The Doctrine & Covenants
Official Declaration 1 (The 1890 Manifesto)
1 The Lord's preface to his book of commandments (1:1-16)
I the Lord gave Joseph Smith Jun. my commandments (1:17-39)
2 By the hand of Elijah (2:1-3)
3 The wicked Martin Harris and the lost 116 pages (3:1-20)
4 A marvelous work (and a wonder) is coming soon (4:1-7)
5 Martin Harris would like to see the plates (5:1-10)
The Lord will show the plates to three men (5:11-22)
Now about the guy who wants to see the plates (Martin Harris) (5:23-35)
6 A great and marvelous work is coming (6:1-19)
Jesus gives Oliver Cowdery the gift of translation (6:20-37)
7 John the apostle is still alive (like a flame or an angel) (7:1-8)
8 Jesus gives Oliver Cowdery the gift of translation (again) (8:1-12,)
9 Jesus takes away Oliver Cowdery's translating privleges (9:1-7)
How to make a decision (If it feels good do it) (9:8-14)
10 Satan's plan for the lost 116 pages (10:1-29)
Jesus will provide new plates to translate (the plates of Nephi) (10:30-41)
Jesus is more cunning than the devil (10:42-45)
I'm Jesus Christ, the Son of God (10:46-70)
11 A great and marvelous work is coming soon (11:1-22)
You're Hyrum [Smith]. I'm Jesus. (11:23-30)
12 A great and marvelous work is coming soon (12:1-9)
13 The priesthood of Aaron (13:1)
14 I'm God. I'm Jesus. And you're David [Whitmer]. (14:1-11)
15 Things that only God and John Whitmer know (15:1-6)
16 Things that only God and Peter Whitmer know (16:1-6)
17 You'll see the plates (and other things) (17:1-9)
18 Fight against the church of the devil (18:1-47)
19 They won't be tormented forever, but it will be endless torment (Endless is my name) (19:1-12)
Keep Joseph Smith's commandments (Or Jesus will smite you with the rod of his mouth) (19:13-23)
Martin Harris, pay for the Book of Mormon (Or you and your property will be destroyed) (19:24-41)
20 The Church of Christ (aka The Mormon church) was founded on April 6, 1830 (20:1-5)
An angel with white clothes visits Joseph Smith (20:6-14)
Those who reject the Book of Mormon are condemned (20:15-34)
We're not adding anything to the Bible (20:35-84)
21 Seer, translator, prophet, apostle, and elder (21:1-3)
Obey Joseph Smith like he was God (21:4-9)
A mutual ordination (21:10-12)
22 You must get re-baptized (and don't tell God what to do) (22:1-4)
23 A few words to Oliver, Hyrum, Samuel, and two Josephs (23:1-7)
24 Write the Book of Mormon (24:1-2)
If they refuse to support you, I'll curse them (24:3-12)
Poisonous snakes and deadly poisons (24:13-14)
I will smite them according to your words (24:15-19)
25 Delight in your husband (and the glory that will come on him) (25:1-16)
27 Make your own wine for the sacrament (don't buy it from your enemies) (27:1-4)
Someday Jesus will drink wine with you, Moroni, Elias, Elijah, Joseph, Michael (aka Adam), and many others, some who are out of this world (27:5-18)
28 Only Joseph Smith receives commandments (Not you, Oliver Cowdery) (28:1-7)
Go preach to the Lamanites (28:8-10)
God didn't reveal anything through Hiram Page's stone (Satan deceived him) (28:11-16)
29 Listen to the voice of Jesus, the great I am (29:1-8)
God will send flies and maggots to eat the wicked (29:9-20)
The great and abominable church will burn (29:21)
All the dead people will come forth (29:22-35)
Those who don't believe will be damned (29:22-35)
30 David [Whitmer], pay more attention to God and Joseph Smith (30:1-4)
Peter [Whitmer], go with Oliver [Cowdery] to preach to the Lamanites (30:5-8)
John [Whitmer], go live in Philip Burroughs' house (30:9-11)
31 Thomas [B. Marsh], you're going on a misson! (31:1-13)
32 Parley Pratt, Ziba Peterson, and Jesus will join the mission to the Lamanites (32:1-5)
33 Ezra and Northrop, open you mouths (and they shall be filled) (33:1-15)
Behold, I come quickly (33:16-18)
34 Jesus: I come quickly, Orson (34:1-12)
35 Sidney Rigdon - baptize and write for Joseph Smith (35:1-27)
36 Edward Partridge - preach my gospel (with the voice of a trump) (36:1-8)
37 Choose for yourself until Jesus comes (37:1-4)
38 Thus saith Jesus, the great I am (38:1-31)
Here's a commandment for you: Go to Ohio (38:32-42)
39 Go to Ohio, James Covill (39:1-24)
40 Satan stole James Covill from Jesus (40:1-3)
41 The heaviest of all cursings (41:1-6)
