0 Job : Boring stuff

And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power. 1:12

Trivia: Who moved God to destroy Job without cause?

Job : Boring stuff (30)

  1. Job continues to continue (to respond to Zophar) 14:1-22
  2. Eliphaz lectures Job 4:1-21
  3. Eliphaz continues his lecture 5:1-27
  4. Job responds to Eliphaz 6:1-30
  5. Job continues his response to Eliphaz 7:1-21
  6. Job complains to God 10:1-22
  7. Zophar lectures Job 11:1-20
  8. Job responds to Zophar 12:1-25
  9. Job continues his response to Zophar 13:1-28
  10. Eliphaz lectures Job 15:1-35
  11. Job continues his response to Eliphaz 17:1-16
  12. Bildad lectures Job 18:1-21
  13. Zophar answers Job 20:1-29
  14. Job replies to Zophar 21:1-34
  15. Eliphaz's third speech 22:1-30
  16. Job responds to Eliphaz 23:1-17
  17. Job continues his response to Eliphaz 24:1-25
  18. Bildad's third speech 25:1-6
  19. Job responds to Bildad 26:1-14
  20. Job continues his parable 27:1-23
  21. Job continues to continue his parable 28:1-28
  22. More of Job's parable 29:1-25
  23. Even more of Job's parable 30:1-31
  24. The end of Job's parable 31:1-40
  25. Elihu begins his speech 32:1-22
  26. Elihu tells Job to listen to him 33:1-33
  27. Elihu continues his speech 34:1-37
  28. Elihu keeps talking 35:1-16
  29. Elihu continues his speech 36:1-33
  30. Elihu finishes his speach 37:1-24

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