0 38. Sad : Cruelty & Violence

(Those who are already in the Fire say): No word of welcome for them. Lo! they will roast at the Fire. 38:59

Trivia: When did Iblis become a disbeliever?

38. Sad : Cruelty & Violence (9)

  1. Allah has destroyed many generations. 38:3
  2. Those who doubt will soon taste Allah's doom. 38:8
  3. Those who deny the messengers deserve doom. 38:14
  4. Those who wander from the way of Allah will have an awful doom. 38:26
  5. Those who disbelieve will burn in the Fire. 38:27
  6. David slashed their legs and necks (with Allah's approval). 38:33
  7. The transgressors will roast in the Fire and be forced to drink boiling liquids followed by ice cold drinks. 38:55-9
  8. "Whoever did prepare this for us, oh, give him double portion of the Fire!" 38:61
  9. Iblis asks Allah to let him hang around and mislead humans. Allah allows him to do so, and Iblis leads all humans to hell except for the single-minded slaves. Allah agrees, and plans to fill hell with Iblis and his followers. 38:79-85

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