0 SAB trivia list

I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. Revelation 16:15

Trivia: What will the church at Ephesus get for overcoming?

SAB: Trivia Questions


  1. In Revelation 20, what happened to those who were not found written in the book of life?
  2. When the fifth trumpet blew (Rev 9), who were the locusts told not to hurt?
  3. Wisdom, according to Revelation 13:18, is knowing the number of the beast. What is that number?
  4. The fourth horsemen of the apocalypse rode on a pale horse. What was his name?
  5. Where is Satan's throne located?
  6. What did Jesus say he'd do if the church at Pergamos doesn't repent?
  7. What will the church at Pergamos get for overcoming?
  8. When the sixth trumpet blew (Rev 9), how long did the four angels prepare to kill 1/3 of the human population?
  9. How long did God's two witnesses prophesy in sackcloth (Rev 11)?
  10. When the second seal was broken (Rev 6:4), what power was given the rider of the red horse?
  11. How will the Laodiceans be rewarded for overcoming?
  12. How will Jesus reward church members in Sardis who haven't soiled their clothes?
  13. How many heads, horns, and crowns did the sea beast of Revelation 13 have?
  14. How long was the dragon (aka the old serpent, the devil, Satan) locked in the bottomless pit?
  15. How man angels, beasts, and elders did John hear singing around the throne in heaven?
  16. Who will cast some members of the church at Smyrna into prison?
  17. What will the church at Smyrna get for overcoming?
  18. What was the name of the star that fell from heaven when the third trumpet blew (Rev 8)?
  19. How long will the dead bodies of God's witnesses lie in the street (Rev 11)?
  20. What happened to the dead bodies of those who were killed by the sword that stuck out of Jesus's mouth? (Rev 19:21)
  21. According to Jesus, who belongs to the synagogue of Satan?
  22. What was the name written on the thigh of the person in Revelation 19:15-16 who had a sword sticking out of his mouth and who treaded the winepress of the wrath of God?
  23. Who taught the church at Thyatira to commit fornication?
  24. What will the church at Thyatira get for overcoming?
  25. How long will the devil and the false prophet be tormented in the bottomless pit?
  26. How long will the Gentiles trample the temple courtyard (Rev 11)?
  27. What happened when the first trumpet blew (Rev 8)?
  28. What happened when the second trumpet blew (Rev 8)?
  29. What happened when the third trumpet blew (Rev 8)?
  30. What happened when the fourth trumpet blew (Rev 8)?
  31. What was the angel given when the fifth trumpet blew (Rev 9)?
  32. When the sixth trumpet blew (Rev 9), four angels were set free from the Euphrates River to kill 1/3 of the human population. How many horsemen were in their army?
  33. Who are the two olive trees and two candlesticks in Revelation 11?
  34. According to Revelation 14, only male virgins, undefiled by women, will be redeemed. How many will there be?
  35. What happened when the first vial of God's wrath was poured out (Rev 16)?
  36. What happened when the second vial of God's wrath was poured out (Rev 16)?
  37. What happened when the third vial of God's wrath was poured out (Rev 16)?
  38. What happened when the fourth vial of God's wrath was poured out (Rev 16)?
  39. What happened when the fifth vial of God's wrath was poured out (Rev 16)?
  40. What happened when the sixth vial of God's wrath was poured out (Rev 16)?

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com