1 1-2 Blessed are those who don't listen to the ungodly, stay away from sinners and scoffers, and meditate on God's law, day and night.
4 The ungodly are like chaff that the wind blows away.
6 God knows the way of the righteous, but ungodly people will die.
2 1 Why do heathens rage and people imagine things?
2 The kings of the earth conspire against the Lord and the Lord's anointed one, saying,
3 Let's break free from their control.
4 God laughs at them.
5 He'll speak to them in his wrath and vex them.
6 I set my king on the holy hill of Zion.
7 God said to me, "You are my son. Today I've become your father."
8 If you ask me, I'll give you all the heathens and the earth.
9 You'll break them with an iron rod and smash them to pieces.
12 Kiss the son or he might get angry and kill you.
3 1 Oh God, lots of people are out to get me.
7 Get up, God, and save me.
You've hit all my enemies on the cheek bone and broken the teeth of the ungodly.
4 8 I'm going to sleep now.
5 1 Listen to me, God.
8 My enemies are wicked.
10 Destroy them, Oh God.
6 1 Oh God, don't be angry with me.
2 Have mercy on me because my bones and soul are vexed.
5 Because dead people don't remember or thank you.
6 I'm tired of groaning. My bed is swimming in my tears.
8 Get away from me, you evil people! Because God has heard my crying.
10 Let all my enemies be ashamed and vexed.
7 1 Oh God, save me from those who persecute me.
6 Stand up, God, and attack my enemies.
9 God will test our hearts and kidneys.
11 God is angry with the wicked every day.
12 He’ll sharpen his sword and string his bow,
13 and prepare his instruments of death.
8 1 God, you've got a great name! It's the best name on earth.
2 You've made babies strong.
3 When I think about the stars that you made with your fingers, I say to myself,
4 What are humans, that you should think about them? Or the son of man, that you should visit him?
5 You've made us a little lower than the angels and crowned us with glory and honor.
6 And put us in charge of everything that you made.
7 Sheep, oxen, beasts, birds, fish, and other sea creatures.
9 Like I said, God, you have an excellent name!
9 1-2 Oh God, I will praise you, and sing praise to your name.
3 My enemies are killed by your presence.
5 You've destroyed the wicked.
6 You've destroyed cities.
15 The heathen are in the pit that they dug for themselves.
16 The wicked are snared by the work of their own hands. Higgaion. Selah.
17 The wicked will go to hell, along with nations that forget God.
19 Stand up, God. Don't let people prevail. Judge the heathen.
10 1 Oh God, why do you hide in times of trouble?
12 Stand up, God. Lift your hand. Don't forget the humble.
14 Break the arms of wicked people.
11 4 God is in his holy temple; his throne is in heaven. His eyes (with their eyelids) are looking at us.
5 God tests righteous people, but he hates wicked people.
6 He'll send fire and brimstone on them.
12 2 Everyone speaks with flattering lips.
3 God will cut off all flattering lips and tongues that speak proudly.
13 1 How long will you forget me, God? Forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
14 1 The fool says there is no God.
They are corrupt, they do abominable things, none of them does anything good.
2 God looks down from heaven and sees that everyone is filthy.
3 There isn't one good person.
15 1 Who will live on your holy hill?
16 8 God is at my right hand. I won't move.
11 In your right hand are pleasures forever.
17 1 Oh God, listen to me.
6 Hear me with your ears when I'm talking to you.
9-10 My enemies are enclosed in their own fat.
15 I'll see your face when I wake up, and that will satisfy me.
David sang this song to God on the day that God delivered him out of the hand of his enemies:
18 6 I called God and he heard me with his ears.
7 He was angry, so the earth shook, and the hills moved.
8 Smoke came out of his nose, and fire out of his mouth.
9 He came down from heaven with darkness under his feet.
10 He rode on a flying cherub.
12 He thundered, shouted, shot arrows and lightning.
15 He discovered the foundations of the world with a blast from his nostrils.
34 He teaches my hands to war.
40 You've given me the necks of my enemies, so I can destroy those who hate me.
41 They cried, but there was no one to save them. God ignored them when they asked for help.
42 I beat them into dust and cast them out as dirt in the streets.
43 You've made me the head of the heathen.
19 1 The firmament shows God's handywork.
4 God set up a tabernacle for the sun.
6 Every morning the sun comes out of its bedroom like a bridegroom and moves from one end of heaven to the other.
7 God's law is perfect.
9 The fear of God is clean. It lasts forever.
20 1 May the name of the God of Jacob defend you.
7 We'll remember God's name.
21 1 The king will enjoy your strength, God.
8 Your hand will discover his enemies.
9 You’ll swallow them in your wrath and burn them to death.
10 You’ll kill their children.
12 You’ll shoot them in the back with your arrows when they least expect it.
22 1 God, why won't you help me?
