Solomon ... said: O mankind! Lo! we have been taught the language of birds. 27:16
There were gathered together unto Solomon his armies of the jinn ... and of the birds, and they were set in battle order. 27:17
When they reached the Valley of the Ants, an ant exclaimed: O ants! Enter your dwellings lest Solomon and his armies crush you, unperceiving. 27:18
And he [Solomon] sought among the birds and said: How is it that I see not the hoopoe, or is he among the absent ? I verily will punish him with hard punishment or I verily will slay him, or he verily shall bring me a plain excuse. 27:20
We destroyed them and their people, every one. 27:51
Will ye commit abomination knowingly? Must ye needs lust after men instead of women ? Nay, but ye are folk who act senselessly. 27:54