0 SAB quotes list

He that saith that little children need baptism ... are in danger of ... hell, and an endless torment. Moroni 8:20 Moroni 9:35

Trivia: What is the time period between now and the coming of Jesus called in the Doctrine and Covenants?


Doctrine & Covenants: Selected Verses

    Section 84

  1. Bishop, Newel K. 84:112
  2. ,llet the bishop go unto ... New York, ... Albany, and ... Boston, and warn the people ... of the desolation and utter abolishment which await them if they do reject these things. 84:114
  3. The rest of my servants, go ye forth ... setting forth clearly and understandingly the desolation of abomination in the last days. 84:117
  4. I will rend their kingdoms; I will not only shake the earth, but the starry heavens shall tremble. 84:118
  5. Section 85

  6. I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God. 85:7
  7. That man, who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the bark of God, shall fall by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning. 85:8
  8. they who are not found written in the book of remembrance shall find none inheritance in that day, but they shall be cut asunder, and their portion shall be appointed them among unbelievers, where are wailing and gnashing of teeth. 85:9
  9. Section 86

  10. The apostate, the whore, even Babylon, that maketh all nations to drink of her cup.... 86:3
  11. Section 87

  12. Thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls. 87:1
  13. The time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place. 87:2
  14. The Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations. 87:3
  15. The remnants who are left of the land will marshal themselves, and shall become exceedingly angry, and shall vex the Gentiles with a sore vexation. 87:5
  16. Famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations 6 . 87:6
  17. That the cry of the saints, and of the blood of the saints, shall cease to come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, from the earth, to be avenged of their enemies. 87:7
  18. Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. 87:8
  19. Section 88

  20. The alms of your prayers have come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, and are recorded in the book ... of the celestial world. 88:2
  21. I now send upon you another Comforter ... even the Holy Spirit. 88:3
  22. This Comforter is the promise ... of the celestial kingdom, which glory is that of the church of the Firstborn. 88:4
  23. He that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things. 88:6
  24. As also he [the Holy Spirit] is in the sun ... moon ... stars ... and earth. 88:7
  25. The spirit and the body are the soul of man. 88:15
  26. They who are not sanctified through the law ... must inherit another kingdom, even that of a terrestrial kingdom, or that of a telestial kingdom. 88:21
  27. He who is not able to abide the law of a celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory. 88:22
  28. He who cannot abide the law of a terrestrial kingdom cannot abide a terrestrial glory. 88:23
  29. He who cannot abide the law of a telestial kingdom cannot abide a telestial glory. 88:24
  30. The earth abideth the law of a celestial kingdom ... notwithstanding it shall die, it shall be quickened again, and shall abide the power by which it is quickened, and the righteous shall inherit it. 88:25
  31. They who are of a celestial spirit shall receive the same body. 88:28
  32. He who are quickened by a portion of the celestial glory shall then receive of the same. 88:29
  33. They who are quickened by a portion of the terrestrial glory shall then receive of the same. 88:30
  34. They who are quickened by a portion of the telestial glory shall then receive of the same. 88:31
  35. They who remain shall also be quickened; nevertheless, they shall return again to their own place, to enjoy that which they are willing to receive. 88:32
  36. That which breaketh a law ... and altogether abideth in sin ... must remain filthy still. 88:35
  37. There is no space in the which there is no kingdom; and there is no kingdom in which t here is no space. 88:37
  38. In their minutes, in their hours, in their days, in their weeks, in their months, in their years . 88:44
  39. Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name it shall be given unto you. 88:64
  40. Cast away your idle thoughts and your excess of laughter. 88:69
  41. I give unto you ... a commandment that you ... cleanse your hands and your feet ... that you are clean from the blood of this wicked generation 74. 88:74
  42. The wrath of God, the desolation of abomination which awaits the wicked, both in this world and in the world to come. 88:85
  43. Let your hands be clean, until the Lord comes. 88:86
  44. For not many days hence and the earth shall tremble and reel to and fro as a drunken man; and the sun shall hide his face, and shall refuse to give light; and the moon shall be bathed in blood; and the stars shall become exceedingly angry, and shall cast themselves down as a fig that falleth from off a fig tree. 88:87
  45. After your testimony cometh the testimony of earthquakes, that shall cause groanings in the midst of her, and men shall fall upon the ground and shall not be able to stand. 88:88
  46. And also cometh the testimony of the voice of thunderings, and the voice of lightnings, and the voice of tempests, and the voice of the waves. 88:89
  47. Men's hearts shall fail them; for fear shall come upon all people. 88:91
  48. angels shall fly through the midst of heaven, crying with a loud voice, sounding the trump of God, saying ... the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. 88:92
  49. There shall appear a great sign in heaven, and all people shall see it. 88:93
  50. another angel shall sound his trump, saying: That great church, the mother of abominations, that made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, that persecuteth the saints of God, that shed their blood . 88:94
  51. there shall be silence in heaven for the space of half an hour; and immediately after shall the curtain of heaven be unfolded, as a scroll is unfolded after it is rolled up, and the face of the Lord shall be unveiled. 88:95
  52. The saints that are upon the earth, who are alive, shall be quickened and be caught up to meet him. 88:96
  53. They who have slept in their graves shall come forth, for their graves shall be opened; and they also shall be caught up to meet him. 88:97
  54. another trump shall sound, which is the fourth trump, saying: There are found among those who are to remain until that great and last day, even the end, who shall remain filthy still. 88:102
  55. Another angel shall sound his trump, which is the sixth angel, saying: She is fallen who made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication; she is fallen, is fallen! 105 . 88:105
  56. Another angel shall sound his trump, which is the seventh angel, saying: It is finished; it is finished! The Lamb of God hath overcome and trodden the wine. 88:106
  57. then shall the first angel again sound his trump in the ears of all living, and reveal the secret acts of men, and the mighty works of God in the first thousand years. 88:108
  58. then shall the second angel sound his trump, and reveal the secret acts of men, and the thoughts and intents of their hearts, and the mighty works of God in the second thousand years. 88:109
  59. And so on, until the seventh angel shall sound his trump ... and Satan shall be bound, that old serpent, who is called the devil, and shall not be loosed for the space of a thousand years. 88:110
  60. Then he shall be loosed for a little season, that he may gather together his armies. 88:111
  61. Michael, the seventh angel, even the archangel, shall gather together his armies, even the hosts of heaven. 88:112
  62. The hosts of hell, and shall come up to battle against Michael and his armies. 88:113
  63. The devil and his armies shall be cast away into their own place, that they shall not have power over the saints any more. 88:114
  64. Cease from all your light speeches, from all laughter, from all your lustful desires, from all your pride and light. 88:121
  65. Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean ...retire to thy bed early ... arise early. 88:124
  66. Pray always, that ye may not faint, until I come. 88:125
  67. Section 89

