0 Mosiah : Cruelty & Violence

Mosiah : Cruelty & Violence (9)

  1. "They also took of the firstlings of their flocks, that they might offer sacrifice and burnt offerings according to the law of Moses." Why don't Mormons still offer animal sacrifices? 2:3

  2. Those who die in their sins are tormented forever in hell. 2:33

  3. Those in hell "endure a never-ending torment." 2:39

  4. The damned are in a state of misery and endless torment. 3:25-27

  5. God answers the Nephites prayers, and helps them kill 3043 Lamanites in one day and a night. 9:18

  6. The Nephites drove the Lamanites away, killing them with "a great slaughter". They killed so many that they couldn't count them all. 10:20

  7. The Lord says that this (which?) generation will be slain and their bodies will be eaten by vultures, dogs, and wild beasts. 12:2

  8. God will smite his people with sore afflictions, famine, pestilence, and will cause them to howl all the day long. 12:4

  9. Those who don't know Christ will be thrown into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 26:27

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