0 SAB quotes list

After we had sailed for the space of many days we did arrive at the promised land ... and we did call it the promised land. 1 Nephi 18:23

Trivia: Who will reimburse Joseph Smith if he has to pay back the money that Ezra Thayre gave to the church?


Doctrine & Covenants: Selected Verses

    Section 19

  1. Eternal punishment is God's punishment. 19:11
  2. Endless punishment is God's punishment. 19:12
  3. Keep the commandments which you have received by the hand of my servant Joseph Smith, Jun. 19:13
  4. Repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth. 19:15
  5. If they would not repent they must suffer even as I [Jesus]. 19:17
  6. I [Jesus] command thee that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it freely to the printing of the Book of Mormon, which contains the truth and the word of God. 19:26
  7. Misery thou [Martin Harris] shalt receive if thou wilt slight these counsels, yea, even the destruction of thyself and property. 19:33
  8. Pay the debt thou hast contracted with the printer. 19:35
  9. Section 20

  10. One thousand eight hundred and thirty years since the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh ... in the fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month which is called April. 20:1
  11. God ministered unto him [Joseph Smith] by an holy angel, whose countenance was as lightning, and whose garments were pure and white above all other whiteness. 20:6
  12. Those who harden their hearts in unbelief, and reject it [th Book of Mormon], it shall turn to their own condemnation. 20:15
  13. These things [the Book of Mormon] are true and according to the revelations of John, neither adding to, nor diminishing from the prophecy of his book, the holy scriptures. 20:35
  14. All men must repent and believe on the name of Jesus Christ ... or they cannot be saved. 20:295
  15. Section 21

  16. Thou [Joseph Smith] shalt be called a seer, a translator, a prophet, an apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder 21:1 . 21:1
  17. Thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments ... his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth. 21:4
  18. I will bless all those who ... believe on his [Joseph Smith's] words. 21:9
  19. He should be ordained by you, Oliver Cowdery. 21:10
  20. Section 22

  21. Although a man should be baptized an hundred times it availeth him nothing. 22:2
  22. Enter ye in at the gate ... and seek not to counsel your God. 22:4
  23. All old covenants have I caused to be done away ... this is a new and an everlasting covenant. 22:10
  24. Section 23

  25. Behold, I speak unto you, Oliver, a few words. 23:1
  26. Behold, I speak unto you, Hyrum, a few words; for thou also art under no condemnation, and thy heart is opened, and thy tongue loosed ... Amen. 23:3
  27. Behold, I speak a few words unto you, Samuel; for thou also art under no condemnation ... Amen. 23:4
  28. Behold, I speak a few words unto you, Joseph; for thou also art under no condemnation ... Amen. 23:5
  29. Behold, I manifest unto you, Joseph Knight, by these words, that you must take up your cross ... Amen. 23:6
  30. Section 24

  31. Behold, thou [Joseph Smith] wast called and chosen to write the Book of Mormon. 24:1
  32. If they [the churches] receive thee [Joseph Smith] not, I will send upon them a cursing. 24:4
  33. It shall be given thee [Joseph Smith] in the very moment what thou shalt speak and write ... or I will send unto them a cursing. 24:6
  34. In temporal labors thou [Joseph Smith] shalt not have strength, for this is not thy calling. 24:9
  35. Require not miracles, except I shall command you, except casting out devils, healing the sick, and against poisonous serpents, and against deadly poisons ... And these things ye shall not do, except it be required of you by them who desire it. 24:13
  36. In whatsoever place ye [Joseph Smith] shall enter, and they receive you not in my name, ye shall leave a cursing. 24:15
  37. Whosoever shall lay their hands upon you by violence, ye shall command to be smitten in my name; and, behold, I will smite them according to your words, in mine own due time. 24:16
  38. Whosoever shall go to law with thee [Joseph Smith] shall be cursed by the law. 24:17
  39. The church shall give unto thee [Joseph Smith] in the very hour what thou needest. 24:18
  40. Section 25

  41. The office of thy calling shall be for a comfort unto my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun. 25:5
  42. Continue in the spirit of meekness, and beware of pride. 25:14
  43. Section 26

  44. All things shall be done by common consent in the church. 26:2
  45. Section 27

  46. Listen to the voice of Jesus ... that it mattereth not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink when ye partake of the sacrament. 27:1
  47. A commandment I give unto you, that you shall not purchase wine neither strong drink of your enemies ... you shall partake of none except it is made new among you. 27:3
  48. This is wisdom in me [Jesus] ... the hour cometh that I will drink of the fruit of the vine with you ... and with Moroni ... Elias ... John the son of Zacharias ... Elijah ... Joseph and Jacob, and Isaac ... Michael, or Adam ... Peter, and James, and John ... And also with all those whom my Father hath given me out of the world. 27:5

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

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