  68. A Word of Wisdom, for ... the saints ... showing forth the order and will of God ... in the last days. 89:1
  69. Inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments. 89:5
  70. Strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies. 89:7
  71. Tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly. 89:8
  72. Hot drinks are not for the body or belly. 89:9
  73. All wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man. 89:10
  74. All saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones. 89:18
  75. And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures. 89:19
  76. And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint. 89:20
  77. I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. 89:21
  78. Section 90

  79. The keys of this kingdom shall never be taken from you [Joseph Smith], while thou art in the world, neither in the world to come. 90:3
  80. Let there be a place provided, as soon as it is possible, for the family of thy counselor and scribe, even Frederick G. 90:19
  81. Let your families be small. 90:25
  82. I, the Lord, will contend with Zion ... until she overcomes and is clean. 90:36
  83. Section 91

  84. Thus saith the Lord unto you concerning the Apocrypha ... it is not needful that the Apocrypha should be translated. 91:1
  85. Section 93

  86. Every man whose spirit receiveth not the light is under condemnation. 93:32
  87. Man is the tabernacle of God, even temples; and whatsoever temple is defiled, God shall destroy that temple. 93:35
  88. Now a commandment I give unto you . 93:43
  89. Joseph Smith, Jun. 93:47
  90. Your family must needs repent and forsake some things, and give more earnest heed unto your sayings, or be removed out of their place. 93:48
  91. What I say unto one I say unto all. 93:49
  92. Newel K. 93:50
  93. Joseph Smith, Jun. 93:52
  94. Hasten to translate my scriptures ... Amen. 93:53
  95. Section 94

  96. And now I give unto you no more at this time. 94:7
  97. Ye shall not suffer any unclean thing to come in unto it; and my glory shall be there, and my presence shall be there. 94:8
  98. If there shall come into it any unclean thing, my glory shall not be there; and my presence shall not come into it. 94:9
  99. The second lot on the south shall be dedicated unto me for the building of a house unto me, for the work of the printing of the translation of my scriptures. 94:10
  100. Section 95

  101. Ye must needs be chastened ... for ye have sinned against me a very grievous sin, in that ye have not considered the great commandment ... the building of mine house. 95:2
  102. Prune my vineyard for the last time, that I may bring to pass my strange act, that I may pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. 95:4
  103. I gave unto you a commandment that you should build a house. 95:8
  104. Contentions arose in the school of the prophets. 95:10
  105. You should build a house. 95:11
  106. Here is wisdom, and the mind of the Lord ... let it be built after the manner which I shall show unto three of you, whom ye shall appoint and ordain unto this power ... the size thereof shall be fifty and five feet in width, and let it be sixty. 95:13
  107. Son Ahman; or, in other words, Alphus; or, in other words, Omegus; even Jesus Christ your Lord. 95:17
  108. Section 96

  109. Here is wisdom ... this stake ... should be made strong. 96:1
  110. Let ... Newel K. 96:2
  111. It is wisdom ... that ... John Johnson ... become a member of the order. 96:6
  112. Therefore ye shall ordain him ... Amen. 96:9
  113. Section 97

  114. I, the Lord, am well pleased that there should be a school in Zion, and also with my servant Parley P. 97:3
  115. Tt is my will that a house should be built unto me in the land of Zion ... by the tithing of my people. 97:10
  116. Inasmuch as my people build a house unto me in the name of the Lord, and do not suffer any unclean thing to come into it ... my glory shall rest upon it. 97:15
  117. But if it be defiled I will not come into it, and my glory shall not be there. 97:17
  118. If Zion do these things she shall prosper, and spread herself and become very glorious, very great, and very terrible. 97:18
  119. And the nations of the earth shall honor her, and shall say: Surely Zion is the city of our God. 97:19
  120. Vengeance cometh speedily upon the ungodly. 97:22
  121. The Lord's scourge ... shall vex all people; yea, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come. 97:23
  122. Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her. 97:25
  123. Read this once to her ears ... Amen. 97:27
  124. Section 98