Build a house for Joseph Smith (41:7)
Give Sidney Rigdon whatever he wants (41:8)
Make Edward Partridge a bishop (41:9-12)
42 Go forth two by two with the sound of a trump (42:1-17)
Killers must be killed (and they'll never be forgiven) (42:18-21)
Love your wife (and only your wife) (42:18-29)
Help the poor (42:30-42)
Faith healing (42:43-59)
Those who disobey are damned (42:60-70)
Pay your church leaders (42:71-73)
What to do with fornicators (42:74-93)
43 Only Joseph Smith receives commandments and revelatons (43:1-11)
Give Joseph Smith food, clothes, and whatever else he needs (43:12-16)
The end is coming (so gird up your loins) (43:17-35)
44 Let's have a meeting (44:1-6)
45 I'm Jesus, listen to me (45:1-10)
The city of Enoch is out of this world (45:11-14)
Jesus prophesies as in the days of old (45:15-40)
The day of the Lord (45:41-59)
And that's all I have to say about that (until the New Testament is translated) (45:60-62)
Go west to the New Jerusalem (or Zion) (45:63-75)
46 How to have a meeting (46:1-7)
Seek the best gifts (46:8-33)
47 I'd like John Whitmer to write history (47:1-4)
48 Save your money to buy some land in the city (I'll tell you what city later) (48:1-6)
49 Go preach to the Shakers (49:1-28)
50 I've seen abominations in the church (50:1-30)
How to know if a spirit is from God (50:31-36)
Edward Partridge isn't justified in this thing (50:37-46)
51 To each according to his needs (51:1-12)
The bishop's salary is whatever he wants it to be (51:1-12)
52 God gives Missouri to the Mormons (52:1-6)
Two by two (missionary style) (52:7-44)
53 A message from God to Sidney Gilbert (53:1-7)
54 Newell Knight, to go Missouri and wait for me to come (54:1-10)
55 To William [Phelps] from the Lord (55:1-6)
56 They shall know mine arm (56:1-3)
I've changed my mind (and commandments) (56:4-7)
I'll pay Joseph Smith back when he gets to Missouri (56:8-13)
Wo to the rich who won't help the poor (56:14-20)
57 Here is wisdom: Zion is Independence, Missouri (57:1-3)
Sidney Gilbert will buy land for the church (This also is wisdom) (57:4-10)
William Phelps will be the church's printer (This is even more wisdom) (57:11-16)
58 Hearken, give ear, and learn of me (58:1-13)
Edward Partridge must repent for his unbelief (58:14-20)
Here is wisdom: Obey the laws of the church (58:21-31)
If someone disobeys my commandment, I revoke it (58:32-33)
Give money to the church so it can buy land (58:34-38)
Martin Harris and William Phelps must repent (58:39-48)
God wants to purchase the whole region ASAP (58:49-59)
Take what was given to Ziba Peterson (58:60-65)
59 Commandments and revelations in their time (59:1-14)
Don't laugh too much (for this is sin) (59:15)
God made everything for humans (59:16-20)
Don't bother me about it anymore (59:16-20)
60 When I make up my jewels, everyone will know (60:1-4)
Build a craft and go to St. Louis (60:5)
From there, Joseph Smith will go Cincinnati (60:6-)
61 God cursed the waters - especially the Missouri River (61:1-18)
God told Satan to ride on the Missouri River (61:19-39)
62 Go two by two - on horses, mules, or chariots (62:1-9)
63 I can kill people and send them to hell (63:1-6)
Don't me ask for signs (63:7-13)
The lake of fire and brimstone (63:14-23)
Go to Zion and buy land (63:24-38)
Titus Billings - sell your land and give the money to Zion (63:39-41)
Newell K. Witney - Open a store and give the money to Zion (63:42-45)
Oliver Cowdery gets all the money (63:46-54)
Sidney Rigdon - I don't like your writing (63:55-66)
64 Joseph Smith has the keys to the kingdom (64:1-14)
Ezra Booth and other sinners (64:15-17)
Who should sell his farm (and other business matters) (64:18-22)
From now until the Son of Man comes is today (If you tithe, I won't burn you when he comes) (64:23-25)
Don't sell the store (or get in debt to your enemies) (64:26-27)
The Lord takes what he wants (and pays back whenever he wants) (64:28-34)
The church will judge the nations (64:35-43)
65 Hearken and lo.... (65:1-6)
66 William E. McLellin - Go preach to the eastern Jews (and send your money to Zion) (66:1-7)
Heal the sick, but don't commit adultery (which is something you tend to do) (66:8-13)
67 Try to write a commandment like Joseph Smith's (Or a Surah like Mohammad's) (67:1-14)
68 Anyone who is inspired speaks scripture (68:1-8)
