Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost, ... said ... thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness. 13:9

Trivia: What married couple was killed by God for not giving all their money to the church?

Acts : Boring stuff (16)

  1. Peter and John's prayer 4:0
  2. Seven men are assigned to to serve tables 6:0
  3. Stephen is accused of blaphemy (and his face looks like an angel's) 6:0
  4. Stephen's long, boring (and irrelevant) response 7:0
  5. Peter repeats the "kill and eat" dream 11:0
  6. The Christians in Antioch 11:0
  7. Paul speaks in the Antioch synagogue 13:0
  8. Paul and Barnabas in Iconium 14:0
  9. Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch 14:0
  10. Paul in Thessalonica and Berea 17:0
  11. Paul's speech on Mars Hill 17:0
  12. Paul travels through Macedonia and Greece 20:0
  13. Paul's speech to the Ephesian elders 20:0
  14. Paul's trial before Felix 24:0
  15. Paul demands to be tried in Rome 25:0
  16. Paul's trial before Agrippa 26:0

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)