Solomon ... said: O mankind! Lo! we have been taught the language of birds. 27:16

Trivia: What animal made a speech that made Solomon smile and laugh?

Surah 27: The Ant (An-Naml)

    The greatest losers (1-6)

    Moses and the Pharaoh (7-14)

    A talking ant, a hoopoe bird, and the Queen of Sheba (15-44)

    The prophet Salih and the tribe of Thamud (45-53)

    Lot: Do you lust after men instead of women? (54-58)

    Isn't he the best? (59-66)

    Old men's fables (67-86)

    Flying hills (87-93)

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)