0 2 Timothy : Injustice

Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica. 4:10

Trivia: Who delivered Paul out of the mouth of a lion?

2 Timothy : Injustice (6)

  1. God selected us to be either saved or damned, and there isn't a damned thing we can do about it. 1:9
  2. "If we deny him [Jesus], he will deny us." Fair is fair! 2:12
  3. Shun non-believers and other profane babblers. 2:16
  4. Hymenaeus and Philetus are condemned for disagreeing with "Paul" about the timing of the resurrection. (See 1 Tim 1:20 and 2 Tim 4:14-15) 2:17-18
  5. The devil can take us captive any time he pleases. 2:26
  6. God will "reward" Alexander for the "blasphemy" of disagreeing with "Paul". (See 1 Tim 1:20 and 2 Tim 2:16-18) 4:14

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