0 Ezekiel : Intolerance

I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and ... I will destroy thee; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD. 24:7

Trivia: God killed a man's wife and told him not to mourn her death? Who was that man?

Ezekiel : Intolerance (23)

  1. God's killing rules:
    If Ezekiel doesn't warn the wicked that God's going to kill them for being wicked, God will kill the wicked people and Ezekiel, too.
    If Ezekiel warns the wicked, then God will kill the wicked people (if they don't change their wicked ways), but not Ezekiel.
    If a good person does something wrong after God "lays a stumbling block before him," then God will kill him. "He shall die in his sin" and whatever good he has done will be forgotten. And Ezekiel will be killed, too, if he didn't warn the good guy beforehand. 3:18-20
  2. God will decorate the land with the bones and dead bodies of those who worship a different god. 6:4-5
  3. God makes his presence known by killing people with famine, disease, and war. 6:7-14
  4. God shows Ezekiel a group of women weeping for Tammuz. Tammuz was the Sumero-Accadian god of plant life. Each year after the summer solstice there was a period of ritual mourning for the loss of sunlight and the decline of vegetation. God calls it an abomination. 8:14-15
  5. God again vows to destroy those that dare worship something or someone other than him. 14:6-8
  6. God threatens three times to kill all the Israelites for disobeying him, but after thinking about it a bit, he decided not to. 20:8, 13, 21
  7. "I will do these things unto thee, because thou hast gone a whoring after the heathen ... Thou shalt be laughed to scorn and had in derision ... thou shalt be filled with drunkenness and sorrow." 23:30-33
  8. God will kill everyone that claps his hands or stamps his feet "against the land of Israel." When he's done with the killing everyone will know that he is the Lord. 25:6-17
  9. God says he will destroy Tyrus. He plans to kill everyone, but he is especially looking forward to killing all of the women. "And her daughters which are in the field shall be slain by the sword; and they shall know that I am the LORD." 26:1-21
  10. God says that Zidon will know that he is the Lord when he sends "pestilence and blood into her streets." 28:22-23
  11. God tells Ezekiel to prophesy against the pharaoh and against all Egypt. God says he will feed the Egyptians to the birds and beasts. 29:2-9
  12. God will punish Egypt and her allies by sending Nebuchadrezzar to "fill the land with the slain." Then he will make "the rivers dry," sell the land to "the wicked," make "the land waste," light fires, and kill all their young men with the sword. 30:4-26
  13. "And they shall know that I am the LORD, when I have set a fire in Egypt." (The Divine Pyromaniac) 30:8, 30:14, 30:16
  14. "Thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD." 31:18
  15. God will treat Pharaoh like a whale fished out of the sea. Every bird and beast in the world will feed upon him. 32:3-6
  16. Pharaoh and all his multitude, along with the uncircumcised, will be killed with the sword. 32:20-32
  17. God tells Ezekiel about his plans for the Edomites (Seir). He's going to kill them all. That way they'll know for sure that he is the Lord. 35:2-15
  18. Worshipping idols and other gods is "detestable." 37:23
  19. God sets a fire on Magog and feeds Gog and all of his people to the birds and beasts. He did all this to let them know that he is the Lord. 39:4-7
  20. "They have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger." 43:8
  21. Don't bring any strangers or people with uncircumcised hearts or flesh to God's sanctuary when offering him fat and blood. 44:7-9
  22. No stranger or uncircumcised person may enter the sanctuary. 44:9
  23. Stay away from idols or you'll bear your iniquity (i.e., God will kill you). But be sure to offer God lots of fat and blood and burnt offerings. 44:10-15

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