We do not believe it just to mingle religious influence with civil government, whereby one religious society is fostered and another proscribed in its spiritual privileges, and the individual rights of its members, as citizens, denied. 134:9
Trivia: Who did Jesus command to pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon?
The Doctrine & Covenants
1 The Lord's preface to his book of commandments (1:1-16)
I the Lord gave Joseph Smith Jun. my commandments (1:17-39)
2 By the hand of Elijah (2:1-3)
3 The wicked Martin Harris and the lost 116 pages (3:1-20)
4 A marvelous work (and a wonder) is coming soon (4:1-7)
5 Martin Harris would like to see the plates (5:1-10)
The Lord will show the plates to three men (5:11-22)
Now about the guy who wants to see the plates (Martin Harris) (5:23-35)
6 A great and marvelous work is coming (6:1-19)
Jesus gives Oliver Cowdery the gift of translation (6:20-37)
7 John the apostle is still alive (like a flame or an angel) (7:1-8)
8 Jesus gives Oliver Cowdery the gift of translation (again) (8:1-12,)
9 Jesus takes away Oliver Cowdery's translating privleges (9:1-7)
How to make a decision (If it feels good do it) (9:8-14)
10 Satan's plan for the lost 116 pages (10:1-29)
Jesus will provide new plates to translate (the plates of Nephi) (10:30-41)
Jesus is more cunning than the devil (10:42-45)
I'm Jesus Christ, the Son of God (10:46-70)
11 A great and marvelous work is coming soon (11:1-22)
You're Hyrum [Smith]. I'm Jesus. (11:23-30)
12 A great and marvelous work is coming soon (12:1-9)
13 The priesthood of Aaron (13:1)
14 I'm God. I'm Jesus. And you're David [Whitmer]. (14:1-11)
15 Things that only God and John Whitmer know (15:1-6)
16 Things that only God and Peter Whitmer know (16:1-6)
17 You'll see the plates (and other things) (17:1-9)
18 Fight against the church of the devil (18:1-47)
19 They won't be tormented forever, but it will be endless torment (Endless is my name) (19:1-12)
Keep Joseph Smith's commandments (Or Jesus will smite you with the rod of his mouth) (19:13-23)
Martin Harris, pay for the Book of Mormon (Or you and your property will be destroyed) (19:24-41)
20 The Church of Christ (aka The Mormon church) was founded on April 6, 1830 (20:1-5)
An angel with white clothes visits Joseph Smith (20:6-14)
Those who reject the Book of Mormon are condemned (20:15-34)
We're not adding anything to the Bible (20:35-84)
21 Seer, translator, prophet, apostle, and elder (21:1-3)
Obey Joseph Smith like he was God (21:4-9)
A mutual ordination (21:10-12)
22 You must get re-baptized (and don't tell God what to do) (22:1-4)
23 A few words to Oliver, Hyrum, Samuel, and two Josephs (23:1-7)
24 Write the Book of Mormon (24:1-2)
If they refuse to support you, I'll curse them (24:3-12)
Poisonous snakes and deadly poisons (24:13-14)
I will smite them according to your words (24:15-19)
25 Delight in your husband (and the glory that will come on him) (25:1-16)
27 Make your own wine for the sacrament (don't buy it from your enemies) (27:1-4)
Someday Jesus will drink wine with you, Moroni, Elias, Elijah, Joseph, Michael (aka Adam), and many others, some who are out of this world (27:5-18)
28 Only Joseph Smith receives commandments (Not you, Oliver Cowdery) (28:1-7)
Go preach to the Lamanites (28:8-10)
God didn't reveal anything through Hiram Page's stone (Satan deceived him) (28:11-16)
29 Listen to the voice of Jesus, the great I am (29:1-8)
God will send flies and maggots to eat the wicked (29:9-20)
The great and abominable church will burn (29:21)
All the dead people will come forth (29:22-35)
Those who don't believe will be damned (29:22-35)
30 David [Whitmer], pay more attention to God and Joseph Smith (30:1-4)
Peter [Whitmer], go with Oliver [Cowdery] to preach to the Lamanites (30:5-8)
John [Whitmer], go live in Philip Burroughs' house (30:9-11)
31 Thomas [B. Marsh], you're going on a misson! (31:1-13)
32 Parley Pratt, Ziba Peterson, and Jesus will join the mission to the Lamanites (32:1-5)
33 Ezra and Northrop, open you mouths (and they shall be filled) (33:1-15)
Behold, I come quickly (33:16-18)
34 Jesus: I come quickly, Orson (34:1-12)
35 Sidney Rigdon - baptize and write for Joseph Smith (35:1-27)
36 Edward Partridge - preach my gospel (with the voice of a trump) (36:1-8)
37 Choose for yourself until Jesus comes (37:1-4)
