0 SAB - Drunk with Blood: God's killings in Exodus

God's Killings in Exodus

The point of Exodus is this: God likes some people more than others. He likes Israelites and hates Egyptians. That's why he hardened the Pharaoh's heart and sent the ten plagues on Egypt. He forced Egyptians to drink blood; pestered them with frogs, lice, flies, and boils; smashed them with hail; murdered every first-born Egyptian child and animal, and drowned their army. Sometimes God gets a bit carried away when making a point.

There are some people, though, that God hates even more than Egyptians. Amalekites, for example. God hates Amalekites more than anyone else on earth. He's been at war with them for 3400 years and he'll be at war with them forever.

But God often hates Israelites too. When Aaron made a golden calf and encouraged them to dance naked around it, God wanted to kill them all. But Moses talked him out of it. So God was satisfied with forcing them to kill their families, friends, and neighbors.

Here are the Exodus killings:

  1. There will be blood: The First Plague of EgyptZZZ
  2. The seventh plague of Egypt: Hail shall come down upon them and they shall die.ZZZ
  3. The Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of EgyptZZZ
  4. The Lord took off their chariot wheelsZZZ
  5. The Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generationZZZ
  6. Who is on the Lord's side: Forcing friends and family to kill each otherZZZ
  7. The Lord plagued the people because of the calf that Aaron madeZZZ

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