Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica. 4:10
Trivia: Who did Paul say had forsaken him in 2 Timothy 4:10?
The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy
1 Greetings and salutations! (1-7)
Saved (or damned) before the world began (8-18)
2 Jesus is the seed of David (if we deny him, he'll deny us) (1-15)
Shun Hymeneus and Philetus (16-23)
Be gentle and patient with everyone (but the devil can take you whenever he wants) (24-26)
3 In the last days, men will lose natural affection (and silly, lustful women will be always learning) (1-17)
4 I have fought the good fight (so I deserve a crown of righteousness) (1-9)
Demas has forsaken me (10-13)
Alexander did me much evil (God will reward according to his works) (14-15)
Everyone deserted me (but God saved me from the lion's mouth) (16-22)