest shall eat of the holy thing.  22:10 (271)
      72. If you eat the holy thing by mistake, you must pay the priest for it, plus a 20% fine.  22:14 (272)
      73. Don't profane the holy things that Jews offer and eat.  22:15 (273)
      74. Give God 10% of everything you have.  27:30 (281)
      75. You can buy your 10% tithe back by paying 20%.  27:31 (282)
      76. Give God 10% of your cattle, without regard to quality.  27:32 (283)
      77. The cattle tithe cannot be redeemed.  27:33 (284)
      78. Priests must eat sin offerings in the holy place.  6:25 (305)
      79. Priests must not drink alcohol when they go into the tablernacle.  10:8 (306)
      80. Priests should be careful when entering the holy place. If a priest comes at the wrong time, God will kill him.  16:1 (307)
      81. A priest shall not defile himself by touching a dead body.  21:1 (308)
      82. A priest may defile himself with dead close relatives.  21:2 (309)
      83. Or shave off the corners of their beards.  21:5 (311)
      84. Or make any cuttings on their flesh.  21:5 (312)
      85. A priest must be holy to God.  21:6 (313)
      86. A priest must not profane God's name.  21:6 (314)
      87. A priest shall not marry a whore.  21:7 (315)
      88. Or a profane woman.  21:7 (316)
      89. Or a divorced woman.  21:7 (317)
      90. Sanctify priests.  21:8 (318)
      91. A high priest must not uncover his head. And he that is the high priest among his brethren, upon whose head the anointing oil was poured, and that is consecrated to put on the garments, shall not uncover his head. Leviticus 21:10a  21:10 (319)
      92. Or tear his clothes. And he that is the high priest among his brethren, upon whose head the anointing oil was poured, and that is consecrated to put on the garments, shall not ... rend his clothes. Leviticus 21:10b  21:10 (320)
      93. He must marry a virgin from his own people.  21:13 (321)
      94. He must not get near any dead bodies, even those of his father or mother.  21:11 (322)
      95. He shall not go out of the sanctuary.  21:12 (323)
      96. Or profane the sanctuary.  21:12 (324)
      97. A high priest may not marry a widow.  21:14 (325)
      98. Or a divorced woman.  21:14 (326)
      99. Or a profane woman.  21:14 (327)
      100. Or a harlot.  21:14 (328)
      101. He must not profane his seed among the people.  21:15 (329)
      102. A priest must not approach the altar if he has any blemish.  21:17 (330)
      103. If a priest's daughter marries a stranger, she may not eat holy things.  22:12 (331)
      104. If a priest's daughter returns to her father's house after she is divorced or widowed, she can eat of her father's meat, as long as she didn't have any children while she was married. But if the priest's daughter be a widow, or divorced,  22:13 (332)
      105. An animal that is devoted to God must be killed.  27:28 (786)
      106. Priests must wear special linen garments and breeches on their flesh while making animal sacrifices.  6:10 (787)
      107. They must dump the ashes outside the camp in a clean place.  6:91 (788)
      108. The fire on the altar must never go out.  6:12 (789)
      109. If the sacrifice is a vow or voluntary, you can eat some of the animal on the day it is killed and some the next day. Burn whatever is left on the third day.  7:16 (790)
      110. Kill your animal sacrifices at the door of the tabernacle.  17:0 (791)
      111. Don't sacrifice animals to devils.  17:7 (792)
      112. Don't offer God any blemished animals.  22:18 (793)
      113. When making a vow, don't offer God any animals with extra or missing body parts.  22:23 (794)
      114. But animals with extra or missing body parts may be used in freewill offerings.  22:23 (795)
      115. Don't get your sacrificial animals from strangers.  22:25 (796)
      116. Wait until a bullock, sheep, or goat is eight days old before killing and burning its dead body for God.  22:27 (797)
      117. Don't kill a newborn animal and its mother on the same day.  22:28 (798)
      118. When making your sacrifices, don't change or exchange holy animals for defective ones.  26:9 (799)
      119. Don't sanctify the firstlings of your beasts, since they are the Lord's.  26:9 (800)
      120. Fifty days after the harvest sacrifice, kill seven unblemished year-old lambs, one young bullock, two rams, one young goat, and two more year-old lambs.  23:15 (811)
      121. Include two loaves of bread when you're sacrificing the seven lambs.  23:17 (812)
      122. On each of the seven days of Passover, kill and burn two young bulls, one ram, and seven first-year lambs.  23:8 (833)
      123. Perform each year's Yom Kippur sacrifices.  16:3 (834)
      124. Sacrifice an unblemished young bull as a burnt offering.  1:2 (835)
      125. Sacrifice an unblemished male sheep (or goat) as a burnt offering.  1:10 (836)
