Acts : Contradictions (55)

  1. Did Luke include everything that Jesus did?   1:1
  2. Where did Jesus tell his disciples to go after his resurrection?   1:4
  3. What were the names of the apostles?   1:13, 1:13
  4. How many believers were there at the time of the ascension?   1:15
  5. Who bought the potter's field?   1:18
  6. What did Judas do with the silver?   1:18
  7. How did Judas die?   1:18
  8. Does God know and see everything?   1:24
  9. When was the Holy Ghost given?   2:1
  10. Will those who call on the Lord be delivered?   2:21
  11. Did Jesus perform many signs and wonders?   2:22
  12. Who raised Jesus from the dead?   2:24, 2:32, 4:10, 13:30
  13. Was Joseph the father of Jesus?   2:30, 13:23
  14. Was Jesus the son of David?   2:30, 13:23
  15. Where did Jesus go when he died?   2:31
  16. Should we obey human or divine law?   5:29
  17. How old was Terah when he died?   7:2
  18. Did God call Abraham before or after he moved to Haran?   7:2
  19. Can God be seen?   7:2
  20. How old was Abraham when Ishmael was born?   7:4
  21. How old was Abraham when he left Haran?   7:4
  22. How long was the Egyptian Captivity?   7:6
  23. How many were in Jacob's family when they came into Egypt?   7:14
  24. Where was Jacob buried?   7:15
  25. Who bought the sepulchre in Sechem from the sons of Hamor?   7:16
  26. Was Moses a good speaker?   7:22
  27. Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush?   7:35
  28. Does God dwell in temples?   7:48
  29. May a eunuch enter into the congregation of the Lord?   8:36
  30. Did Paul go to Jerusalem from Damascus immediately after his conversion?   9:26
  31. What kind of animals may we eat?   10:9
  32. Does God respect anyone?   10:34
  33. Did Jesus come to bring peace?   10:36
  34. Is there an unforgivable sin?   10:43, 13:39
  35. Are we all God's children?   13:8, 17:29
  36. When did Solomon's reign begin?   13:17
  37. Who buried Jesus?   13:27
  38. When did Jesus ascend into heaven?   13:31
  39. Do humans have free will?   13:48
  40. Can God be tempted?   15:10
  41. Is it OK to eat blood?   15:20
  42. Is circumcision required?   15:28
  43. Is circumcision required?   16:3
  44. Is Salvation by faith alone?   16:30
  45. If a husband believes, is his wife saved also?   16:31
  46. Who is the Lord of this world?   17:24
  47. Can women be church leaders?   18:26
  48. In whose name is baptism to be performed?   19:5
  49. Is Jesus God?   20:28, 17:31
  50. Did the men with Paul hear the voice?   22:9
  51. Has there ever been a just person?   24:22, 10:15, 24:22, 1:15
  52. Were the men with Paul knocked to the ground?   26:14
  53. Was Jesus the first to rise from the dead?   26:23
  54. Is death final?   26:23
  55. Should the gospel be preached to everyone?   28:28

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

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