0 SABoM 3 Nephi 29

Nephi, who was the father of Nephi ... did not return to the land of Zarahemla, and could nowhere be found in all the land. 3 Nephi 2:9 2:9

Trivia: Who raised his brother from the dead?

The Third Book of Nephi


Someday God will reveal the Book of Mormon--When he does, believe it or go to hell (34-35 CE)

When God sees fit he'll reveal the Book of Mormon
AbsurdityCrueltyInjustice 29:1-9

1 And now behold, I say unto you that when the Lord shall see fit, in his wisdom, that these sayings shall come unto the Gentiles according to his word, then ye may know that the covenant which the Father hath made with the children of Israel, concerning their restoration to the lands of their inheritance, is already beginning to be fulfilled.

2 And ye may know that the words of the Lord, which have been spoken by the holy prophets, shall all be fulfilled; and ye need not say that the Lord delays his coming unto the children of Israel.

3 And ye need not imagine in your hearts that the words which have been spoken are vain, for behold, the Lord will remember his covenant which he hath made unto his people of the house of Israel.

4 And when ye shall see these sayings coming forth among you, then ye need not any longer spurn at the doings of the Lord, for the sword of his justice is in his right hand; and behold, at that day, if ye shall spurn at his doings he will cause that it shall soon overtake you.

God will someday (when he sees fit) reveal the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith,

5Wo unto him that spurneth at the doings of the Lord; yea, wo unto him that shall deny the Christ and his works!

6Yea, wo unto him that shall deny the revelations of the Lord, and that shall say the Lord no longer worketh by revelation, or by prophecy, or by gifts, or by tongues, or by healings, or by the power of the Holy Ghost!

7 Yea, and wo unto him that shall say at that day, to get gain, that there can be no miracle wrought by Jesus Christ; for he that doeth this shall become like unto the son of perdition, for whom there was no mercy, according to the word of Christ!

8 Yea, and ye need not any longer hiss, nor spurn, nor make game of the Jews, nor any of the remnant of the house of Israel; for behold, the Lord remembereth his covenant unto them, and he will do unto them according to that which he hath sworn.

and woe to whoever doesn't accept and believe his latter-day revelation!

9Therefore ye need not suppose that ye can turn the right hand of the Lord unto the left, that he may not execute judgment unto the fulfilling of the covenant which he hath made unto the house of Israel.

So don't think that you can turn God's right hand into his left.

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