The Second Book of Machabees
1 A letter from the Jews in Jerusalem to the Jews in Egypt (1-10a)
Another letter (10b-36)
2 The second letter continues (1-19)
A long prologue for a short story (20-33)
3 Heliodorus tries to rob the temple (1-40)
4 Jason replaces Onias as high priest (1-10)
Jason set up places of exercise (11-20)
Menelaus becomes high priest (21-26)
Lysimachus becomes high priest (27-32)
Onias is killed (33-35)
Andronicus is killed (36-38)
Lysimachus is killed (39-50)
5 For forty days horses flew above Jerusalem (1-3)
Judas dies (4-10)
King Antiochus ravages Jerusalem (11-27)
6 King Antiochus forces the Jews to abandon their religion (1-17)
Eleazar, a Jewish martyr (18-31)
7 The torture and death of seven sons and their mother (1-42)
8 Judas Machabeus burned cities and killed their inhabitants (1-6)
Judas kills more than 9000 in Nicanor's army (7-36)
9 The miserable death of Antiochus IV (1-29)
10 The temple is restored (1-9)
Antiochus V Eupator becomes king (10-13)
Idumeans are killed and burned to death (14-23)
Timotheus and his army are killed (24-38)
11 A heavenly horsemen helps Judas defeat Lysias (1-12)
Lysias becomes a friend of the Hebrews (13-15)
A letter from Lysias to the Jews (16-21)
A letter from King Antiochus to Lysias (22-26)
A letter from King Antiochus to the Jews (27-33)
A letter from the Romans to the Jews (34-38)
12 Jews are drowned and cities are burned (1-9)
God help Judas make a huge pool of blood (10-16)
More slaughters by Judas (17-38)
Prayers for the dead (39-46)
13 God inspires Antiochus to throw Menelaus off a tower (1-8)
Judas kills 4000 men and many elephants (9-26)
14 Alcimus tells Demetrius about Judas (1-10)
Nicanor becomes governor of Judea (11-22)
Judas and Nicanor become friends (23-25)
Nicanor and Judas break up (26-36)
Razias tries to commit suicide three times (37-46)
15 Violence on the Sabbath day (1-10)
Judas's dream (1-20)
Judas's prayer (21-25)
Judas and his men kill 35,000 (26-29)
The hanging of Nicanor's head, hand, and shoulder (30-38)
Epilogue (39-40)