0 SAB selected list

For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 1 Corinthians 11:7

Trivia: According to 1 Corinthians 3:18, how can you become wise?

SAB: Selected Verses


  1. And now I give unto you no more at this time. Amen. 17
  2. Ye must needs be chastened ... for ye have sinned against me a very grievous sin, in that ye have not considered the great commandment ... the building of mine house. 2-3
  3. Prune my vineyard for the last time, that I may bring to pass my strange act, that I may pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. 4
  4. I gave unto you a commandment that you should build a house. 8
  5. Contentions arose in the school of the prophets. 10
  6. You should build a house. If you keep my commandments you shall have power to build it. 11
  7. Here is wisdom, and the mind of the Lord ... let it be built after the manner which I shall show unto three of you, whom ye shall appoint and ordain unto this power ... the size thereof shall be fifty and five feet in width, and let it be sixty-five feet in length. 13-15
  8. Son Ahman; or, in other words, Alphus; or, in other words, Omegus; even Jesus Christ your Lord. Amen. 17
  9. Here is wisdom ... this stake ... should be made strong. 1
  10. Let ... Newel K. Whitney take charge of the place which is named among you, upon which I design to build mine holy house. 2
  11. It is wisdom ... that ... John Johnson ... become a member of the order. 6-8
  12. Therefore ye shall ordain him ... Amen. 9
  13. I, the Lord, am well pleased that there should be a school in Zion, and also with my servant Parley P. Pratt. 3
  14. Tt is my will that a house should be built unto me in the land of Zion ... by the tithing of my people. 10-11
  15. Inasmuch as my people build a house unto me in the name of the Lord, and do not suffer any unclean thing to come into it ... my glory shall rest upon it. 15
  16. But if it be defiled I will not come into it, and my glory shall not be there. 17
  17. If Zion do these things she shall prosper, and spread herself and become very glorious, very great, and very terrible. 18
  18. And the nations of the earth shall honor her, and shall say: Surely Zion is the city of our God. 19
  19. Vengeance cometh speedily upon the ungodly. 22
  20. The Lord's scourge ... shall vex all people; yea, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come. 23
  21. Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her. But if she observe not to do whatsoever I have commanded her, I will visit her ... with sore affliction, with pestilence, with plague, with sword, with vengeance, with devouring fire. 25-26
  22. Read this once to her ears ... Amen. 27-28

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