Jeremiah : Contradictions (39)

  1. Is God merciful?   3:12, 33:11, 13:13, 16:5
  2. How long does God's anger last?   3:12, 17:4
  3. Is it OK to swear?   4:2, 12:16, 44:26
  4. Does God lie?   4:10, 20:7
  5. Should we fear God?   5:22
  6. Does God desire animal sacrifices?   6:20, 7:21
  7. How should strangers be treated?   7:6, 22:3
  8. Should you pray for everyone?   7:16, 11:14, 14:11
  9. Does God ever get furious?   7:20, 21:5, 30:23
  10. Did God command the Israelites to make him burnt offerings?   7:22
  11. Should we look for signs from heaven?   10:2
  12. How many gods are there?   10:11, 46:25, 25:6, 1:16
  13. Do humans have free will?   10:23
  14. Do evildoers prosper?   12:1
  15. Will those who call on the Lord be delivered?   14:12
  16. Are we punished for the sins of others?   15:4, 16:10, 29:32, 31:29, 32:18
  17. Does God ever tire?   15:6
  18. God does repent?   18:8, 26:3, 26:13, 26:19, 42:10, 18:8, 15:6
  19. Is God the creator of evil?   18:11
  20. Did Jehoiakim die in Babylon or near Jerusalem?   22:18
  21. Did Jeconiah have any sons?   22:28
  22. What was Jesus H. Christ's real name?   23:6
  23. Will the Messiah be a descendant of David?   23:6
  24. Do the wicked live long?   23:19
  25. Does God know and see everything?   23:24, 16:17
  26. How long was the Babylonian Captivity?   25:11, 29:10
  27. Is dancing a sin?   31:4, 31:13
  28. How many sons are there?   31:9
  29. Does God forgive sins?   31:34
  30. What is God's name?   31:35, 48:15, 50:34
  31. Can God do anything?   32:17, 32:27
  32. Did Zedekiah's eyes see the king of Babylon?   34:2
  33. Who succeeded Jehoiakim as king?   36:30
  34. Who wrote the Pentateuch?   48:2
  35. Who wrote the Pentateuch?   49:2
  36. On what day did the temple burn?   52:12
  37. How high was the chapiter?   52:22
  38. How many men were in the king's presence?   52:25
  39. On what day of the month was Jehoiachin released from prison?   52:31

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