  125. I, the Lord, justify you, and your brethren of my church, in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land. 98:6
  126. As pertaining to law of man, whatsoever is more or less than this, cometh of evil. 98:7
  127. Renounce war and proclaim peace ... lest I come and smite the whole earth with a curse, and all flesh be consumed before me. 98:17
  128. Nevertheless, thine enemy is in thine hands; and if thou rewardest him according to his works thou art justified; if he has sought thy life, and thy life is endangered by him, thine enemy is in thine hands and thou art justified. 98:31
  129. I, the Lord, would fight their battles, and their children's battles, and their children's children's, until they had avenged themselves on all their enemies, to the third and fourth generation. 98:37
  130. I, the Lord, will avenge thee of thine enemy an hundred. 98:45
  131. Section 99

  132. Thus saith the Lord unto my servant John Murdock . 99:1
  133. Whoso rejecteth you shall be rejected of my Father and his house; and you shall cleanse your feet in the secret places. 99:4
  134. I come quickly to judgment, to convince all of their ungodly deeds which they have committed against me, as it is written of me in the volume of the book. 99:5
  135. After a few years, if thou desirest of me, thou mayest go up also unto the goodly land ... Otherwise thou shalt continue proclaiming my gospel until thou be taken. 99:7
  136. Section 101

  137. Concerning your brethren who have been afflicted ... I, the Lord, have suffered the affliction to come upon them, wherewith they have been afflicted, in consequence of their transgressions. 101:1
  138. I will own them, and they shall be mine in that day when I shall come to make up my jewels. 101:3
  139. They must needs be chastened and tried, even as Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his only son. 101:4
  140. They were slow to listen to me, so I'm slow to answer their prayers. 101:7
  141. But my bowels are filled with compassion for them. 101:9
  142.  Mine indignation is soon to be poured out without measure upon all nations; and this will I do when the cup of their iniquity is full. 101:11
  143. In that day all who are found upon the watch. 101:12
  144. All flesh is in mine hand. 101:16
  145. I have other places which ... shall be called stakes, for the curtains or the strength of Zion. 101:21
  146. When the veil of the covering of my temple, in my tabernacle, which hideth the earth, shall be taken off, and all flesh shall see me together. 101:23
  147. Every corruptible thing, both of man, or of the beasts of the field, or of the fowls of the heavens, or of the fish of the sea, that dwells upon all the face of the earth, shall be consumed. 101:24
  148. Also that of element shall melt with fervent heat; and all things shall become new. 101:25
  149. Get ye straightway unto my land; break down the walls of mine enemies; throw down their tower, and scatter their watchmen. 101:57
  150. The time of harvest is come,. 101:64
  151. I must gather together my people, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares. 101:65
  152. Purchase all the lands with money, which can be purchased for money, in the region round about the land which I have appointed to be the land of Zion,. 101:70
  153. All the land which can be purchased in Jackson county, and the counties round about, and leave the residue in mine hand. 101:71
  154. Let all the churches gather together all their moneys ... in this way they may establish Zion. 101:72
  155. According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established. 101:77
  156. It is not right that any man should be in bondage one to another. 101:79
  157. I established the Constitution of this land. 101:80
  158. If the president heed them not, then will the Lord arise and come forth out of his hiding place, and in his fury vex the nation. 101:89
  159. [The Lord] will cut off those wicked, unfaithful, and unjust stewards, and appoint them their portion among hypocrites, and unbelievers; Even in outer darkness, where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. 101:90
  160. That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God. 101:95
  161. It is contrary to my commandment and my will that my servant Sidney Gilbert should sell my storehouse. 101:96
  162. Section 102

  163. The president of the church, who is also the president of the council, is appointed by revelation,. 102:9
  164. In case of difficulty respecting doctrine or principle, if there is not a sufficiency written to make the case clear to the minds of the council, the president may inquire and obtain the mind of the Lord by revelation. 102:23
  165. Section 103

  166. Being driven and smitten by the hands of mine enemies, on whom I will pour out my wrath without measure in mine own time. 103:2
  167. I have suffered them thus far, that they might fill up the measure of their iniquities, that their cup might be full. 103:3
  168. Those who call themselves after my name might be chastened for a little season with a sore and grievous chastisement, because they did not hearken altogether unto the precepts and commandments which I gave unto them. 103:4
  169. I have decreed it, begin to prevail against mine enemies from this very hour. 103:6
  170. By hearkening to observe all the words which I, the Lord their God, shall speak unto them, they shall never cease to prevail until the kingdoms of the world are subdued under my feet, and the earth is given unto the saints, to possess it forever and ever. 103:7
  171. But inasmuch as they keep not my commandments, and hearken not to observe all my words, the kingdoms of the world shall prevail against them. 103:8
  172. The redemption of Zion must needs come by power. 103:15
  173. I will raise up unto my people a man, who shall lead them like as Moses. 103:16
  174. By hearkening to observe all the words which I, the Lord their God, shall speak unto them, they shall never cease to prevail until the kingdoms of the world are subdued under my feet, and the earth is given unto the saints, to possess it forever and ever. 103:21
  175. Let my servant Joseph Smith, Jun. 103:22
  176. Let all the churches send up wise men with their moneys, and purchase lands even as I have commanded them. 103:23
  177. Inasmuch as mine enemies come against you to drive you from my goodly land, which I have consecrated to be the land of Zion, even from your own lands after these testimonies, which ye have brought before me against them, ye shall curse them;. 103:24
  178. Whomsoever ye curse, I will curse, and ye shall avenge me of mine enemies. 103:25
  179. My presence shall be with you even in avenging me of mine enemies, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. 103:26
  180. Let no man be afraid to lay down his life for my sake. 103:27
  181. Whoso is not willing to lay down his life for my sake is not my disciple. 103:28
  182. Pray earnestly that peradventure my servant Joseph Smith, Jun. 103:35
  183. Section 104