38 Thus saith Jesus, the great I am (38:1-31)
Here's a commandment for you: Go to Ohio (38:32-42)
39 Go to Ohio, James Covill (39:1-24)
40 Satan stole James Covill from Jesus (40:1-3)
41 The heaviest of all cursings (41:1-6)
Build a house for Joseph Smith (41:7)
Give Sidney Rigdon whatever he wants (41:8)
Make Edward Partridge a bishop (41:9-12)
42 Go forth two by two with the sound of a trump (42:1-17)
Killers must be killed (and they'll never be forgiven) (42:18-21)
Love your wife (and only your wife) (42:18-29)
Help the poor (42:30-42)
Faith healing (42:43-59)
Those who disobey are damned (42:60-70)
Pay your church leaders (42:71-73)
What to do with fornicators (42:74-93)
43 Only Joseph Smith receives commandments and revelatons (43:1-11)
Give Joseph Smith food, clothes, and whatever else he needs (43:12-16)
The end is coming (so gird up your loins) (43:17-35)
44 Let's have a meeting (44:1-6)
45 I'm Jesus, listen to me (45:1-10)
The city of Enoch is out of this world (45:11-14)
Jesus prophesies as in the days of old (45:15-40)
The day of the Lord (45:41-59)
And that's all I have to say about that (until the New Testament is translated) (45:60-62)
Go west to the New Jerusalem (or Zion) (45:63-75)
46 How to have a meeting (46:1-7)
Seek the best gifts (46:8-33)
47 I'd like John Whitmer to write history (47:1-4)
48 Save your money to buy some land in the city (I'll tell you what city later) (48:1-6)
49 Go preach to the Shakers (49:1-28)
50 I've seen abominations in the church (50:1-30)
How to know if a spirit is from God (50:31-36)
Edward Partridge isn't justified in this thing (50:37-46)
51 To each according to his needs (51:1-12)
The bishop's salary is whatever he wants it to be (51:1-12)
52 God gives Missouri to the Mormons (52:1-6)
Two by two (missionary style) (52:7-44)
53 A message from God to Sidney Gilbert (53:1-7)
54 Newell Knight, to go Missouri and wait for me to come (54:1-10)
55 To William [Phelps] from the Lord (55:1-6)
56 They shall know mine arm (56:1-3)
I've changed my mind (and commandments) (56:4-7)
I'll pay Joseph Smith back when he gets to Missouri (56:8-13)
Wo to the rich who won't help the poor (56:14-20)
57 Here is wisdom: Zion is Independence, Missouri (57:1-3)
Sidney Gilbert will buy land for the church (This also is wisdom) (57:4-10)
William Phelps will be the church's printer (This is even more wisdom) (57:11-16)
58 Hearken, give ear, and learn of me (58:1-13)
Edward Partridge must repent for his unbelief (58:14-20)
Here is wisdom: Obey the laws of the church (58:21-31)
If someone disobeys my commandment, I revoke it (58:32-33)
Give money to the church so it can buy land (58:34-38)
Martin Harris and William Phelps must repent (58:39-48)
God wants to purchase the whole region ASAP (58:49-59)
Take what was given to Ziba Peterson (58:60-65)
59 Commandments and revelations in their time (59:1-14)
Don't laugh too much (for this is sin) (59:15)
God made everything for humans (59:16-20)
Don't bother me about it anymore (59:16-20)
60 When I make up my jewels, everyone will know (60:1-4)
Build a craft and go to St. Louis (60:5)
From there, Joseph Smith will go Cincinnati (60:6-)
61 God cursed the waters - especially the Missouri River (61:1-18)
God told Satan to ride on the Missouri River (61:19-39)
62 Go two by two - on horses, mules, or chariots (62:1-9)
63 I can kill people and send them to hell (63:1-6)
Don't me ask for signs (63:7-13)
The lake of fire and brimstone (63:14-23)
Go to Zion and buy land (63:24-38)
Titus Billings - sell your land and give the money to Zion (63:39-41)
Newell K. Witney - Open a store and give the money to Zion (63:42-45)
Oliver Cowdery gets all the money (63:46-54)
Sidney Rigdon - I don't like your writing (63:55-66)
64 Joseph Smith has the keys to the kingdom (64:1-14)
Ezra Booth and other sinners (64:15-17)
Who should sell his farm (and other business matters) (64:18-22)
From now until the Son of Man comes is today (If you tithe, I won't burn you when he comes) (64:23-25)
Don't sell the store (or get in debt to your enemies) (64:26-27)
The Lord takes what he wants (and pays back whenever he wants) (64:28-34)
The church will judge the nations (64:35-43)
65 Hearken and lo.... (65:1-6)
66 William E. McLellin - Go preach to the eastern Jews (and send your money to Zion) (66:1-7)
Heal the sick, but don't commit adultery (which is something you tend to do) (66:8-13)
