0 The Good Samaritan (Luke 9-12)

Episode 258: The Good Samaritan

Luke 9-12

Should we burn them like Elijah did?

9 51 When the time came for Jesus to be received up in heaven, he went to Jerusalem.

52 He sent messengers to make things ready for him in a Samaritan village.

53 But since he was going to Jerusalem, they didn't welcome him.

54 His disciples said to him, “Should we command fire to come down and burn them like Elijah did?”

55 Jesus said, “You don’t know who you’re talking to. I didn't come to destroy people, but to save them. “

The mission of the seventy

10 1 Besides the twelve, Jesus appointed seventy others and sent them out two by two into every city and place, where he would come later. 2 Jesus said to them,

4 Don't carry a purse or a bag, or wear shoes.

And don't say hello to anyone that you pass by.

5 When you enter someone's house, say, "Peace be to this house."

7 Stay in the house, eating and drinking whatever they give you.

Don't go from house to house.

9 Heal the sick and say, "The kingdom of God is coming."

10-11 It'll be worse for any city that refuses to welcome you than it was for the city of Sodom.

The return of the seventy

17 The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Even the devils obeyed us!”

18 Jesus said,

I saw Satan fall like lightning from the sky.

19 I give you power to walk on serpents and scorpions. Nothing can hurt you.

The good Samaritan

25 A lawyer stood up and said to Jesus, “What should I do to have eternal life?”

26 Jesus said, “What does the law say?”

27 The lawyer said, “Love God with all your soul, strength, and mind. And love your neighbor as yourself.”

28 Jesus said, “That is correct. Do that and you will live.”

29 The lawyer said, “And who is my neighbor?”

30 Jesus said,

A man who was traveling from Jericho to Jerusalem was robbed by some thieves, who took his clothes, wounded him, and left him half dead.

31 A priest came by, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side.

32 A Levite did the same.

33-34 Then a Samaritan saw the man and had compassion for him. He cared for his wounds, put him on his own donkey and brought him to an inn, and paid the host for his stay.

35 The next day when he left, he gave the host some money and told him to take care of the wounded man, promising to pay more if needed.

36 Which of these was a neighbor to the man who was robbed?

37 The lawyer said, "The man that showed mercy on him."

Jesus said, "Go and do likewise."

Martha and Mary

38 Sometime later, Jesus and his disciples came to a village, where a woman named Martha took them into her house.

39 She had a sister named Mary, who sat at Jesus's feet and listened to his every word.

40 Martha, who was busy serving everyone, said to Jesus, “Don't you care that my sister isn't helping me? Why don't you ask her to help?”

41 Jesus said,

Martha, you are troubled by many things.

42 Only one thing matters. She has chosen the good thing. It won't be taken from her.

Jesus: Don't call my mother blessed

11 27 While Jesus was speaking, a woman said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that fed you.”

28 Jesus said to her, “Rather, blessed are those that hear and obey the word of God.”

The Holy Ghost will tell you what to say

12 11 When you're brought before the authorities, don't worry about what to say.

13 The Holy Ghost will tell you what to say.

The death of a rich man

16 Jesus told them this parable:

A rich man had a large harvest.

17He said to himself,

What will I do with my harvest?

18 I know, I'll tear down my barns and build a bigger barn to store my fruit and goods.

19 I'll say to myself, “You have enough stuff for years. So eat, drink, and be merry.”

20 But God said to him, “You fool, you're going to die tonight. So who's going to get your stuff?”

Jesus's forecast: rain, heat, and the end of the world

54 Jesus said to the people,

When you see a cloud rise in the west, you say it will rain. And it does.

55 When a south wind blows, you say it will be hot. And it's soon hot.

56 You hypocrites! You can predict the weather, why can't you predict the end of the world?

A few more words about this episode

Should we command fire to come down and burn them like Elijah did? (9:54)
2 Kings 1:9-14, God burned 102 men to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill
Jesus appointed seventy others (10:1)
Some manuscripts say that Jesus appointed 72 messengers. (Wikipedia: Seventy disciples)

Things I left out that were presented in previous episodes:

The mission of the apostles (9:1-6)
See Mt 10:5-5, Ep 238; Mk 6:7-9, Episode 251
Herod: Is Jesus the risen John the Baptist? (9:7-9)
See Mt 14:1-2, Ep 238; 6:14-29, Episode 251
Jesus feeds five thousand men (9:10-17)
See Mt 14:13-21, Ep 238; Mk 6:30-44, Episode 251
Jesus: Who am I? (9:18-21)
See Mt 16:13-19, Ep 239; Mk 8:27-29-33, Episode 251
Jesus foretells his death and resurrection (9:22-26)
See Mt 16:21-26, Ep 239; Mk 8:27, Episode 252
Some of Jesus's listeners won't die until they see the kingdom of God (9:27)
See Mt 16:27-28, Ep 239; Mk 9:1, Episode 253
The Transfiguration (9:28-36)
See Mt 17:1-9, Ep 239; Mk 9:2-10, Episode 253
Jesus heals a boy possessed by the devil (9:37-42)
See Mt 17:14-21, Ep 242; Mk 9:14-27, Episode 253
Jesus foretells his death (again) (9:43-45)
See Mt 17:22-23, Ep 242; Mk 9:31-32, Episode 253
Who's the greatest? (9:46-48)
See Mt 18:1-6, Ep 243; Mk 9:34-37, Episode 253
Who's for Jesus? (9:49-50)
Mk 9:38-41, Ep 253
Let the dead bury their dead (9:57-62)
Mt 8:18-22, Ep 237
Jesus condemns entire cities (10:10-16)
Mt 11:20-24, Ep 238
Jesus: Thanks Father for hiding things from the wise (10:21-23)
Mt 11:25-27, Ep 238
The Our Father or Lord's Prayer (11:1-4)
Luke's version of the Our Father (or Lord's Prayer) is the Catholic version, which omits the Protestant ending (For thine is the kingdom, power, and glory, forever Amen) that is found in Matthew 6:13. (Ep 236)
Just ask God and he'll give it to you (11:5-13)
Mt 7:7-11, Ep 236
Jesus and Beelzebub (11:14-23)
See Mt 12:22-29, Ep 239; Mk 3:22-27, Episode 250
The return of the unclean spirit (11:24-26)
Mt 12:43-45, Ep 239
This is an evil generation (11:29-32)
Mt 12:38-42, Ep 239, Mt 16:1-4, Ep 242
When your eye is evil (11:33-36)
Mt 6:22-23, Ep 236
Jesus doesn't wash his hands before eating (11:37-41)
Mt 15:1-2, Ep 241; Mk 7:1-5, Episode 252
Woe to scribes and Pharisees! (11:42-54)
Mt 23:1-39, Ep 245
The yeast of the Pharisees (12:1-3)
Mt 16:5-12, Ep 242; Mk 8:14-21, Episode 252
Whom you should fear (12:4-7)
Mt 10:28-30, Ep 238
If you deny Jesus, he'll deny you (12:8-9)
Mt 10:32-33, Ep 238
The unforgivable sin (12:10)
Mt 12:31-32, Ep 239; Mk 3:29, Episode 250
Don't worry about food, health, or clothes (12:22-32)
Mt 6:24-34, Ep 236
Treasures in heaven (12:33-34)
Mt 6:33-34, Ep 236
The Son of man will come when you least expect it (12:35-48)
Mt 24:42-51, Ep 246; Mk 13:33-37, Episode 253
Jesus came to divide families (12:49-53)
Mt 10:34-36, Ep 238
Some legal advice (12:58-59)
Mt 5:25-26, Ep 235
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