  184. Inasmuch as any man belonging to the order shall be found a transgressor, or, in other words, shall break the covenant with which ye are bound, he shall be cursed in his life, and shall be trodden down by whom I will. 104:6
  185. Inasmuch as you are found transgressors, you cannot escape my wrath in your lives. 104:8
  186. If any man among you, of the order, is found a transgressor and repenteth not of the evil, that ye shall deliver him over unto the buffetings of Satan. 104:10
  187. If any man shall take of the abundance which I have made, and impart not his portion, according to the law of my gospel, unto the poor and the needy, he shall, with the wicked, lift up his eyes in hell, being in torment. 104:18
  188. You are dissolved as a united order. 104:53
  189. All these properties are mine. 104:56
  190. This shall be called the sacred treasury of the Lord. 104:66
  191. You receive moneys, by hundreds, or by fifties, or by twenties, or by tens, or by fives. 104:68
  192. Or in other words, if any man among you obtain five dollars let him cast them into the treasury; or if he obtain ten, or twenty, or fifty, or an hundred, let him do likewise. 104:69
  193. Write speedily to New York and write according to that which shall be dictated by my Spirit; and I will soften the hearts of those to whom you are in debt. 104:81
  194. You obtain a chance to loan money by hundreds, or thousands, even until you shall loan enough to deliver yourself from bondage, it is your privilege. 104:84
  195. Section 105

  196. I will fight your battles. 105:14
  197. The destroyer I have sent forth to destroy and lay waste mine enemies. 105:15
  198. I have commanded my servant Joseph Smith, Jun. 105:16
  199. I will soften the hearts of the people ... until my servant Joseph Smith, Jun. 105:27
  200. Wise men ... I have commanded concerning the purchasing of all the lands in Jackson county that can be purchased, and in the adjoining counties round about. 105:28
  201. I will hold the armies of Israel guiltless in taking possession of their own lands, which they have previously purchased with their moneys, and of throwing down the towers of mine enemies that may be upon them, and scattering their watchmen, and avenging me of mine enemies unto the third and fourth generation. 105:30
  202. But first let my army become very great ... that her banners may be terrible unto all nations. 105:31
  203. That the kingdoms of this world may be constrained to acknowledge that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed the kingdom of our God and his Christ; therefore, let us become subject unto her laws. 105:32
  204. Section 106

  205. Warren A. 106:1
  206. The coming of the Lord draweth nigh ... Therefore, gird up your loins. 106:4
  207. There was joy in heaven when my servant Warren bowed to my scepter. 106:6
  208. I will have mercy on him; and, notwithstanding the vanity of his heart. 106:7
  209. I have prepared a crown for him in the mansions of my Father. 106:8
  210. Section 107

  211. Before his [Melchizedek's] day it was called the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God. 107:3
  212. But out of respect or reverence to the name of the Supreme Being, to avoid the too frequent repetition of his name, they, the church, in ancient days, called that priesthood after Melchizedek, or the Melchizedek Priesthood. 107:4
  213. There are two ... grand heads—one is the Melchizedek Priesthood, and the other is the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood. 107:6
  214. No man has a legal right to this office, to hold the keys of this priesthood, except he be a literal descendant of Aaron. 107:16
  215. This priesthood was confirmed to be handed down from father to son, and rightly belongs to the literal descendants of the chosen seed. 107:40
  216. This order was instituted in the days of Adam. 107:41
  217. Seth, who was ordained by Adam at the age of sixty. 107:42
  218. He (Seth) was a perfect man, and his likeness was the express likeness of his father, insomuch that he seemed to be like unto his father in all things, and could be distinguished from him only by his age. 107:43
  219. Enos was ordained at the age of one hundred and thirty. 107:44
  220. Cainan ... was eighty. 107:45
  221. Mahalaleel was four hundred and ninety. 107:46
  222. Jared was two hundred years old when he was ordained under the hand of Adam. 107:47
  223. Enoch was twenty. 107:48
  224. He [Enoch] walked with God three hundred and sixty. 107:49
  225. Methuselah was one hundred years old when he was ordained under the hand of Adam. 107:50
  226. Lamech was thirty. 107:51
  227. Noah was ten years old when he was ordained under the hand of Methuselah. 107:52
  228. Three years previous to the death of Adam, he called Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah ... into the valley of Adam. 107:53
  229. The Lord appeared unto them, and they rose up and blessed Adam, and called him Michael, the prince, the archangel. 107:54
  230. These things were all written in the book of Enoch, and are to be testified of in due time. 107:57
  231. The President of the office of the High Priesthood is to preside over the whole church, and to be like unto Moses. 107:91
  232. Behold, here is wisdom; yea, to be a seer, a revelator, a translator, and a prophet,. 107:92
  233. The seventh president of these presidents is to preside over the six. 107:94
  234. These seven presidents are to choose other seventy besides the first seventy to whom they belong, and are to preside over them. 107:95
  235. And also other seventy, until seven times seventy. 107:96
  236. These seventy are to be traveling ministers, unto the Gentiles first and also unto the Jews. 107:97
  237. Section 109

