0 Junia the apostle (Romans 12-16)

Episode 280: Junia the apostle

Romans 12-16

Some good advice

12 3 Don't think too highly of yourself.

8 Be generous in giving, diligent when leading, and cheerful when showing mercy.

9 Let your love be genuine. Avoid evil. Do good.

10 Be kind to one another. Honor others more than yourself.

11 Don't be lazy.

12 Rejoice in hope. Be patient in tribulation.

13 Be hospitable to others.

14 Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse.

15 Rejoice with those who are happy. Weep with those who are sad.

16 Associate with the lowly. Don't think too much of yourself.

17 Don't repay evil with evil. Be honest with everyone.

18 In so far as it's possible, be at peace with everyone.

19 Don't avenge yourself.

20 If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink.

21 Don't be overcome by evil. Overcome evil with good.

Obey those who are in power

13 1 Obey whoever is in power. Because all power is ordained by God.

2 Whoever resists that power, resists God, and will be damned by God.

3 Rulers are a terror to evil works, not good works.

If you do good things, the rulers will praise you.

4 The ruler is God's minister, to execute wrath on evil doers.

5 You should obey the ruler, not out of fear, but because it's the right thing to do.

6 So pay your taxes.

7 Pay whatever you are required to pay. Fear those you're supposed to fear.

Honor those who you're supposed to honor.

8 Don't owe anyone anything. Love one another. Whoever does that fulfills the law.

Obey the five commandments

9 Don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't kill, don't lie, don't covet. If there's another commandment, it’s included in "Love your neighbor as yourself."

10 Love does nothing wrong to your neighbor, so love is the fulfilling of the law.

The end is nearer than we thought

11 It's time to wake up. The end is nearer than we thought.

12 The night is nearly over. The day is nearly here.

13 Walk honestly. Don't have wild parties or get drunk.

14 Don't try to satisfy your lustful desires.

Some dietary advice (be fully persuaded in your own mind)

14 1 Welcome those who are weak in faith, but not those who are doubtful disputers.

2 Some believe they can eat anything. Others who are weak, eat herbs.

3 Don't criticize people for what they eat or don't eat. God doesn't care what they eat.

5 Some prefer one day to another. Others value each day the same.

Let each person be fully persuaded in their own mind.

10 Don't judge others.

14 Jesus has persuaded me that nothing is unclean.

But if you think it's unclean, then it's unclean to you.

15 If you're with people who don't eat meat, don't destroy them with meat.

Christ died for them too.

17 Because the kingdom of God is not meat and drink.

19 Do things that make peace and help to edify one another.

20 Everything is pure. But it's evil to offend people by what you eat.

21 It's good to neither eat flesh or drink wine or anything else that disturbs your weaker friends.

23 Those who doubt are damned if they eat things they're doubtful about.

Whatever isn't faith is sin.

I'd like to come visit you

15 22 I've wanted to come to visit you for a long time.

23 And now that I don't have much to do around here, I plan to stop by Rome on my way to Spain.

33 See you all then. The God of peace be with you all. Amen.

Give everyone a holy kiss

16 1 I praise Phoebe, who is a servant of the church.

2 Help her in any way you can.

3-4 And say hello to my helpers, Priscilla and Aquila, who have risked their lives for me.

6 And Mary, who worked so hard for us.

7 And Junia, who is among the apostles.

16 Greet one another with a holy kiss.

Shun those who disagree (they server their own bellies)

17 But shun those who cause divisions by believing things contrary to what you've been taught.

18 They serve their own bellies, not Jesus.

20 The God of peace will soon bruise Satan under your feet.

25-27 God, thorough my gospel and the scriptures of the prophets, is revealing the mystery about Jesus that was kept secret from the beginning of the world. Amen.

A few more words about this episode

All power is ordained by God. (13:1)

Should we obey human or divine law?

If there's another commandment (13:9)
Paul tries to list the Ten Commandments, but he only came up with five (the good secular humanist ones).

Oh well, Jesus couldn't list them all either. (Matthew 19:17-19)

The God of peace be with you all. Amen. (15:33)
It sounds like Paul is ending his epistle with this verse - and he probably was. The early manuscripts of Romans have various endings, with 14, 15, and 16 chapters. It is also strange that Paul mentions 28 Christians who were living in Rome, when he had never been there before. (Wikipedia: Romans)
The apostle Junia(16:7)
Was there a woman apostle? That is how some interpret this verse and use it to justify a more active role for women in the church.

Some translators were so upset at the idea of a woman apostle that they replaced "Junia" with "Junias." The problem with this is that although "Junia" was a common woman's name at that time, there is no evidence for "Junias" as a man's name.
Bart D. Ehrman, Misquoting Jesus (2005), p.185

Blame Martin Luther for People Thinking the Bible’s Female Apostle Was Male

Dan McClellan On Junia in Romans 16:7

Wikipedia: Junia

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