67 Try to write a commandment like Joseph Smith's (Or a Surah like Mohammad's) (67:1-14)
68 Anyone who is inspired speaks scripture (68:1-8)
Disbelievers are damned (68:9-15)
Literal descendants of Aaron are bishops (68:16-26)
Baptize children when they're eight years old (68:27-35)
69 John Whitmer will go with Oliver Cowdery to Zion (69:1-8)
70 In your temporal things you shall be equal (70:1-18)
71 Confound your enemies (71:1-11)
72 Make Newel K. Whitney a bishop (72:1-26)
73 It's time to translate again (73:1-6)
74 The meaning of 1 Corinthians 7:14 (74:1-7)
75 William E. McLellin murmured, so I'm sending him to the south countries (75:1-12)
A list of missionary pairs (75:13-19)
On judgment day, you will condemn those who didn't receive you on your mission (75:20-29)
Another list of missionary pairs (75:30-36)
76 His years never fail (76:1-10)
We saw Jesus, angels, and Satan (76:11-31)
Apostates will be tormented forever (76:32-49)
Those who are in the resurrection of the just are gods (76:50-69)
The celestial world (76:70)
The terrestrial world (76:71-80)
The telestiial world (76:81-119)
77 A revelation about Revelation (77:1-15)
78 You must be equal in earthly things (78:1-8)
The council: Joseph Smith, Newel K. Whitney, and Sidney Rigdon (78:9-14)
Adam-ondi-Ahman (78:15)
God has established Michael's feet (78:16-19)
Even the Son Ahaman (78:20-22)
79 Jared Carter should go to the eastern countries (79:1-4)
80 Stephen Burnett: Go preach to every creature on earth (80:1-5)
81 Behold, and lo: Jesus speaks to Frederick G. Williams (81:1-7)
82 You are all to be equal (To each according to his wants and needs) ( 82:1-24)
83 The church will provide for widows, orphans, and the poor (83:1-6)
84 The city of New Jerusalem will be built on the western border of Missouri (84:1-5)
The priesthood of John the Bapist (who was ordained when he was 8 days old) (84:6-56)
Believe in the Book of Mormon or be condemned (84:57-64)
Signs of true believers (84:65-73)
Unbelievers will be damned (84:74-80)
Those who you preach to will give you clothes, food, and money (84:80-94)
I'll send plagues on the cities that reject you (84:95-102)
Send money to the Bishop of Zion or Ohio (84:103-111)
Bishop Whitney should go to New York, Albany, and Boston (84:112-120)
85 One mighty and strong (85:1-12)
86 The parable of the tares (in reverse order) (86:1-11)
87 Civil war, world war, and the end of all nations (87:1-8)
88 The Holy Spirit is in the sun, moon, and stars (88:1-20)
The three kingdoms: Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial (88:21-39)
Wash your feet and hands (and don't laugh too much) ( 88:40-80)
Let your hands be clean until the Lord comes ( 88:81-116)
Don't laugh. I will come quickly (88:117-126)
The school of the prophets (88:127-141)
89 Alcohol, hot drinks, and tobacco (are not for the body or the belly) ( 89:1-10)
Health in their navel and marrow to their bones ( 89:11-21)
90 The keys of the kingdom (and the school of the prophets) (90:1-17)
Find homes for Frederick G. Williams, Joseph Smth, Sen., and Sidney Rigdon (90:18-24)
Have small families (90:25-27)
Now about my handmaid Vienna Jaques (90:28-37)
91 Don't bother to translate the Apocrypha ( 91:1-6)
93 Verily, thus saith the Lord ( 93:1-31)
Joseph Smith, Jun.—You have not kept the commandments ( 93:1-31)
94 God's construction plans (94:1-17)
95 The Great Commandment: Build my house (95:1-17)
96 Here is wisdom: This stake should be strong (96:1-9)
More wisdom: John Johnson should become a member of the order (96:6-9)
97 I'm pleased with the school in Zion ( 97:1 - 9)
Build me a house in Zion (pay for it with tithes) ( 97:10 - 21)
The Lord's scourge will vex everyone (except Zion, if she obeys me) ( 97:22 - 27)
98 The law of the land is constitutional ( 98:1-14)
Renounce war and proclaim peace (or I'll kill every living thing on earth) ( 98:15-18)
Many members of he Kirtland church do detestable things ( 98:19-22)
Forgive your enemies (for the first three times) ( 98:23-28)
But if they attack you again, kill them all (after asking me for permission) ( 98:29-32)
War and Peace ( 98:29-32)
99 John Murdock - Go preach in the eastern countries ( 99:1-8)
100 Sidney and Joseph: Say whatever you say in my name (100:1-17)
101 I'll own them on the day that I make up my jewels (101:1-42)