Disbelievers are damned (68:9-15)
Literal descendants of Aaron are bishops (68:16-26)
Baptize children when they're eight years old (68:27-35)
69 John Whitmer will go with Oliver Cowdery to Zion (69:1-8)
70 In your temporal things you shall be equal (70:1-18)
71 Confound your enemies (71:1-11)
72 Make Newel K. Whitney a bishop (72:1-26)
73 It's time to translate again (73:1-6)
74 The meaning of 1 Corinthians 7:14 (74:1-7)
75 William E. McLellin murmured, so I'm sending him to the south countries (75:1-12)
A list of missionary pairs (75:13-19)
On judgment day, you will condemn those who didn't receive you on your mission (75:20-29)
Another list of missionary pairs (75:30-36)
76 His years never fail (76:1-10)
We saw Jesus, angels, and Satan (76:11-31)
Apostates will be tormented forever (76:32-49)
Those who are in the resurrection of the just are gods (76:50-69)
The celestial world (76:70)
The terrestrial world (76:71-80)
The telestiial world (76:81-119)
77 A revelation about Revelation (77:1-15)
78 You must be equal in earthly things (78:1-8)
The council: Joseph Smith, Newel K. Whitney, and Sidney Rigdon (78:9-14)
Adam-ondi-Ahman (78:15)
God has established Michael's feet (78:16-19)
Even the Son Ahaman (78:20-22)
79 Jared Carter should go to the eastern countries (79:1-4)
80 Stephen Burnett: Go preach to every creature on earth (80:1-5)
81 Behold, and lo: Jesus speaks to Frederick G. Williams (81:1-7)
82 You are all to be equal (To each according to his wants and needs) ( 82:1-24)
83 The church will provide for widows, orphans, and the poor (83:1-6)
84 The city of New Jerusalem will be built on the western border of Missouri (84:1-5)
The priesthood of John the Bapist (who was ordained when he was 8 days old) (84:6-56)
Believe in the Book of Mormon or be condemned (84:57-64)
Signs of true believers (84:65-73)
Unbelievers will be damned (84:74-80)
Those who you preach to will give you clothes, food, and money (84:80-94)
I'll send plagues on the cities that reject you (84:95-102)
Send money to the Bishop of Zion or Ohio (84:103-111)
Bishop Whitney should go to New York, Albany, and Boston (84:112-120)
85 One mighty and strong (85:1-12)
86 The parable of the tares (in reverse order) (86:1-11)
87 Civil war, world war, and the end of all nations (87:1-8)
88 The Holy Spirit is in the sun, moon, and stars (88:1-20)
The three kingdoms: Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial (88:21-39)
Wash your feet and hands (and don't laugh too much) ( 88:40-80)
Let your hands be clean until the Lord comes ( 88:81-116)
Don't laugh. I will come quickly (88:117-126)
The school of the prophets (88:127-141)
89 Alcohol, hot drinks, and tobacco (are not for the body or the belly) ( 89:1-10)
Health in their navel and marrow to their bones ( 89:11-21)
90 The keys of the kingdom (and the school of the prophets) (90:1-17)
Find homes for Frederick G. Williams, Joseph Smth, Sen., and Sidney Rigdon (90:18-24)
Have small families (90:25-27)
Now about my handmaid Vienna Jaques (90:28-37)
91 Don't bother to translate the Apocrypha ( 91:1-6)
93 Verily, thus saith the Lord ( 93:1-31)
Joseph Smith, Jun.—You have not kept the commandments ( 93:1-31)
94 God's construction plans (94:1-17)
95 The Great Commandment: Build my house (95:1-17)
96 Here is wisdom: This stake should be strong (96:1-9)
More wisdom: John Johnson should become a member of the order (96:6-9)
97 I'm pleased with the school in Zion ( 97:1 - 9)
Build me a house in Zion (pay for it with tithes) ( 97:10 - 21)
The Lord's scourge will vex everyone (except Zion, if she obeys me) ( 97:22 - 27)
98 The law of the land is constitutional ( 98:1-14)
Renounce war and proclaim peace (or I'll kill every living thing on earth) ( 98:15-18)
Many members of he Kirtland church do detestable things ( 98:19-22)
Forgive your enemies (for the first three times) ( 98:23-28)
But if they attack you again, kill them all (after asking me for permission) ( 98:29-32)
War and Peace ( 98:29-32)
99 John Murdock - Go preach in the eastern countries ( 99:1-8)
100 Sidney and Joseph: Say whatever you say in my name (100:1-17)
101 I'll own them on the day that I make up my jewels (101:1-42)
The parable of the watchtower ( 101:43-62)
Bury all the land you can in Jackson County, Missouri (101:63-77)
