And while the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD was kindled against the people, and the LORD smote the people with a very great plague. 11:33

Trivia: What was God's tribute from the Midianite massacre?

    Biblical order, with first occurence


      1. Stone to death anyone who gathers sticks on the Sabbath.  15:32 (568)
      2. If you are clean and not traveling and refuse to celebrate Passover, you will be cut off from your people.  9:13 (586)
      3. Make six cities of refuge (three on each side of the Jordan River), where accidental murderers can flee.  35:11 (597)
      4. If someone kills another person accidentally, then the congregation sends him to a city of refuge, where he shall live until the high priest dies.  35:22 (598)
      5. Don't accept monetary restitution for the person who has fled to the city of refuge.  35:32 (599)
      6. Murderers must be killed by "the revenger of blood" (the victim's nearest male relative).  35:16 (600)
      7. The Law of Jealousies: What a man must do when he suspects that his wife has been unfaithful.  5:11 (659)
      8. If you sin, confess your sin.  5:6 (1421)
      9. Don't seek after your own heart or your own eyes.  15:39 (1422)
      10. Don't do evil in the sight of the Lord.  32:13 (29)
      11. If a you sin, you must pay back the person who you injured plus 20%.  5:6 (443)
      12. If the injured person and his family cannot be found, then the payment goes to the priest instead.  5:6 (444)
      13. If a man dies and has no son, then his daughter receives the inheritance.  27:8 (445)
      14. It takes two witnesses to kill a murderer.  35:30 (446)
      15. Don't accept monetary restitution for a the life of the murderer.  35:31 (447)
      16. Men must keep their promises.  30:2 (489)
      17. Don't allow anyone who has an issue to live near you.  5:2 (906)
      18. Don't allow anyone who has touched a dead body to live near you.  5:2 (907)
      19. Put fringes on your garments.  15:37 (956)
      20. If you're not a Levite, stay away from the tabernacle or you will bear sin and die.  18:22 (198)
      21. Celebrate Passover on the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month.  9:1 (228)
      22. Strangers must keep the Passover.  9:14 (229)
      23. If you are unclean or traveling at the time of Passover, observe the special Passover for unclean people.  9:9 (230)
      24. Don't leave any leftovers when observing Unclean Passover.  9:12 (231)
      25. Don't break any of the lamb's bones when observing Unclean Passover.  9:12 (232)
      26. Make two silver trumpets to call people to meetings.  10:1 (259)
      27. Only the descendants of Aaron can blow the trumpets.  10:8 (260)
      28. Blow trumpets on happy days and solemn days, at the beginning of every month, and over your burnt and peace offerings.  10:10 (261)
      29. The sons of Kohath must bear the holy things on their shoulders.  7:9 (274)
      30. Don't pollute the holy things.  18:32 (275)
      31. Make holy water from the ashes of a spotless red cow.  19:1 (276)
      32. Follow this procedure to get clean after touching a dead body, bone, grave, unclean person, or water of separation.  19:11 (277)
      33. All holy donations belong to the priest. Every offering of all the holy things of the children of Israel, which they bring unto the priest, shall be his. And every man's hallowed things shall be his: whatsoever any man giveth the priest,  5:9 (333)
      34. Priests must bless the children of Israel, using these words.  6:23 (334)
      35. Strangers may not come near a priest.  18:4 (335)
      36. Priests are in charge of the heave offerings and other holy things by ordinance forever.  18:8 (336)
      37. The priests must eat the most holy meat offerings, sin offerings, and trespass offerings in the holy place. This shall be thine of the most holy things, reserved from the fire: every oblation of theirs, every meat offering of theirs,  18:0 (337)
      38. The priests (and their clean family memembers) get all the best oil, wine, wheat, and first fruits.  18:12 (338)
      39. Every firstborn human and animal belongs to the priests.  18:14 (339)
      40. Firstborn sons and unclean beasts can be redeemed (bought back) from the priests by paying 5 shekels after the baby boy or unclean beast is 30 days old.  18:14 (340)
      41. The priests get the wave breasts and heave shoulders, . (It is a statute forever and a covenant of salt.) And the flesh of them shall be thine, as the wave breast and as the right shoulder are thine. All the heave offerings of the  18:18 (341)
      42. Priests shall have no inheritance.  18:20 (342)
      43. Do these things to all the Levites in your community.  8:5 (362)
      44. Separate the Levites from everyone else.  8:14 (363)
      45. The working age for Levites is 25 to 50.  8:23 (364)
      46. The Levites must serve the priests.  18:2 (365)
      47. The Levites are in charge of the tabernacle.  18:2 (366)
      48. Levites may not come near the vessels or the altar.  18:3 (367)
      49. The Levites get one-tenth of everything everyone else possesses.  18:21 (368)
      50. The Levites must offer God a heave offering worth one-tenth of their tithe.  18:26 (369)
      51. Give the Levites cities and suburbs.  35:2 (370)
      52. Or eat anything that comes from a grapevine.  6:3 (375)
      53. He must not cut his hair.  6:5 (376)
      54. And he must stay away from dead bodies, including dead family members.  6:6 (377)
      55. If you are a Nazarite and happen to be nearby when someone dies, you must:  6:8 (378)
      56. When you decide to quit being a Nazarite, you must:  6:13 (379)
      57. After you retire, you may drink wine once again.  6:20 (380)
      58. When doing your burnt and peace offerings, include 0.3 deal of flour and half a hin of wine for a drink offering.  15:8 (801)
      59. Everyone must sacrifice animals to God.  15:13 (802)
      60. Every clean descendant of Aaron, both male and female, may eat heave offerings and wave offerings.  18:11 (803)
      61. Don't redeem firstling cows, sheep, and goats.  18:17 (804)
      62. Sprinkle the blood of firstling cows, sheep, and goats on the altar and burn their fat for a sweet savor unto the Lord.  18:17 (805)
      63. On each Sabbath, kill two first-year unblemished lambs. (Along with 0.2 deal of flour mixed with oil and a drink offering) And on the sabbath day two lambs of the first year without spot, and two tenth deals of flour for a meat offer  28:9 (808)
      64. On the first day of every month, kill and burn two young bulls, one ram, and seven first-year unspotted lambs.  28:0 (809)
      65. Each year at harvest time, kill two young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs as burnt offerings, and one kid of the goats for a burnt offering.  28:26 (810)
      66. On the first day of the seventh month, kill a young bull, one ram, and seven unblemished first-year lambs. Add a kid of the goats for a sin offering.  29:1 (813)
      67. On the tenth day of the seventh month kill a young bull, a ram, and seven unblemished first-year lambs as burnt offerings, and a kid of the goats for a sin offering.  29:7 (814)
      68. On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, kill thirteen young bulls, two rams, and fourteen unblemished first-year lambs for burnt offerings, and one kid of the goats for a sin offering.  0:0 (815)


