And it came to pass in the eleventh year of the reign of the judges ... even until the fifth day of the second month in the eleventh year.... Alma 16:1 16:1

Trivia: How did Captain Moroni punish those who refused to fight for their country?

The Book of Alma

1 The preaching of Nehor (1-6)

     Nehor kills Gideon (7-9)

     The death of Nehor (10-15)

     Church members vs non-members (16-33)

2 Amlici loses the election (but becomes king anyway) (1-11)

     God helps the Nephites slaughter the Amlicites (12-19)

     Alma kills Amlici (with God's help) (20-38)

3 God set a mark upon them (1-27)

4 Alma Appoints Nephihah as chief judge (1-20)

5 Alma preaches to the Nephites (1-62)

6 Alma went to the city of Gideon in the valley of Gideon (which was named after Gideon) (1-8)

7 Jesus is coming! (1-)

8 Alma's misssions to Melek, Ammonihah, and Aaron (1-32)

9 Alma Speaks Again to the People of Ammonihah (1-34)

10 Aminadi reads the writing on the wall (1-12)

    The evil lawyers of Ammonihah (13-32)

11 The Book of Mormon system of measurement (1-20)

1 The Son of God is the eternal Father (and he won't save you from your sins) (21-46)

12 The tree of life, hell, and the preparatory state (1-37)

13 Melchizedek was the Prince of Peace (He was the greatest person ever) (1-31)

14 Alma and Amulek are taken to the chief judge (1-5)

     The conversion of Zeezrom (6-7)

     The followers of Alma and Amulek are burned to death (8-16)

     Alma and Amulek are imprisoned (17-25)

     The prison escape and falling walls (26-29)

15 The Healing of Zeezrom (1-19)

16 Ammonihah is destroyed by the Lamanites (1-21)

17 Alma runs across the sons of Mosiah, and they catch up (1-6)

     Fourteen years ago, Mosiah's sons go to preach to the Lamanites (7-17)

     Ammon kills six Lamanite flock-scatterers and chops off the arms of many more (18-39)

18 Ammon converts King Lamoni (1-43)

19 King Lamoni wakes from his sleep with God (1-36)

20 The release of Ammon's brethren (1-30)

21 Aaron preaches in Jerusalem, Ani-Anti, and Middoni (1-12)

     A prison break, more preaching, and religious freedom (13-23)

22 Aaron tells King Ishmael about the Great Spirit (1-34)

     The king falls down and appears to be dead (17-21)

     The king stands up (22-34)

23 They called themselves the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (1-18)

24 The Anti-Nephi-Lehies bury their swords in the ground (1-30)

25 Another Lamanite conversion (1-17)

26 I'm not bragging, I'm just really happy about how awesome my God is (1-37)

27 The Anti-Nephi-Lehies change their name to the people of Ammon (1-30)

28 A tremendous battle (1-14)

29 O that I were an angel! (1-17)

30 The Anti-Christ (Korihor) comes to town (1-60)

31 The Zoramites (1-38)

32 The most precious, sweet, white, pure fruit (1-43)

33 The Wisdom of Zenos and Zenock (1-23)

34 Try the experiment! (1-41)

35 The Zoramite Conversion (1-16)

36 Alma's message to Helaman (Part 1) (1-30)

37 Alma Jr. gives his son, Helaman, the plates of Nephi (1-20)

     And the 24 (Jaredite?) plates (21-37)

     And the ball, director, Liahona, or compass (38-47)

38 Alma Jr. preaches to his son Shiblon (1-15)

39 The devil led Corianton astray after the harlot Isabel (1-19)

40 Alma explains the resurrection of the dead to Corianton (1-26)

41 Alma explains the restoration to Corianton (1-15)

42 Alma explains hell to Corianton (1-31)

43 Back to Fighting! (1-54)

44 A live scalping and a surrender (1-24)

45 Alma's amazing prophecy (1-16)

     The end of Alma (The man, not the book) (17-24)

46 The Title of Liberty and the first Christians (1-18)

     A clothes ripping party! (19-27)

     Moroni kills those who would not support the cause of freedom (28-41)

47 Amalickiah's Treachery (1-36)

48 Preparing for war (1-25)

49 A Gigantic Wall (1-30)

50 The People of Morianton (1-40)

51 Freemen and King-men (1-12)

     Moroni kills 4000 king-men who refuse to fight (13-22)

     The Nephites slaughter Lamanitse until it's dark (23-33)

     Teancum murders Amalickiah in his sleep (34-37)

52 Ammoron becomes king of the Lamanites (1-21)

     The battle of Mulek (22-40)

53 The captured Lamanites are put to work (1-9)

     2000 Ammonite sons renounce their fathers' pacifism (to fight with the Nephites) (10-23)

54 Moroni's letter to Ammoron (1-14)

     Ammoron's letter to Moroni (15-24)

55 Drunken Lamanites (1-35)

56 Helaman's letter to Moroni (part 1) (1-57)

57 Helaman's letter to Moroni (part 2) (1-36)

58 Helaman's letter to Moroni (part 3) (1-41)

59 Maroni reads Helaman's letter (1-2)

     Maroni's first letter to Pahoran (3-4)

     The Lamanites attack the people of Nephihah (5-13)

60 Moroni's second letter to Pahoran (1-36)

61 Pahoran's letter to Moroni (1-21)

62 Moroni and Paharon drive out the Lamanites (1-8)

     The king-men and freedom-deniers are executed (9-11)

     More fighting (12-52)

63 Moroni dies (1-3)

     Sailing the west sea on Hagoth's ships (4-17)

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