I established the Constitution (101:77-80)
The parable of the woman and the unjust judge (and God's strange act) (101:81-95)
Sidney Gilbert - Don't sell my storehous (101:96-101)
102 The minutes of a general council ( 102:1-34)
103 Whoever you curse, I curse - and you will avenge my enemies for me. ( 103:1-40)
104 Deliver to Satan those who transgress against the united order ( 104:1-18)
Real Estate laws in the land of Zion ( 104:19-46)
The divided united order (104:47-59)
The sacred treasury of the Lord ( 104:60-77)
Write a letter to New York dictated by the my Spirit ( 104:78-86)
105 Let my army become very great ( 105:1-41)
106 Appoint Warren A. Cowdery as high priest over my church (even though he has a vain heart) ( 106:1-8)
107 The two priesthoods ( 107:1-39)
The priesthood from Adam to Noah ( 107:40-52)
Jesus and Michael the Archangel (aka Adam) in the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman ( 107:53-57)
The twelve, seventy, the other seventy, and seven times seventy ( 107:58-100)
108 Lyman, your sins are forgiven ( 108:1-8)
109 A house in Kirtland (109:1-80)
110 Jesus, Moses, Elias, and Elijah visit Kirtland ( 110:1-16)
111 Jesus gives Salem, Massachusetts to the Mormons ( 111:1-11)
112 Gird up your loins, Thomas, and put on your shoes ( 112:1-34)
113 Ask me anything (113:1-10)
114 David W. Patton, you're going on a mission ( 114:1)
Remove unfaithful bishops ( 114:2)
115 I'm naming my church "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" ( 115:1-6)
Build me a house in the holy city of Far West ( 115:7-19)
117 The mountains of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and the plains of Olaha Shinehah ( 117:1-16)
118 Replacing four or the Twelve who have been excommunicated ( 118:1-6)
119 The law of tithing ( 119:1-7)
120 The money from tithes belongs to the church (120:1)
121 Not one will be left to stand by a wall (121:1-25)
Is there one God or many gods? (121:26-46)
122 God will be with you [Joseph Smith] forever ( 122:1-9)
123 We shall call our Heavenly Father forth from his hiding place (123:1-19)
124 The Holy Ghost will write a proclamation to the President Elect of the United States and all the kings of the world ( 124:1-14)
John C. Bennett will be great. I will crown him with blessings and glory ( 124:15-25)
Baptism of the dead ( 124:26-40)
Let Joseph Smith and his seed live in Nauvoo House forever ( 124:41-61)
Buy $50 to $15,000 stock in my house ( 124:62-82)
Almon Babbitt set up a golden calf for my people to worship ( 124:83-86)
William Law will heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils ( 124:87-122)
I appoint Brigham Young to be president of the Twelve ( 124:123-145)
125 Build a new city in Iowa and call it Zarahemla (125:1-4)
126 Dear Brigham Young ( 126:1-3)
127 It's not safe for me here, so I'm leaving for a while (127:1-4)
A few words about baptizing dead people (127:5-12)
128 More on baptizing dead people (128:1-25)
129 Is it an angel, a spirit, or the devil? Only a handshake will tell (129:1-9)
130 God lives on a great Urim and Thummim ( 130:1-8)
The earth will become a crystal Urim and Thummim ( 130:9)
Each person in the celestial kingdom will get a white stone that turns into a Urim and Thummim (with a secret name on it) ( 130:10-13)
The Son of Man won't come before December 23, 1890 ( 130:14-21)
The Father and the Son have bodies, but the Holy Ghost doesn't ( 130:22-23)
131 To get the highest glory, you must get married (131:11-4)
We're living in a material world (131:5-8)
132 The polygamy revelation ( 132:1-66)
134 I have trampled them in my fury ( 134:1-74)
134 We believe in religious freedom but condemn sedition and rebellion ( 134:1-11)
We do not believe it is right to interfere with a slave owner's right to own slaves ( 134:12)
135 The death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith (135:1-2)
Joseph Smith did more for the salvation of men than any other man (except Jesus) ( 135:3-7)
136 The Camp of Israel's westward journey ( 136:1-42)
137 I saw the celestial kingdom, but I couldn't tell if I was in the body or out of it ( 137:1-4)
I saw Alvin Smith in the celestial kingdom ( 137:5-10)
138 The Son of God appears to a host of dead people ( 138:1-60)
999 The 1890 Manifesto [1] ()