7 1 You must obey the law as long as you live.
2 Just as a woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But when her husband dies, she's free of her husband.
3 If a woman marries another man while her husband is still alive, she's an adulteress. But when her husband dies, she's free to marry another man.
4 It's like that with you. You’re dead to the law, so now you can marry Jesus.
6 The law no longer applies to us, because we are dead to it.
7 So what can I say then? Is the law sin? No, the law tells us what sin is.
I wouldn't know what lust was, unless the law told me not to covet.
8 Without the law, sin is dead.
9 Once I was alive without the law, but then the commandments came, I sinned again, and died.
10 The commandment became like death to me. 11 And sin killed me.
12 The law is holy, and commandments are good.
13 So did something good kill me? No, sin killed me by that which is good.
The commandment made sin exceedingly sinful.
15 I don't do what I'd like to do. And I hate what I do.
18 There's nothing good in me.
19 I don't do the good that I'd like to do. But I do the evil that I don't want to do.
21 Even when I do good, there is evil in me.
23 There's another law in my members that wars against my mind and makes me a slave to the law of sin in my members.
24 I'm such a wretched man. Who will save me from this body of death?
25 With my mind I serve God. But with my flesh I serve sin.
8 8 If you're in the flesh you can't please God.
10 If Christ is in you, your body is dead.
22 The whole creation groans together until now.
24 We are saved by hope. If you can see hope, it isn't hope.
26 We don't know how to pray. But the Spirit intercedes for us by groaning.
28 Everything works out well for those who love God.
29 God predestined who would be saved by his son, the firstborn among many siblings.
30 God called who he predestined, he justified who he called, and glorified who he justified.
31 If God is for us, who can be against us?
32 He didn't spare his own son but killed him for us.
33 Who can accuse any of God's elect of anything?
9 8 The children of the flesh are not the children of God.
The children of the promise are God's seed.
13 It is written, God said, "I hated Esau."
14 So is God unrighteous?
15 God said to Moses, “I'll have mercy and compassion on whomever I please.”
18 So God has mercy on whom he chooses, and he makes others obstinate.
19 You'll say to me, “Why does God blame us? Who can go against his will?”
20 But who are you to judge God by saying why did you make me this way?
21 Doesn't the potter have the right to make whatever kind of vessel he wants, one for honor and another for dishonor?
22 What if God is willing to show his wrath by making vessels of wrath to destroy?
10 9 If you confess Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you'll be saved. 13 Whoever calls on Jesus's name will be saved.
15 Preachers have beautiful feet.
18 The gospel has been preached everywhere on earth.
11 1 Did God reject his people?
5 No, he saved a remnant of them by grace.
6 By grace, not by works. Otherwise grace isn't grace.
If it's by works, then it's not by grace. Otherwise work isn't work.
7 God blinded the rest of the Jews.
8 He made them sleep, so that their eyes wouldn't see, and their ears wouldn't hear.
9-10 As David said, "Let their eyes be darkened so they can't see."
11 Salvation came from the Gentiles, to make the Jews jealous.
25 God blinded the Jews to make room for the Gentiles.
26 All Israel will be saved.
28 They are enemies of the gospel, but I love them for their ancestors' sakes.
30 You used to disbelieve, but now God shows you mercy because of their unbelief.
31 And he is merciful to unbelievers because of your belief.
32 God has made everyone disbelieve, so that he can have mercy on everyone.
Copyright © 1999-2024
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible
Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com