0 SAB trivia list

It is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. 1 Corinthians 10:7

Trivia: According to 1 Corinthians 11:3, who is the head of Christ?

SAB: Trivia Questions


  1. How did God punish Jehoram for making everyone in Judah commit fornication?
  2. Who had a house that was more than four times as big as God's?
  3. Who was advised to say that his little finger would be thicker than his father's loins?
  4. How many Ethiopians did God help Asa kill?
  5. Who had the most children in the Bible?
  6. When Solomon finished building the temple, how many animals did he sacrifice?
  7. How many men did God help Abijah kill?
  8. EZRA

  9. Why did Ezra pull out the hairs on his head and beard?
  10. Who is called king of kings in the book of Ezra?

  12. Why did Nehemiah pluck out the hair of Israelite men?
  13. Who caused Solomon to sin?
  14. ESTHER

  15. What book did King Ahasuerus ask to be read to him to help him fall asleep?
  16. How did Esther become queen?
  17. What Queen was deposed for refusing to appear (naked?) in front of the king's drunken guests?
  18. Which book of the Bible is completely godless (doesn't mention God)?
  19. JOB

  20. Who wouldn't let Job breathe?
  21. Who moved God to destroy Job without cause?
  22. Who did God fill with wrinkles?
  23. Who escaped by the skin of his teeth?
  24. There once was a perfect man who lived in the land of Uz. What was his name?
  25. Who did God grab by the neck and shake to pieces?
  26. What creature's strength is in his loins and force in his navel?
  27. What did Job's wife tell him to do to retain his integrity?
  28. Who sewed sackcloth to his skin and defiled his horn in the dust?
  29. Who says among the trumpets, "Ha Ha"?
  30. Who hated Job and gnashed him with his teeth?
  31. Who cursed the day he was born?
  32. PSALMS

  33. What does the fool say in his heart?
  34. According to Psalm 68, what is God's name?
  35. In Psalm 75, who is holding a cup of red wine?
  36. Who is God's washpot?
  37. Who taught David's hands to war?
  38. In Psalm 46, what happened when God uttered his voice?
  39. According to Psalm 18, what is God's secret place?
  40. According to Psalm 18, what came out of God's nostrils?
  41. According to Psalm 18, what came out of God's mouth?
  42. Whose loins were filled with a loathsome disease?
  43. When do wicked people begin to tell lies?
  44. How many chariots does God have?
  45. According to Psalm 92, who will be fat?

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com