Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost, ... said ... thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness. 13:9

Trivia: What married couple was killed by God for not giving all their money to the church?

Acts : Family Values (3)

  1. Peter and God scare Ananias and his wife to death for not forking over all of the money that they made when selling their land. 5:1-10
  2. If you "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ," then you and your whole family will be saved; otherwise, God will send you all to hell. 16:31
  3. The jailer was so impressed with the holy jailbreak that he converted on the spot. He and his entire family were baptized that night. It didn't matter to Paul (or God) what the jailer's wife and kids thought about it. They were "his" so he could do whatever the hell he wanted with (or to) them. (This stupid story supports the idea of infant baptism, which has divided Christians for centuries.) 16:33

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