0 SAB selected list

So fighting with their hands, but praying to the Lord with their hearts, they slew no less than five and thirty thousand, being greatly cheered with the presence of God. 2 Machabees 15:27

Trivia: Who created the first and only library mentioned in the Bible?

SAB: Selected Verses


  1. Thou [Joseph Smith] deliveredst up ... that which was sacred [The Book of Mormon] into the hands of a wicked man [Martin Harris]. 3:12
  2. A marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men. 4:1
  3. Woe shall come unto the inhabitants of the earth if they will not hearken unto my words. 5:5
  4. Their testimony shall also go forth unto the condemnation of this generation if they harden their hearts against them. 5:18
  5. If they repent not, until the earth is empty, and the inhabitants thereof are consumed away and utterly destroyed. 5:19
  6. A great and marvelous work is about to come forth unto the children of men. 6:1
  7. Behold, I am God. 6:2
  8. Stand by my servant Joseph. 6:18
  9. Behold, thou art Oliver ... treasure up these words in thy heart. Be faithful and diligent ... and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love. 6:20
  10. Behold, I am Jesus. 6:21
  11. I grant unto you a gift, if you desire of me, to translate, even as my servant Joseph. 6:25
  12. The Lord said unto me: John, my beloved, what desirest thou? ... I said unto him: Lord, give unto me power over death ... the Lord said ... thou shalt tarry until I come in my glory ... I will make him as flaming fire and a ministering angel. 7:1-6
  13. You [Oliver Cowdery] may translate ... all those ancient records. 8:11
  14. Study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right. But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings. 9:8
  15. Satan hath put it into their hearts to alter the words which you have caused to be written. 10:10
  16. I [Jesus] will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil. 10:43
  17. A great and marvelous work is about to come forth. 11:1
  18. Thou art Hyrum ... I am Jesus. 11:23-28
  19. A great and marvelous work is about to come forth. 12:1
  20. A great and marvelous work is about to come forth. 14:1
  21. A am God ... I am Jesus ... And behold, thou art David. 14:2-11
  22. Mine arm is over all the earth. 15:2
  23. I [God] will tell you [John Whitmer] that which no man knoweth save me and thee alone. 15:3
  24. Mine arm is over all the earth. 16:2
  25. I [God] will tell you [Peter Whitmer] that which no man knoweth save me and thee alone. 16:3
  26. You must rely upon my word, which if you do ... you shall have a view of the plates, and also of the breastplate, the sword of Laban, the Urim and Thummim ... and the miraculous directors. 17:1
  27. Contend against no church, save it be the church of the devil. 18:20
  28. Woes shall go forth, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, yea, to those who are found on my left hand. 19:5
  29. It is written endless torment. 19:6
  30. It is written eternal damnation. 19:7
  31. I [Jesus] am endless, and the punishment which is given from my hand is endless punishment, for Endless is my name. 19:10
  32. Eternal punishment is God's punishment. 19:11
  33. Endless punishment is God's punishment. 19:12
  34. Keep the commandments which you have received by the hand of my servant Joseph Smith, Jun. 19:13
  35. Repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth. 19:15
  36. If they would not repent they must suffer even as I [Jesus]. 19:17
  37. I [Jesus] command thee that thou shalt not covet thine own property, but impart it freely to the printing of the Book of Mormon, which contains the truth and the word of God. 19:26
  38. Misery thou [Martin Harris] shalt receive if thou wilt slight these counsels, yea, even the destruction of thyself and property. 19:33
  39. Pay the debt thou hast contracted with the printer. 19:35
  40. One thousand eight hundred and thirty years since the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh ... in the fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month which is called April. 20:1

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com