Peter claims that Dt 18:18-19
refers to Jesus, saying that those who refuse to follow him (all non-Christians) must be killed.
Peter and God scare Ananias and his wife to death for not forking over all of the money that they made when
selling their land. 5:1-10
Peter has a dream in which God show him "wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls." The voice
(God's?) says, "Rise, Peter: kill and eat." 10:10-13
Peter describes the vision that he had in the last chapter (10:10-13). All
kinds of beasts, creeping things, and fowls drop down from the sky in a big sheet, and a voice (God's,
Satan's?) tells him to "Arise, Peter; slay and eat." 11:5-10
The "angel of the Lord" killed Herod by having him "eaten of worms" because "he gave not God the glory."
Paul and the Holy Ghost conspire together to make Elymas (the sorcerer) blind. 13:8-11
The author of Acts talks about the "sure mercies of David." But David was anything but merciful. For
an example of his behavior see 2 Sam 12:31 and
1 Chr 20:3, where he saws, hacks, and burns to death the inhabitants of
several cities. 13:34