42 3 I've been eating tears day and night, why do people say to me, Where is your God?
10 Like a sword in my bones, my enemies say to me, Where is your God?
43 1 Judge me, Oh God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation.
44 2 Oh God, you drove out the heathen.
5 With your help, we pushed down our enemies.
8 We brag about you all the time.
12 But now, you've sold us for nothing.
14 The heathen now laugh at us and shake their heads.
19 You've broken us in the place of dragons.
21 But you should know these things since you know the secrets of the heart.
23 So wake up, God. Why are you sleeping?
24 Why do you hide your face?
25 Our soul is in the dust. Our belly is on the ground.
45 1 My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
2 God has blessed you forever. (Because you're the best-looking person on earth.)
8 You have nice-smelling clothes.
17 I'll make sure people remember your name forever.
46 1 God always helps those who are in trouble.
2 So don't worry if the earth is removed, the mountains shake or are carried into the sea.
4 There's a river that makes the city of God happy.
6 When the heathen raged and kingdoms moved, God uttered his voice and melted the earth.
8 Come see the desolation God has caused on the earth.
9 He stops wars, breaks bows, cuts spears, and burns chariots.
10 Be quiet and know that I'm God. I'll be exalted among the heathen.
47 1 Clap your hands and shout to God.
2 Because God is terrible. He is king over all the earth.
5 God has gone up with a shout and the sound of a trumpet.
8 God reigns over the heathens. He sits on the throne of his holiness.
48 When the kings saw the city of God,
6 they were in pain like a woman in labor.
49 4 I will open my dark saying upon the harp.
12 The death of humans is like that of the beasts.
14 They are buried in the ground like sheep. Death will feed on them.
17 When the rich die, they take nothing with them. Their glory doesn't go with them.
19 The dead join their ancestors. They never again see light.
20 Humans are like the beasts that perish.
50 1 God has shined out of Zion, with a fire burning before him.
7 Hear me and I will speak. I am God, even God.
10 All the beasts and cattle are mine.
11 I know all the birds of the mountains.
12 The world is mine.
13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats?
22 If you forget about me, I'll tear you to pieces.
51 5 My mother conceived me in sin.
16 You don't like animal sacrifices or burnt offerings.
52 1 Why do you boast in mischief, Oh mighty man?
3 You love evil more than good. And lie, rather than speak the truth.
5 God will pluck you out of your house and kill you.
6 When righteous people see God kill you, they'll laugh at you, and say, This guy didn't trust God enough.
8 But I'm like a young olive tree in God's house. I trust in God's mercy.
53 1 The fool says there is no God. They are all corrupt and do abominable things. None of them does anything good.
3 They are all filthy.
5 God has scattered their bones because he hates them.
54 1 Save me, Oh God, with your name.
2 Listen to the words of my mouth.
5 God will do evil to my enemies. He'll cut them off in his truth.
6 I'll sacrifice to you, O God. You have a good name.
7 God will destroy my enemies for me.
55 1 Listen to my prayer, God, and don't hide from it.
2 Listen to me. Hear my complaint. I'm making a noise here.
3 My enemies hate me.
4 My heart hurts.
6 I said to myself, "I wish I had wings.
9 Destroy them and divide their tongues.
15 Let them die and go to hell.
16 But me, I'm going to ask God and he'll save me.
17 I'll pray and cry and he'll hear my voice.
22 But you, God, destroy them.
23 Don't let them live out half of their lives.
56 1 Be merciful to me, Oh God, because my enemies want to swallow me up.
8 You put my tears into your bottle. Aren't they also in your book?
57 1 God will save me from those who want to swallow me up.
4 My soul is among lions and people who are on fire. Their teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.
8 Wake up, my glory. I myself am going to wake up early.
58 3 Wicked people are wicked before they are born. They are born speaking lies.
6 Break their teeth, Oh God, in their mouth.
7 Let them be cut into pieces.
8 Let them die, like a snail melts. Let them be aborted before they are born.
10 Righteous people will rejoice when they see the vengeance. They will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked.
59 5 Visit all the heathen, Oh God. Don't be merciful to them.
6 They make a noise like a dog
7 They belch out with their mouths.
8 But you, Oh God, will laugh at them.
10 The God of mercy will let me see my desire on my enemies.
13 Consume them in your wrath.
60 2 Oh God, you've made the earth tremble, and have broken it.
6 God has spoken in his holiness, saying,
8 "Moab is my washpot. I'll throw my shoe at Edom."
61 1 Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
62 12 God renders to each person according to their works.
63 1 Oh God, my flesh longs for you. I've seen God in the sanctuary.
9 But my enemies will be killed with the sword and become food for foxes.
11 Everyone who swears to God will glory.
64 1 Hear me, Oh God, and hide me from my enemy.
3 Who sharpen their tongue like a sword and string their bows to shoot arrows at me.
7 But God will shoot them with an arrow.
10 And righteous people will be glad.
65 8 Everyone on earth is afraid of your tokens, God.
9 You visit the earth and water it with the river of God (which is full of water).
13 The valleys sing and shout with joy.
66 1 Make a joyful noise to God.
3 Say to him, “You are terrible in all your works!”
5 Come and see the works of God. God has done terrible things to people.
11 Oh God, you have laid affliction on our loins.
67 7 All the ends of the earth shall fear him.
68 1 Let God arise and scatter his enemies.
2 Let the wicked be killed by his presence.
3 Let the righteous be glad and rejoice exceedingly.
4 Sing to God as he rides upon the heavens. His name is JAH.
8 The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at God's presence. Even Mount Sinai was moved.
17 God has 20,000 chariots and thousands of angels.
21 God will wound the heads and hairy scalps of his enemies.
23 So that our feet can be dipped in the blood of our enemies, and the tongue of dogs in the same.
33 God rides on the heavens of heavens.
34 His strength is in the clouds.
35 He is terrible in his holy places
69 11 I wore sackcloth for my garment. I became a proverb to them.
12 I was the song of drunkards.
23 Oh God, blind my enemies. Make their loins continually shake.
24 Get angry at them.
25 Destroy their homes.
28 Kill them.
70 3 Let them say, Aha Aha!
71 18 Don't forsake me, God, when I'm old and gray headed.
72 9 His enemies shall lick the dust.
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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible
Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com