  238. If they shall smite this people thou wilt smite them; thou wilt fight for thy people. 109:28
  239. We know that thou hast spoken by the mouth of they prophets terrible things concerning the wicked, in the last days. 109:45
  240. Deliver thy people from the calamity of the wicked ... against the day of burning. 109:46
  241. Bare thine arm, O Lord ... may thine anger be kindled, and thine indignation fall upon them, that they may be wasted away. 109:51
  242. O Lord, remember thy servant, Joseph Smith, Jun. 109:68
  243. When the trump shall sound for the dead, we shall be caught up in the cloud to meet thee. 109:75
  244. That our garments may be pure ... Amen, and amen. 109:76
  245. Section 110

  246. We saw the Lord standing upon the breastwork of the pulpit, before us; and under his feet was a paved work of pure gold, in color like amber. 110:2
  247. Moses appeared before us, and committed unto us the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, and the leading of the ten tribes from the land of the north. 110:11
  248. Elias appeared, ... saying that in us and our seed all generations after us should be blessed. 110:12
  249. Another great and glorious vision burst upon us; for Elijah ... and said: Behold, the time has fully come, which was spoken of by the mouth of Malachi—testifying that he [Elijah] should be sent, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 110:13
  250. The great and dreadful day of the Lord is near. 110:16
  251. Section 111

  252. I have much treasure in this city for you. 111:2
  253. Form acquaintance with men in this city ... as it shall be given you. 111:3
  254. In due time that I will give this city into your hands, that you shall have power over it, insomuch that they shall not discover your secret parts; and its wealth pertaining to gold and silver shall be yours. 111:4
  255. Concern not yourselves about your debts, for I will give you power to pay them. 111:5
  256. You ... shall be signalized unto you by the peace and power of my Spirit, that shall flow unto you. 111:8
  257. There are more treasures than one for you in this city. 111:10
  258. Be ye as wise as serpents and yet without sin; and I will order all things for your good, as fast as ye are able to receive them. 111:11
  259. Section 112

  260. Gird up thy loins ... Let thy feet be shod. 112:7
  261. Rebel not against my servant Joseph; for ... the keys which I have given unto him ... shall not be taken from him till I come. 112:15
  262. Thou [Thomas B. 112:17
  263. Whosoever receiveth me, receiveth those, the First Presidency. 112:20
  264. Whosoever ye shall send in my name, by the voice of your brethren, the Twelve ... shall have power to open the door of my kingdom. 112:21
  265. Darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh has become corrupt before my face. 112:23
  266. Vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth. 112:24
  267. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not, and is not baptized, shall be damned. 112:29
  268. Cleanse your hearts and your garments, lest the blood of this generation be required at your hands. 112:33
  269. I come quickly ... Amen. 112:34
  270. Section 115

  271. Thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter. 115:4
  272. Let the city, Far West, be a holy and consecrated land unto me; and it shall be called most holy, for the ground upon which thou standest is holy. 115:7
  273. Let not my servant Joseph, neither my servant Sidney, neither my servant Hyrum, get in debt any more for the building of a house unto my name. 115:13
  274. It is my will that the city of Far West should be built up speedily. 115:17
  275. I will be with him [Joseph Smith], and I will sanctify him before the people; for unto him have I given the keys of this kingdom and ministry. 115:19
  276. Section 116

  277. Spring Hill is named by the Lord Adam. 116:1
  278. Section 117

  279. Is there not room enough on the mountains of Adam. 117:8
  280. Let my servant Newel K. 117:11
  281. Oliver Granger; behold, verily I say unto him that his name shall be had in sacred remembrance from generation to generation, forever and ever. 117:12
  282. Section 119

  283. This shall be the beginning of the tithing of my people. 119:3
  284. Those who have thus been tithed shall pay one. 119:4
  285. All those who gather unto the land of Zion shall be tithed of their surplus properties, and shall observe this law, or they shall not be found worthy to abide among you. 119:5
  286. Section 121

  287. How long ... before ... thy bowels be moved with compassion toward them?. 121:3
  288. Let thine anger be kindled against our enemies; and, in the fury of thine heart, with thy sword avenge us. 121:5
  289. And not many years hence, that they and their posterity shall be swept from under heaven, saith God, that not one of them is left to stand by the wall. 121:16
  290. It had been better for them that a millstone had been hanged about their necks, and they drowned in the depth of the sea. 121:22
  291. A generation of vipers shall not escape the damnation of hell. 121:23
  292. God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit ... that has not been revealed since the world was until now;. 121:26
  293. A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest. 121:28
  294. The Council of the Eternal God of all other gods before this world was. 121:32
  295. Let thy bowels also be full of charity. 121:45
  296. Section 123

  297. Gather up the libelous publications that are afloat; And all that are in the magazines, and in the encyclopedias, and all the libelous histories that are published, and are writing, and by whom, and present the whole concatenation of diabolical rascality and nefarious and murderous impositions. 123:4
  298. Present them to the heads of government in all their dark and hellish hue, as the last effort which is enjoined on us by our Heavenly Father, before we can fully and completely claim that promise which shall call him forth from his hiding place; and also that the whole nation may be left without excuse before he can send forth the power of his mighty arm. 123:6
  299. Which dark and blackening deeds are enough to make hell itself shudder, and to stand aghast and pale, and the hands of the very devil to tremble and palsy. 123:10
  300. There are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it. 123:12
  301. Section 124

