SAB trivia list
Exodus: Trivia Questions
- To whom did God show his "back parts"?
- In Exodus 17, there is a battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites. During the battle, what happened when Moses put his hand down?
- Just before God appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai, what were Moses's instructions to the male Israelites?
- After Moses turned the river to blood, what did Pharaoh's magicians do?
- When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, what name did God use to refer to himself?
- Who made a golden calf and made the people dance naked around it?
- What does the Bible say to do to a child that curses his father or mother?
- In what chapter of Exodus can you find instructions for selling your daughter and taking a second wife?
- According to Exodus 17, how did Moses obtain water for the people to drink?
- Who makes people dumb, deaf, and blind?
- What was the eighth plague of Egypt?
- How did Zipporah stop God from killing Moses?
- What was the fifth plague of Egypt?
- What did the Magicians tell Pharaoh after witnessing the third plague of Egypt?
- What was the first plague of Egypt?
- What was the fourth plague of Egypt?
- What did Pharaoh's magicians do after Aaron caused frogs to covered the land of Egypt?
- According to Exodus 15:6, what did God do with his right hand
- Why did God harden the Pharaoh's heart?
- Who in the Bible has the name "Jealous"?
- In Exodus 4, who tried to kill Moses?
- Who said he had uncircumcised lips?
- What was the first plague that the Pharaoh's magicians couldn't do?
- Who is called a "man of war" in the book of Exodus?
- How many people did God kill because of the calf "which Aaron made"?
- According to the Bible, when is it OK to beat your slaves?
- What was the ninth plague of Egypt?
- In Exodus 4, what happened when Moses threw his rod on the ground?
- After Moses turned turned his rod into a serpent, what did Pharaoh's magicians do?
- What was the second plague of Egypt?
- What was the seventh plague of Egypt?
- In Exodus 19:13, what did God say would happen to anyone who touched Mount Sinai?
- What was the sixth plague of Egypt?
- According to Exodus 21:2, how long may you own a Hebrew slave?
- According to the Bible, who said these words: "Slay every man his brother, and every man his companion,
and every man his neighbour"?
- According to Exodus 21:15, what is the punishment for smiting your father or mother?
- How many souls came out of the loins of Jacob?
- What was the tenth plague of Egypt?
- What was the third plague of Egypt?
- In Exodus 17, the people were thirsty. How did they respond?
- In Exodus 15:25, what happened when a tree was thrown into the waters?
- Which of God's plagues on Egypt could the Pharaoh's magicians do?
- In Exodus 19:9, God said all the people would hear his voice when he talked to Moses.
In that meeting, how did God say he would manifest himself?
- Who has God sworn to be at war with "from generation to generation"?
- According to Exodus 15:8, how did God gather together the waters?
- According to Exodus 14:24-25, who took off the Egyptians' chariot wheels?
- What is God's mountain?