The parable of the watchtower ( 101:43-62)
Bury all the land you can in Jackson County, Missouri (101:63-77)
I established the Constitution (101:77-80)
The parable of the woman and the unjust judge (and God's strange act) (101:81-95)
Sidney Gilbert - Don't sell my storehous (101:96-101)
102 The minutes of a general council ( 102:1-34)
103 Whoever you curse, I curse - and you will avenge my enemies for me. ( 103:1-40)
104 Deliver to Satan those who transgress against the united order ( 104:1-18)
Real Estate laws in the land of Zion ( 104:19-46)
The divided united order (104:47-59)
The sacred treasury of the Lord ( 104:60-77)
Write a letter to New York dictated by the my Spirit ( 104:78-86)
105 Let my army become very great ( 105:1-41)
106 Appoint Warren A. Cowdery as high priest over my church (even though he has a vain heart) ( 106:1-8)
107 The two priesthoods ( 107:1-39)
The priesthood from Adam to Noah ( 107:40-52)
Jesus and Michael the Archangel (aka Adam) in the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman ( 107:53-57)
The twelve, seventy, the other seventy, and seven times seventy ( 107:58-100)
108 Lyman, your sins are forgiven ( 108:1-8)
109 A house in Kirtland (109:1-80)
110 Jesus, Moses, Elias, and Elijah visit Kirtland ( 110:1-16)
111 Jesus gives Salem, Massachusetts to the Mormons ( 111:1-11)
112 Gird up your loins, Thomas, and put on your shoes ( 112:1-34)
113 Ask me anything (113:1-10)
114 David W. Patton, you're going on a mission ( 114:1)
Remove unfaithful bishops ( 114:2)
115 I'm naming my church "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" ( 115:1-6)
Build me a house in the holy city of Far West ( 115:7-19)
117 The mountains of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and the plains of Olaha Shinehah ( 117:1-16)
118 Replacing four or the Twelve who have been excommunicated ( 118:1-6)
119 The law of tithing ( 119:1-7)
120 The money from tithes belongs to the church (120:1)
121 Not one will be left to stand by a wall (121:1-25)
Is there one God or many gods? (121:26-46)
122 God will be with you [Joseph Smith] forever ( 122:1-9)
123 We shall call our Heavenly Father forth from his hiding place (123:1-19)
124 The Holy Ghost will write a proclamation to the President Elect of the United States and all the kings of the world ( 124:1-14)
John C. Bennett will be great. I will crown him with blessings and glory ( 124:15-25)
Baptism of the dead ( 124:26-40)
Let Joseph Smith and his seed live in Nauvoo House forever ( 124:41-61)
Buy $50 to $15,000 stock in my house ( 124:62-82)
Almon Babbitt set up a golden calf for my people to worship ( 124:83-86)
William Law will heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils ( 124:87-122)
I appoint Brigham Young to be president of the Twelve ( 124:123-145)
125 Build a new city in Iowa and call it Zarahemla (125:1-4)
126 Dear Brigham Young ( 126:1-3)
127 It's not safe for me here, so I'm leaving for a while (127:1-4)
A few words about baptizing dead people (127:5-12)
128 More on baptizing dead people (128:1-25)
129 Is it an angel, a spirit, or the devil? Only a handshake will tell (129:1-9)
130 God lives on a great Urim and Thummim ( 130:1-8)
The earth will become a crystal Urim and Thummim ( 130:9)
Each person in the celestial kingdom will get a white stone that turns into a Urim and Thummim (with a secret name on it) ( 130:10-13)
The Son of Man won't come before December 23, 1890 ( 130:14-21)
The Father and the Son have bodies, but the Holy Ghost doesn't ( 130:22-23)
131 To get the highest glory, you must get married (131:11-4)
We're living in a material world (131:5-8)
132 The polygamy revelation ( 132:1-66)
134 I have trampled them in my fury ( 134:1-74)
134 We believe in religious freedom but condemn sedition and rebellion ( 134:1-11)
We do not believe it is right to interfere with a slave owner's right to own slaves ( 134:12)
135 The death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith (135:1-2)
Joseph Smith did more for the salvation of men than any other man (except Jesus) ( 135:3-7)
136 The Camp of Israel's westward journey ( 136:1-42)
137 I saw the celestial kingdom, but I couldn't tell if I was in the body or out of it ( 137:1-4)
I saw Alvin Smith in the celestial kingdom ( 137:5-10)
138 The Son of God appears to a host of dead people ( 138:1-60)
999 The 1890 Manifesto [1] ()