If ye wish to exchange one wife for another.... 4:20

Trivia: What should you do with lewd women?

Surah Saq: Trivia Questions

    2. THE COW

  1. Which of the angels refused to bow down to Adam?
  2. What color was the cow that Allah told Moses to sacrifice?
  3. In Surah 2 (The Cow), how long was the man that Allah killed dead before being brought back to life?
  4. What fuel does Allah use to burn disbelievers?
  5. Seven
  6. What happened to those who broke the Sabbath?
  7. According to the Quran, how much is a woman worth (as a witness)?

  9. Who made a bird out of clay, breathed on it, and it became a real bird?
  10. What two families does Allah like the best?
  11. What woman does Allah prefer to all others?
  12. Who is the best schemer?
  13. 4. WOMEN

  14. Why are men in charge of women?
  15. According to Allah's inheritance laws, how much should females receive compared to males?
  16. What should you do with lewd women?
  17. When is it OK for a man to marry an married woman?
  18. Admonish her, refuse to have sex with her, and beat her
  19. If one of your slave wives has been guilty of lewdness, how should she be punished?
  20. How many women may a Muslim man marry?

  22. Who spoke as a baby like an adult?
  23. Who made a bird out of clay that became a real bird?
  24. A raven that Allah sent
  25. How should thieves be punished?
  26. 6. CATTLE

  27. What will Allah do to those who think religion is a passtime or a joke?
  28. What was Abraham's father's name?
  29. According to Surah 6, from what did Allah create humans?
  30. What is the worst thing anyone can do?
  31. 7. THE HEIGHTS

  32. Which of the angels refused to bow down to Adam?
  33. What prophet sent the camel from God to the tribe of Thamud?
  34. Who did Allah make protecting friends for disbelievers?
  35. How did the Pharaoh punish the wizards who believed in the Lord of the worlds?
  36. 8. SPOILS OF WAR

  37. Believers always defeat disbelievers, even when outnumbered ten to one. Why is that?
  38. Who is the best plotter?
  39. To whom do the spoils of war belong?

  41. What did Abraham do when it became clear that his father was an enemy of Allah?
  42. Who (according to the Quran) says that Ezra is the son of Allah?
  43. 10. JONAH

  44. What should you do if someone says the Quran was invented?
  45. 11. HUD

  46. With what will Allah fill hell?
  47. According to Surah 11, what happened to Noah's son?
  48. Where was Allah's throne when he created the heaven and earth?
  49. 12. JOSEPH

  50. What is the best story in the Quran (according to Allah)?
  51. The ruler's wife invited the city's women to a feast. What did the women do when they saw Joseph?
  52. How did Joseph's father become a seer once again?
  53. 13. THE THUNDER

  54. What is the reward for disbelief?
  55. 15. AL-HIJR

  56. From what did Allah create the jinn?
  57. 16. THE BEE

  58. What did Allah inspire the bees to eat?
  59. Why did Allah make grapes?

  61. How many tokens did Allah give Moses?
  62. 18. THE CAVE

  63. In Surah 18 (The Cave), how long were the young men in the cave?
  64. 19. MARY

  65. What baby in the Quran made a rather long speech beginning with "Lo! I am the slave of Allah"?
  66. What saint and prophet's father served the devil?
  67. 20. TA HA

  68. Who misled the people by making a saffron-colored, lowing calf?
  69. 21. THE PROPHETS

  70. Who did Allah teach to make clothes?
  71. Who dove for pearls?

  73. How long is a day to Allah?
  74. What should those who doubt that Allah will give Muhammad victory do?

  76. Who is it OK for you not to be modest with?
  77. 24. LIGHT

  78. What is the punishment for accusing an honorable woman of adultery without bringing four witnesses?
  79. What is the punishment for adultery in the Quran?
  80. 26. THE POETS

  81. What was the conduct that Lot hated among his people?
  82. How did Pharaoh punish his chiefs who began to believe in the Lord of the Worlds?
  83. 27. THE ANT

  84. What prophet had an army composed of birds, jinn, and humans?
  85. What bird was missing from Solomon's army?
  86. What prophet knew the language of birds?
  87. What animal made a speech that made Solomon smile and laugh?
  88. 28. THE STORY

  89. Who did Allah make the earth swallow?
  90. 33. THE CLANS

  91. What verse in the Quran made adoption haram (forbidden) in Islam?
  92. Who are like mothers to believers?
  93. Who is the Seal of the Prophets?
  94. 34. SABA

  95. Who did Allah force the jinn to work for?

  97. What is the name of the tree that grows in the heart of hell and torments its inhabitants?
  98. 38. SAD

  99. What angel refused to fall prostrate to the being Allah created out of mire?
  100. Why did Iblis say he was better than the one that Allah created out of clay?
  101. What will Allah fill hell with?
  102. When did Iblis become a disbeliever?
  103. 39. THE TROOPS

  104. How many kinds of cattle did Allah provide for you?
  105. 44. SMOKE

  106. What is the name of the tree that grows in the heart of hell and torments its inhabitants?

  108. Who should you not speak loudly around?

  110. How did Allah destroy the tribe of A'ad?
  111. How did Allah destroy the tribe of Thamud?
  112. 52. THE MOUNT

  113. Who will Allah wed to fair ones with wide, lovely eyes?
  114. 53. THE STAR

  115. Where does the lote-tree grow?
  116. Who gives their gods and angels female names?
  117. Allah is the Lord of what star?
  118. 54. THE MOON

  119. How did Allah destroy the tribe of A'ad?
  120. How did Allah destroy the tribe of Thamud?

  122. How will the guilty be taken?
  123. From what did Allah create the jinn?
  124. 56. THE EVENT

  125. Allah has created virgins as lovers and friends for which of the three groups of people?
  126. According to the Quran, when the event comes there will be three kinds of people. What are they?
  127. Who is allowed to touch the Quran?
  128. Which of the three groups of people will be waited on by fair, immortal youths with wide, lovely eyes?
  129. Which of the three groups of people will be have to eat from the Zaqqum tree and drink boiling water?

  131. What must you do before having sex with a woman that you remarried after previously divorcing (by saying she was like your mother)?

  133. If you loan money to Allah, how much will he repay you?
  134. 65. DIVORCE

  135. If your wife is too young to menstruate, how long must you wait before divorcing her?
  136. 66. BANNING

  137. The wives of what two prophets burned in the fire?
  138. 71. NOAH

  139. What happened to the people after they drowned in Noah's flood?
  140. 74. THE CLOAKED ONE

  141. How many angels oversee hell?
  142. 76. MAN

  143. When will resurrection day happen?
  144. 101. THE CALAMITY

  145. What is the calamity?
  146. 111. PALM FIBRE

  147. What man, according to Surah 111, will be flung into a fire?
  148. What will happen to Abu Lahab's wife?

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com