  302. Make a solemn proclamation ... to all the kings of the world ... to all the kings of the world ... to the honorable president. 124:2
  303. I may visit them in the day of visitation, when I shall unveil the face of my covering, to appoint the portion of the oppressor among hypocrites, where there is gnashing of teeth, if they reject my servants and my testimony. 124:8
  304. O kings of the earth! Come ye, O, come ye, with your gold and your silver, to the help of my people, to the house of the daughters of Zion. 124:11
  305. I will bless him [Robert B. 124:13
  306. John C. 124:16
  307. Lyman Wight ... shall beget glory and honor to himself and unto my name. 124:18
  308. When he [Lyman Wight] shall finish his work I may receive him unto myself, even as I did my servant David Patten, who is with me at this time, and also my servant Edward Partridge, and also my aged servant Joseph Smith, Sen. 124:19
  309. George Miller is without guile ... I, the Lord, love him ... Let no man despise my servant George. 124:20
  310. Send ye swift messengers ... and say unto them: Come ye, with all your gold, and your silver, and your precious stones, and with all your antiquities; and with all who have knowledge of antiquities, that will come, may come, and bring the box tree, and the fir tree, and the pine tree, together with all the precious trees of the earth. 124:26
  311. And with iron, with copper, and with brass, and with zinc, and with all your precious things of the earth; and build a house to my name, for the Most High to dwell therein. 124:27
  312. That ... my saints, may be baptized for those who are dead. 124:29
  313. I command you, all ye my saints, to build a house unto me ... your baptisms for your dead shall not be acceptable unto me; and if you do not these things at the end of the appointment ye shall be rejected as a church, with your dead. 124:31
  314. After you have had sufficient time to build a house to me, wherein the ordinance of baptizing for the dead belongeth, and for which the same was instituted from before the foundation of the world, your baptisms for your dead cannot be acceptable unto me ... after this time, your baptisms for the dead, by those who are scattered abroad, are not acceptable unto me,. 124:33
  315. It is ordained that in Zion, and in her stakes, and in Jerusalem, those places which I have appointed for refuge, shall be the places for your baptisms for your dead. 124:36
  316. Your anointings, and your washings, and your baptisms for the dead, and your solemn assemblies, and your memorials for your sacrifices by the sons of Levi, and for your oracles in your most holy places wherein you receive conversations, and your statutes and judgments, for the beginning of the revelations and foundation of Zion, and for the glory, honor, and endowment of all her municipals, are ordained by the ordinance of my holy house. 124:39
  317. I deign to reveal unto my church things which have been kept hid from before the foundation of the world. 124:41
  318. I will show unto my servant Joseph all things pertaining to this house ... ye shall build it on ... the spot which I have chosen ... If ye labor with all your might, I will consecrate that spot that it shall be made holy. 124:41
  319. Instead of blessings, ye, by your own works, bring cursings, wrath, indignation, and judgments upon your own heads, by your follies, and by all your abominations. 124:48
  320. I will visit upon the heads of those who hindered my work, unto the third and fourth generation. 124:50
  321. I will answer judgment, wrath, and indignation, wailing, and anguish, and gnashing of teeth upon their heads, unto the third and fourth generation. 124:52
  322. And again, verily I say unto you, I command you again to build a house to my name, even in this place. 124:55
  323. Let my servant Joseph and his house have place therein, from generation to generation. 124:56
  324. I put upon his head, that his blessing shall also be put upon the head of his posterity after him. 124:57
  325. Joseph: In thee and in thy seed shall the kindred of the earth be blessed. 124:58
  326. Let my servant Joseph and his seed after him have place in that house, from generation to generation, forever and ever. 124:60
  327. They shall not receive less than fifty dollars for a share of stock in that house, and they shall be permitted to receive fifteen thousand dollars from any one man for stock in that house. 124:64
  328. I, the Lord, will build up Kirtland, but I, the Lord, have a scourge prepared for the inhabitants thereof. 124:83
  329. Almon Babbitt ... setteth up a golden calf for the worship of my people. 124:84
  330. Let my servant William [Law] put his trust in me, and cease to fear concerning his family, because of the sickness of the land. 124:87
  331. Let [William Law] him from henceforth hearken to the counsel of my servant Joseph, and with his interest support the cause of the poor, and publish the new translation of my holy word ... If he will do this I will bless him with a multiplicity of blessings, that he shall not be forsaken, nor his seed be found begging bread. 124:89
  332. That whoever he [Hyrum Smith] blesses shall be blessed, and whoever he curses shall be cursed; that whatsoever he shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever he shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 124:93
  333. From this time forth I appoint unto him [Hyrum Smith] that he may be a prophet, and a seer, and a revelator unto my church, as well as my servant Joseph. 124:94
  334. He [Hyrum Smith] shall receive counsel from my servant Joseph, who shall show unto him the keys whereby he may ask and receive, and be crowned with the same blessing, and glory, and honor, and priesthood, and gifts of the priesthood, that once were put upon him that was my servant Oliver Cowdery. 124:95
  335. William Law ... hall heal the sick, he shall cast out devils, and shall be delivered from those who would administer unto him deadly poison ... he shall be led in paths where the poisonous serpent cannot lay hold upon his heel ... and ... he should raise the dead. 124:97
  336. Let him [Sidney Rigdon] lift up his voice as with the sound of a trump, and warn the inhabitants of the earth to flee the wrath to come. 124:106
  337. If my servant Robert D. 124:115
  338. Let no man pay stock to the quorum of the Nauvoo House unless he shall be a believer in the Book of Mormon ... For that which is more or less than this cometh of evil, and shall be attended with cursings and not blessings. 124:119
  339. I give unto you my servant Brigham Young to be a president over the Twelve. 124:127
  340. Which Twelve hold the keys to open up the authority of my kingdom upon the four corners of the earth, and after that to send my word to every creature. 124:128
  341. Section 127

