Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things. 2:9
Trivia: According to Titus 1:12, what group of people are always liars, evil beasts, and slow bellies?
The Epistle of Paul to Titus
1 Greetings and Salutations! (1-4)
Who can be a bishop? (5-9)
There are many Jewish deceivers (whose mouths must be stopped) (10-11)
Cretians are liars, evil beasts, and slow bellies (12-13)
Ignore Jewish fables and commandments (14-16)
2 Women, obey your husbands (so the word of God isn't blasphemed) (1-8)
Slaves, obey your masters (and please them in all things) (9-10)
3 Do good works (but you won't be saved by them) (1-8)
Avoid foolish genealogies (and reject heretics) (9-15)