0 SAB trivia list

Women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array. 1 Timothy 2:9

Trivia: Who did Paul deliver to Satan to teach them not to blaspheme?

Judges: Trivia Questions

  1. Who killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad??
  2. Who is called "blessed among women" in Judges 5?
  3. In Judges 19, what did the Levite do to the body of his dead concubine
  4. What did the Israelites to do king Adonibezek when they captured him?
  5. How many men did Samson kill (for their clothes) when the spirit of the Lord came upon him?
  6. Who sacrificed his daughter to God as a burnt offering?
  7. In Judges, when the Israelites do evil in the sight of the Lord, how does God respond?
  8. What was the first test that Gideon gave to God?
  9. What judge had forty sons and thirty nephews who rode on seventy donkeys?
  10. In Judges 15, Samson caught 300 foxes. What did he do with them?
  11. What did Samson do when he saw a harlot in Judges 16?
  12. How many men did Samson kill with the jawbone of an ass?
  13. Why did Abimelech ask one of his men to kill him with his sword?
  14. What did Samson find in the carcass of a lion?
  15. In Judges 3, Ehud delivers a message from God to king Eglon. What was the message?
  16. What woman pounded a nail through a sleeping man's skull?
  17. What was the name of the angel who made Samson's barren mom pregnant?
  18. In Judges 12, 42,000 men were killed for failing to correctly prounounce what word?
  19. What was Samson's riddle?
  20. What was the second test that Gideon gave to God?
  21. How did God tell Gideon to select his soldiers?
  22. What did God send between Abemelech and the men of Shechem?
  23. Why did God tell Gideon to reduce the size of his army?
  24. How many sons did Gideon have?
  25. What did Gideon do when the spirit of the Lord came upon him?
  26. Who killed seventy of his brothers on one stone?
  27. What did Gideon do to the men of Succoth?
  28. How many did Samson kill in his suicide terrorist attack?
  29. How did Samson quench his thirst in Judges 15:19?
  30. Who had thirty sons that rode on thirty donkeys?
  31. In Judges 1, why couldn't God drive out the inhabitants of the valley?
  32. What did Gideon make that all of Israel went a whoring after?

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