The Fourth Book of Nephi
1 The disciples form a new church (34 - 59 CE) (1-6)
The people rebuild the cities that Jesus destroyed (except for the ones that he sank) (7-9)
The Nephites become fair and delightsome (60 - 70 CE) (10-13)
The nine mortal disciples die (70-100 CE) (14)
Everything is perfect and there are no -ites (101 - 110 CE) (15-17)
Nephi dies, gives his plates to his son Amos, and the Lamanites return (111-194 CE) (19-20)
Amos dies and gives the plates to his son Amos, and the Nephites become exceedingly rich (194-200) CE) (21-23)
Many evil churches arise (201-210 CE) (24-27)
The evilest church tries to kill the disciples (210-230 CE) (28-33)
The people dwindle in unbelief (231-244 CE) (34-39)
The wicked part use secret combinations (244-300 CE) (40-45)
The robbers of Gadianton spread throughout the land (300-305 CE) (45-46)
Amos dies and the Holy Ghost forces Ammaron to hide the plates (305-320 CE) (47-49)