I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you. 4:1
Trivia: According to Ephesians 4, who descended into the lower parts of the earth?
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians
1 Greeting and Salutations (1-2)
Predestination (3-23)
2 The prince of the power of the air (and the children of wrath) (1-4)
Saved by grace (it's not about you) (5-14)
Jesus destroyed the commandments (with his flesh) (15-22)
3 About my previous letter (Zeroth Ephesians) (1-21)
4 The prisoner of the Lord beseeches you (1-7)
The descent of Jesus (8-13)
Don't be like children (8-13)
Some (mostly) good advice (25-32)
Wives, obey your husbands in everything (22-33)
6 Slaves obey your owners, as though they were Christ (1-9)
Gird your loins with truth (10-24)