  342. The Lord has revealed unto me [Joseph Smith] that my enemies, both in Missouri and this State, were again in the pursuit of me ... I have thought it expedient and wisdom in me to leave the place for a short season ... When I learn that the storm is fully blown over, then I will return. 127:1
  343. I shall triumph over all my enemies, for the Lord God hath spoken it. 127:2
  344. God ...will mete out a just recompense of reward upon the heads of all their oppressors. 127:3
  345. When any of you are baptized for your dead, let there be a recorder, and let him be eye. 127:6
  346. The enemy is on the alert, and ... the prince of this world cometh. 127:11
  347. I subscribe myself your servant in the Lord, prophet and seer of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter. 127:12
  348. Section 128

  349. I stated to you in my letter before I left my place, that I would write to you from time to time and give you information in relation to many subjects, I now resume the subject of the baptism for the dead. 128:1
  350. Jesus Christ, wherein it is granted that whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 128:8
  351. The baptismal font was instituted as a similitude of the grave. 128:13
  352. For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as Paul says concerning the fathers—that they without us cannot be made perfect—neither can we without our dead be made perfect. 128:15
  353. I will give you another quotation of Paul, 1 Corinthians 15:29: Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?. 128:16
  354. I might have rendered a plainer translation to this, but it is sufficiently plain to suit my purpose as it stands. 128:18
  355. Glad tidings for the dead; a voice of gladness for the living and the dead; glad tidings of great joy. 128:19
  356. And again, what do we hear? Glad tidings from Cumorah! Moroni, an angel from heaven, declaring the fulfilment of the prophets—the book to be revealed. 128:20
  357. And again, the voice of God in the chamber of old Father Whitmer, in Fayette, Seneca county, and at sundry times ... And the voice of Michael, the archangel; the voice of Gabriel, and of Raphael, and of divers angels,. 128:21
  358. Go forward and not backward ... on to the victory! ... Let the earth break forth into singing. 128:22
  359. Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands ... And ye rivers, and brooks, and rills, flow down with gladness. 128:23
  360. The great day of the Lord is at hand ... like fuller’s soap. 128:24
  361. Let us present in his holy temple, when it is finished, a book containing the records of our dead. 128:24
  362. I have many things to say to you on the subject; but shall now close for the present, and continue the subject another time. 128:25
  363. Section 129

  364. There are two kinds of beings in heaven, namely: Angels, who are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones. 129:1
  365. Secondly: the spirits of just men made perfect, they who are not resurrected, but inherit the same glory. 129:3
  366. When a messenger comes saying he has a message from God, offer him your hand and request him to shake hands with you. 129:4
  367. If he be an angel he will do so, and you will feel his hand. 129:5
  368. If he be the spirit of a just man made perfect he will come in his glory; for that is the only way he can appear. 129:6
  369. Ask him to shake hands with you, but he will not move, because it is contrary to the order of heaven for a just man to deceive; but he will still deliver his message. 129:7
  370. If it be the devil as an angel of light, when you ask him to shake hands he will offer you his hand, and you will not feel anything; you may therefore detect him. 129:8
  371. These are three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God. 129:9
  372. Section 130

  373. When the Savior shall appear we shall see him as he is. 130:1
  374. The angels ... reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire. 130:6
  375. The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummim. 130:8
  376. This earth ..., will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim. 130:9
  377. The white stone mentioned in Revelation 2:17, will become a Urim and Thummim to each individual who receives one. 130:10
  378. And a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom, whereon is a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. 130:11
  379. I prophesy, in the name of the Lord God, that the commencement of the difficulties which will cause much bloodshed previous to the coming of the Son of Man will be in South Carolina. 130:12
  380. It may probably arise through the slave question. 130:13
  381. I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man, when I heard a voice repeat the following: Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art eighty. 130:14
  382. I believe the coming of the Son of Man will not be any sooner than that time. 130:17
  383. The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones. 130:22
  384. Section 131

  385. In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees. 131:1
  386. And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage]. 131:2
  387. It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance. 131:6
  388. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes. 131:7
  389. We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter. 131:8
  390. Section 132

