Ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore. Isaiah 57:3

Trivia: Who created evil?

SAB: Trivia Questions

    2 SAMUEL

  1. David enslaved one-third of the Moabites. What did he do with the remaing two-thirds?
  2. How many men did Abishai kill with his spear?
  3. Under which rib did Joab smite Aabner?
  4. How many men did Adino the Eznite kill with his spear at one time?
  5. Under which rib did Joab smite Amasa?
  6. What was the name of the woman that David had sex with after watching her bathe?
  7. Who did king David leave behind when he left Jerusalem to avoid being killed by his son Absalom?
  8. At the time of king David, who was the best looking guy in Israel?
  9. Who chased the birds and beasts away from the dead bodies of her sons as they hung before the Lord?
  10. How did Ammon feel about his half-sister Tamar after he raped her?
  11. Which of David's sons killed his half-brother for raping his sister?
  12. How long did David and Bathsheba's first baby live after God made the child sick?
  13. Under which rib did Abner smite Asahel?
  14. According to 2 Samuel, who told David to have a census?
  15. Who was completely righteous and clean in God's sight?
  16. What did David command his young men to do to Rechab and Baanah?
  17. What was David's curse to Joab and his family?
  18. In 2 Samuel 21, What stopped God's three-year famine?
  19. Which of David's son's raped his half-sister?
  20. How did David punish his ten concubines for being publicly raped by his son?
  21. Who said these words to Jonathan, 'Very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women'?
  22. How many men did God kill to punish David for having a census?
  23. How did God punish Michal for criticizing David for dancing nearly naked in fron of God and everybody?
  24. Who killed two lion-like men of Moab, a lion in the snow, and a goodly Egyptian with a spear in his hand?
  25. What did David say about the lame and the blind?
  26. Why did God kill David and Bathsheba's first son?
  27. Under which rib did Baanah and Rechab smite Ishbosheth?
  28. Whose head did the woman of Sheba cast over the wall to Joab?
  29. Who gave Saul's wives to David?
  30. Why did God kill Uzzah?
  31. Who arranged for Uriah's death in battle?
  32. Why did God send a three-year famine on David's kingdom?
  33. Who had sex with David's ten concubines in the sight of all of Israel?
  34. Who said this to David: I will force your neighbor to have sex with your wives in the sight of everyone?
  35. How much did Absalom's hair weigh?
  36. 1 KINGS

  37. Who did more evil than everyone who ever lived before him?
  38. Who said that dogs will lick Ahab's blood?
  39. Who said he'd kill everyone in Ahab's family who pissed against a wall?
  40. Whose hand did God "dry up" and then restore?
  41. What was the name of the young virgin who tried to get some heat for old King David?

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)