      126. Sacrifice a dove or pigeon as a burnt offering.  1:14 (837)
      127. Burnt offerings must burn all night on the altar.  6:9 (838)
      128. Make a meat offering to the Lord.  2:1 (839)
      129. Don't use yeast or honey in your meat offerings.  2:11 (840)
      130. Season your meat offerings with salt.  2:13 (841)
      131. Make meat offerings of your first fruits.  2:14 (842)
      132. Meat offerings must be completely burnt.  6:23 (843)
      133. They must not be eaten.  6:23 (844)
      134. Make peace offerings with cattle.  3:1 (845)
      135. Make peace offerings with lambs.  3:6 (846)
      136. Make peace offerings with goats.  3:12 (847)
      137. When making your peace offerings remember this: All the fat is the Lord's!  3:16 (848)
      138. The law of the peace offering.  7:11 (849)
      139. A peace offering must be eaten the same day that the animal is killed. No leftovers are allowed.  7:15 (850)
      140. Don't eat a peace offering on the third day after the animal is sacrificed.  7:18 (851)
      141. If any of the flesh of your peace offering touches any unclean thing, don't eat it.  7:18 (852)
      142. Eat the clean flesh from your peace offering.  7:19 (854)
      143. Anyone or anything that touches the flesh of the sin offering is holy.  6:25 (855)
      144. If the blood of a sin offering is sprinkled on a garment, it must be washed in the holy place.  6:25 (856)
      145. If a sin offering is boiled in an earthen vessel, the vessel must be broken.  6:25 (857)
      146. If it's boiled in a brass pot, the pot must be scoured and rinsed with water.  6:25 (858)
      147. Don't eat a sin offering if its blood has entered the tabernacle.  6:25 (859)
      148. If you commit any of these four sins, then you must confess that you have sinned and kill a female lamb or young goat as a trespass offering.  5:5 (860)
      149. If you can't afford a lamb, kill two doves or pigeons instead; one as a sin offering and one as a burnt offering.  5:7 (864)
      150. If you can't afford birds, burn one tenth of an ephah of your best flour.  5:11 (865)
      151. If you sin against your neighbor by lying, stealing, or violence, kill an unblemished ram as a trespass offering.  6:2 (866)
      152. The law of the most holy trespass offering.  7:1 (867)
      153. The law of the most holy trespass offering.  0:0 (870)


      1. Make a heave offering.  7:29 (872)
      2. Make a wave offering.  7:29 (874)
      3. Offer the first fruits of your harvest to God as a wave offering, with an unblemished one-year-old lamb as a burnt offering. Include a meat offering and a liter of wine.  23:10 (875)
      4. If a priest sins through ignorance, he must kill an unblemished bullock (or an unblemished ram).  4:3 (876)
      5. If the congregation sins through ignorance, kill a bullock (blemished or unblemished).  4:13 (877)
      6. If a ruler sins through ignorance, kill a young unblemished male goat.  4:22 (878)
      7. If an ordinary person sins through ignorance, kill a young unblemished female sheep or goat.  4:27 (879)
      8. If you unknowingly defile some holy things, kill an unblemished ram or pay the priests whatever such a ram is worth. In addition you must pay the priests a 20% fine.  5:15 (880)
      9. If you sin without knowing it, you are still guilty. Kill an unblemished ram for a trespass offering.  5:17 (881)
      10. After childbirth, the mother must kill a lamb for a burnt offering and a dove or pigeon for a sin offering.  12:6 (882)
      11. Sacrifices required after abnormal vaginal bleeding  15:25 (883)
      12. On the eighth day after a man is cleansed of a running issue out of his flesh, he must bring two doves or two pigeons to a priest who will kill one for a sin offering and one for a burnt offering.  15:13 (884)
      13. Perform these sacrifices after being cleansed of leprosy.  14:2 (885)
      14. Whenever a "man's seed of copulation go out from him," he must wash in water and be unclean until evening.  15:16 (605)
      15. Any clothing or skin that has come into contact with semen must be washed in water. They are unclean until the evening.  15:17 (606)
      16. If a woman is with a man when his seed of copulation goes out from him, she must take a bath and be unclean until the evening.  15:18 (607)
      17. A man with a running issue out of his flesh is unclean, whether it drips or not.  15:1 (609)
      18. Whatever he touches is also unclean.  15:4 (610)
      19. If you touch his bed, you must wash your clothes, take a bath, and be unclean until the evening.  15:5 (611)
      20. If you sit on anything upon which he sat, you must wash your clothes, take a bath, and be unclean until the evening.  15:6 (612)
      21. If you touch his flesh, you must wash your clothes, take a bath, and be unclean until the evening.  15:7 (613)
      22. If he spits on you, then you must wash your clothes, take a bath, and be unclean until the evening.  15:8 (614)
