8. Spoils of War : Cruelty & Violence
- "Allah ... cut the root of the disbelievers."
Allah destroyed the unbelievers. 8:7
- Allah will throw fear into the hearts of the disbelievers, and smite their
necks and fingers. 8:12
- Disbelievers will be tormented in the Fire. 8:14
- When you fight with disbelievers, do not retreat. Those who do will go to hell.
- Those that the Muslims killed were not really killed by them. It was Allah who did the killing.
- Those that live or die in war are a clear proof of Allah's sovereignty. 8:31
- Taste of the doom because ye disbelieve. 8:35
- Those who disbelieve will be gathered into hell. 8:36
- "The wicked will He place piece upon piece, and heap them all together, and consign them unto hell."
- The angels smite the face and backs of disbelievers, saying: "Taste the
punishment of burning!" 8:50
- Don't let the disbelievers think they can escape. They are your enemy and
the enemy of Allah. 8:59-60
- Had it not been for an ordinance of Allah which had gone before, an awful doom had come upon you."
- He [Allah] gave thee [Muhammad] power over them."
Allah gave Muhammad slaves as war booty. 8:70-1