I cry out to you, but you don't hear me.
6 I'm just a worm. Nobody likes me.
7 They laugh at me and shake their head, saying,
14 My bones are all out of joint. My heart is like wax, melted in my bowels.
15 My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth.
16 Dogs are all around me. They've pierced my hands and feet.
17 I can count all my bones. Everyone's staring at me.
18 They're casting lots for my clothes.
20 Save me from the sword, the dog, and lion's mouth.
21 As you saved me from the unicorn.
23 1 The LORD is my shepherd. I don’t need anything.
24 3 Who can climb God's hill? Or stand in his holy place?
25 1 Don't let me be ashamed, God. Or let my enemies triumph over me.
14 God's secret is with those who fear him.
26 1Judge me, Oh God. I won't slide.
2 Examine me, Oh God. Test my kidneys and heart.
4 I haven't sat with vain people.
5 I've hated evil doers, and I won't sit with the wicked.
6 I will wash my innocent hands.
8 And I love your house.
9 Keep me away from bloody men.
12 My foot stands in an even place.
27 2 When wicked people tried to eat my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
4 I only want to live in God's house.
5 God will hide me in his tabernacle. He'll set me on a rock.
8 You said to me, "Seek my face." So I'm seeking your face.
9 So don't hide your face from me.
12 When my mom and dad abandon me, God will take me up.
28 1 Oh God, don't be silent when I cry to you, or I might be like those who go down into the pit.
4 Give to the wicked the punishment they deserve.
5 God will destroy them.
6 Blessed be God because he listens to me.
29 3 God is on many waters.
4 He has a powerful voice. It breaks cedars.
6 It makes cedars skip like a young unicorn
7 It produces flames of fire, shakes the wilderness, and makes deer give birth.
10 God sits on a flood.
30 3 Oh God, you've brought my soul up from the grave.
11 You’ve turned my mourning into dancing.
31 6 I have hated those who worship idols, but I trust you.
17 Let the wicked be ashamed, Oh God. Let them be silent in the grave
32 3 When I was silent, my bones waxed old.
4 And God's hand was heavy upon me.
6 If a godly person prays, floods won't come upon him.
7 You are my hiding place. Selah.
8 I'll tell you where to go and guide you with my eye.
33 1 Rejoice, all you righteous people, because praise looks good on you.
3 Play skillfully with a loud noise
6 God made the stars with the breath of his mouth.
7 To make the sea, he gathered water into a heap.
13 God looks down from heaven and sees everyone on earth.
19 Those who fear God will never die (at least not by famine).
34 9 Those who fear God will have everything they need.
13 Don't say false and evil things.
14 Avoid evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
19 Righteous people have many problems, but God solves them all.
21 Bad things happen to bad people.
35 1 Oh God, fight against those that fight against me.
2 Get out your shield and your spear and fight for me.
6 Let their way be dark and slippery. And let your angel chase after them.
8 Let destruction fall upon them when they are least expecting it.
10 All my bones say, "Lord, who is like you?"
16 My mockers gnash me with their teeth.
19 They wink at me with their eye that hates me.
21 They open their mouths wide and say, "Aha, Aha!"
25 Don't let them say, "We have swallowed him up."
26 Let them be clothed in dishonor.
28 And my tongue will say nice things about you all day long.
36 1 Wicked people flatter themselves.
4 They devise mischief in their beds.
7 Those who put their trust in the shadow of God's wings
8 will be satisfied with the fatness of his house, and will drink from the river of his pleasures.
37 1 Don't envy or be afraid of evildoers.
2 Because they'll soon be killed.
3 Trust in God and do good,
4 and he'll give you everything you want.
9-10 Evildoers and wicked people will be destroyed.
11 But the meek will inherit the earth.
12 Wicked people plot against the just.
13 But God laughs at them because he knows they'll die soon.
16 The little that a righteous man owns is better than the riches of the wicked.
17 Because the arms of the wicked will be broken.
25 Righteous people don't beg for food.
27 Do good. Avoid evil.
29 Righteous people will inherit the land forever
38 2 Oh God, your arrows are stuck in my flesh.
3 My body is diseased because of your anger.
5 My wounds stink and are corrupt.
7 My loins are filled with a loathsome disease.
39 1 I try to watch what I say.
2 I was dumb with silence.
3 When my heart was hot, I spoke with my tongue.
5 Humans, even at their best, are worthless.
12 So listen to me, God.
13 Before I am no more.
40 1 I waited patiently for God.
2 He brought me out of a horrible pit and set my feet on a rock.
14-15 Let them be ashamed to say to me, "Aha aha!"
41 1 Blessed are those that help the poor.
2 God will keep them alive.
7 Everyone who hates me whispers against me.
8 They say I have an evil disease.
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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible
Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com