Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 13:2
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews
1 God gave his Son a better name than the angels (1-7)
The Son is God and created everything (8-14)
2 Things we've (already) heard (1-18)
3 Jesus deserves more glory than Moses (because we are his house) (1-11)
The evil heart of unbelief (12-19)
4 Let's all try to rest (1-11)
The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword (12-13)
Jesus was tempted (but he didn't sin) (14-16)
6 Those who fall away can't return (1-12)
God swears to himself (he can't tell a lie) (13-20)
7 Melchisedek was never born and never died (1-28)
8 We needed a new covenant (since the old one was flawed) (1-13)
9 The boring first covenant (1-11)
The bloody new testament (12-28)
10 An anonymous conversation (1-9)
A new way of living through his flesh (10-23)
Love one another and do good works (because Jesus will be here soon) (24-26)
It's a fearful thing (to fall into the hands of the living God) (27-36)
It'll be just a little while (he won't tarry) (37-39)
11 The heroes of faith (a basket of deplorables) (1-40)
12 God always hurts the ones he loves (if he doesn't whip you, you're a bastard) (1-13)
God is a consuming fire (14-)
13 Entertain angels (but don't believe strange doctrines) (1-25)