      1. On the second day of the seventh month, kill twelve young bulls, two rams, and fourteen unspotted first-year lambs for meat offerings, and one kid of the goats for a sin offering.  29:17 (816)
      2. On the third day of the seventh month, kill eleven bulls, two rams, and fourteen unblemished first-year lambs for meat offerings, and one goat for a sin offering.  29:20 (817)
      3. On the fourth day of the seventh month, kill ten bulls, two rams, and fourteen unblemished first-year lambs for meat offerings, and one goat for a sin offering.  29:23 (818)
      4. On the fifth day of the seventh month, kill nine bulls, two rams, and fourteen unspotted first-year lambs for meat offerings, and one goat for a sin offering.  29:26 (819)
      5. On the sixth day of the seventh month, kill eight bulls, two rams, and fourteen unblemished first-year lambs for meat offerings, and one goat for a sin offering.  29:29 (820)
      6. On the seventh day of the seventh month, kill seven bulls, two rams, and fourteen unblemished first-year lambs for meat offerings, and one goat for a sin offering.  29:32 (821)
      7. On the eighth day of seventh month, kill one bull, one ram, and seven unblemished first-year lambs for meat offerings, and one goat for a sin offering.  29:35 (822)
      8. When you eat the bread of the land, include a cake of your first dough for a heave offering.  15:19 (873)
      9. When you go to war, blow the trumpets to remind God to save you from your enemies.  10:9 (523)
      10. A woman who lives in her father's house doesn't have to keep her promise, unless her father agrees with it.  30:3 (733)
      11. A married woman desn't have to keep her promise, unless her husband agrees with it.  30:6 (734)
      12. Widows and divorced women must keep their promises.  30:9 (735)
      13. A woman who receives an inheritance must not marry outside of her father's tribe.  36:8 (736)

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    The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

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