  391. Inasmuch as you [Joseph Smith] have inquired of my hand to know and understand wherein I, the Lord, justified my servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as also Moses, David and Solomon, my servants, as touching the principle and doctrine of their having many wives and concubines. 132:1
  392. I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting covenant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory. 132:4
  393. The law [was] instituted from before the foundation of the world. 132:5
  394. It was instituted for the fulness of my glory; and he that receiveth a fulness thereof must and shall abide the law, or he shall be damned, saith the Lord God. 132:6
  395. If a man marry him a wife in the world, and he marry her not by me nor by my word, and he covenant with her so long as he is in the world and she with him, their covenant and marriage are not of force when they are dead, and when they are out of the world; therefore, they are not bound by any law when they are out of the world. 132:15
  396. When they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage; but are appointed angels in heaven, which angels are ministering servants, to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, and an eternal weight of glory. 132:16
  397. For these angels did not abide my law; therefore, they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation, in their saved condition, to all eternity; and from henceforth are not gods, but are angels. 132:17
  398. If a man marry a wife, and make a covenant with her for time and for all eternity, if that covenant is not by me or by my word, which is my law, and is not sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, through him whom I have anointed and appointed unto this power, then it is not valid neither of force when they are out of the world. 132:18
  399. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them. 132:20
  400. God commanded Abraham, and Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham to wife. 132:34
  401. Was Abraham, therefore, under condemnation? Verily I say unto you, Nay; for I, the Lord, commanded it. 132:35
  402. Abraham was commanded to offer his son Isaac; nevertheless, it was written: Thou shalt not kill. 132:36
  403.  Abraham received concubines, and they bore him children; and it was accounted unto him for righteousness, because they were given unto him, and he abode in my law; as Isaac also and Jacob did none other things than that which they were commanded; and because they did none other things than that which they were commanded, they have entered into their exaltation, according to the promises, and sit upon thrones, and are not angels but are gods. 132:37
  404. David also received many wives and concubines, and also Solomon and Moses my servants,as also many others of my servants, from the beginning of creation until this time; and in nothing did they sin save in those things which they received not of me. 132:38
  405.  David’s wives and concubines were given unto him of me, by the hand of Nathan, my servant, and others of the prophets who had the keys of this power; and in none of these things did he sin against me save in the case of Uriah and his wife; and, therefore he hath fallen from his exaltation, and received his portion; and he shall not inherit them out of the world, for I gave them unto another, saith the Lord. 132:39
  406. I gave unto thee, my servant Joseph, an appointment, and restore all things. 132:40
  407. And as ye have asked concerning adultery ... if a man receiveth a wife in the new and everlasting covenant, and if she be with another man, and I have not appointed unto her by the holy anointing, she hath committed adultery and shall be destroyed. 132:41
  408. If she be not in the new and everlasting covenant, and she be with another man, she has committed adultery. 132:42
  409. I have conferred upon you [Joseph Smith] the keys and power of the priesthood, wherein I restore all things, and make known unto you all things in due time. 132:45
  410. Whatsoever you [Joseph Smith] seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever you bind on earth, in my name and by my word, saith the Lord, it shall be eternally bound in the heavens; and whosesoever sins you remit on earth shall be remitted eternally in the heavens; and whosesoever sins you retain on earth shall be retained in heaven. 132:46
  411. Whomsoever you [Joseph Smith] bless I [God] will bless, and whomsoever you curse I will curse,. 132:47
  412. Whatsoever you [Joseph Smith] give on earth, and to whomsoever you give any one on earth, by my word and according to my law, it shall be visited with blessings and not cursings. 132:48
  413. I am the Lord thy God, and will be with thee even unto the end of the world, and through all eternity; for verily I seal upon you your exaltation, and prepare a throne for you in the kingdom of my Father, with Abraham your father. 132:49
  414. I ... will forgive all your sins; I have seen your sacrifices in obedience to that which I have told you. 132:50
  415. A commandment I give unto mine handmaid, Emma Smith, your wife, whom I have given unto you ... receive all those that have been given unto my servant Joseph, and who are virtuous and pure before me; and those who are not pure, and have said they were pure, shall be destroyed,. 132:51
  416. I command mine handmaid, Emma Smith, to abide and cleave unto my servant Joseph, and to none else. 132:54
  417. If she will not abide this commandment, then shall my servant Joseph do all things for her, even as he hath said; and I will bless him and multiply him and give unto him an hundred. 132:55
  418. Let [Emma Smith] forgive my servant Joseph his trespasses; and then shall she be forgiven her trespasses, wherein she has trespassed against me; and I, the Lord thy God, will bless her. 132:56
  419. If any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and the first give her consent, and if he espouse the second, and they are virgins, and have vowed to no other man, then is he justified; he cannot commit adultery for they are given unto him; for he cannot commit adultery with that that belongeth unto him and to no one else. 132:61
  420. If he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery, for they belong to him, and they are given unto him; therefore is he justified. 132:62
  421. But if one or either of the ten virgins, after she is espoused, shall be with another man, she has committed adultery, and shall be destroyed; for they are given unto him to multiply and replenish the earth, according to my commandment, and to fulfil the promise which was given by my Father before the foundation of the world, and for their exaltation in the eternal worlds, that they may bear the souls of men. 132:63
  422. If any man have a wife, who holds the keys of this power, and he teaches unto her the law of my priesthood, as pertaining to these things, then shall she believe and administer unto him, or she shall be destroyed, saith the Lord your God; for I will destroy her. 132:64
  423. If she receive not this law, for him to receive all things whatsoever I, the Lord his God, will give unto him, because she did not believe and administer unto him according to my word; and she then becomes the transgressor; and he is exempt from the law of Sarah, who administered unto Abraham according to the law when I commanded Abraham to take Hagar to wife. 132:65
  424. Section 133

  425. The Lord who shall come down upon the world with a curse . 133:2
  426. He [the Lord] shall make bare his holy arm. 133:3
  427. The Bridegroom cometh. 133:10
  428. The Lamb shall stand upon Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty. 133:18
  429. Prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him. 133:19
  430. He shall speak from Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard among all people. 133:21
  431. It shall be a voice as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder, which shall break down the mountains, and the valleys shall not be found. 133:22
  432. He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land. 133:23
  433. The earth shall be like as it was in the days before it was divided. 133:24
  434. Their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence. 133:26
  435. An highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep. 133:27
  436. I have sent forth mine angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel, who hath appeared unto some. 133:36
  437. The Lord shall be red in his apparel, and his garments like him that treadeth in the wine. 133:48
  438. The moon shall withhold its light, and the stars shall be hurled from their places. 133:49

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

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