      23. If he touches you and he hasn't washed his hands, then you must wash your clothes, take a bath, and be unclean until the evening.  15:11 (615)
      24. If he touches a clay pot, it must be broken. If he touches a wood pot, it must be washed.  15:12 (616)
      25. When the man with the running issue out of his flesh is cleansed of his issue, he must wait seven days and then wash his clothes and take a bath.  15:13 (617)
      26. Don't uncover the nakedness of any of your near relatives.  18:6 (618)
      27. Don't uncover the nakedness of your father.  18:7 (619)
      28. Don't uncover the nakedness of your mother.  18:7 (620)
      29. Don't uncover the nakedness of your father's wife.  18:8 (621)
      30. Don't uncover the nakedness of your sister, the daughter of your father.  18:9 (622)
      31. Don't uncover the nakedness of your sister, the daughter of your mother.  18:9 (623)
      32. Don't uncover the nakedness of your granddaughter, the daughter of your son.  18:10 (624)
      33. Don't uncover the nakedness of your granddaughter, the daughter of your daughter.  18:10 (625)
      34. Don't uncover the nakedness of your father's wife's daughter.  18:11 (626)
      35. Don't uncover the nakendess of your father's sister.  18:12 (627)
      36. Don't uncover the nakedness of your mother's sister.  18:13 (628)
      37. Don't uncover the nakedness of your father's brother.  18:14 (629)
      38. Don't uncover the nakedness of your father's brother's wife.  18:14 (630)
      39. Don't uncover the nakedness of your son's wife.  18:15 (631)
      40. Don't uncover the nakedness of your brother's wife.  18:16 (632)
      41. Don't uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter.  18:17 (633)
      42. Don't uncover the nakedness of a woman and her granddaughter (her son's daughter).  18:17 (634)
      43. Don't uncover the nakedness of a woman and her granddaughter (her daughter's daughter).  18:17 (635)
      44. Don't have sex with your neighbor's wife.  18:20 (636)
      45. Don't have sex with animals.  18:23 (637)
      46. If a man has sex with another man's concubine, scourge the concubine and kill a goat for the man's trespass offering.  19:20 (638)
      47. Don't have sex with your uncle's wife.  20:20 (639)
      48. If you are a man, don't have sex with another man. It is abomination.  18:22 (646)
      49. If a priest buys a slave, the slave and his family may eat the priest's meat.  22:11 (505)
      50. If someone in your country becomes poor and is sold to you as a slave, treat that person as a servant, not as a slave. Dont sell him, and set him free on the next jubilee year.  25:39 (506)
      51. When you buy slaves, buy a heathen from a nearby country.  25:44 (507)
      52. You may also buy slaves that are strangers, or their children that are born in your land.  25:45 (508)
      53. Your slaves are your property and your children will inherit them after you die. They will be your family's slaves forever.  25:46 (509)
      54. If a foreigner buys someone who lives in this country, the slave may be bought back by the slave's family, with the usual jubilee year pricing.  25:47 (510)
      55. A menstruating woman must be isolated for seven days.  15:19 (708)
      56. Whoever touches her is unclean until the evening.  15:19 (709)
      57. Everything that she touches is unclean, including whatever she sits upon.  15:20 (710)
      58. If you touch her bed, you must wash your clothes, take a bath, and be unclean until the evening.  15:21 (711)
      59. If you touch anything that she has sat on, you must take a bath and be unclean until the evening.  15:22 (712)
      60. If a man has sex with a menstruating woman, he is unclean for seven days.  15:24 (713)
      61. If a woman has vaginal bleeding outside of her regular menstrual period, she is unclean.  15:25 (714)
      62. Every bed, chair, or other object that she touches in such a condition is also unclean.  15:26 (715)
      63. If you touch anything that she has touched, you must wash your clothes, take a bath, and be unclean until the evening.  15:27 (716)
      64. Don't approach a menstruating woman to uncover her nakedness.  18:19 (717)
      65. A woman is unclean for seven days after delivering a male child.  12:2 (719)
      66. After this unclean period is over, she must be purified for another 33 days.  12:4 (720)
      67. While a woman is being purified after childbirth, she may not come into the sanctuary or touch any holy thing.  12:4 (721)
      68. A woman is unclean for two weeks after delivering a female child.  12:5 (722)
      69. After this unlcean period is over, she must be purified for another 66 days.  12:5 (723)

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    The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

    Send comments to Steve Wells
    at swwells(at)gmail.com