The tribe of A'ad rejected Allah's warnings. So he blew them all away like they were uprooted palm tree trunks. 54:18-20
Allah destroyed your friends, but does anyone remember? 54:51
On the day when the summoner summons a painful thing. They'll be like locusts, with downcast eyes, as they come out of their graves
and approach the summoner, the disbelievers will say, "This is a hard day." 54:6-8
See how dreadful was my punishment after my warnings! 54:30
We sent one shout, and they became like dry twigs. 54:31
Allah sent a storm of stones on Lot's folk, killing all but Lot's family. 54:34
They even asked his guest for an ill purpose. So we blinded their eyes and said, Taste my punishment after my warnings! 54:37
The suffering in hell will be more wretched and bitter than anything experienced on earth. 54:46
The guilty are in error and madness. On the day they are dragged into the fire on their faces, someone will say to them,
"Feel the touch of hell." 54:47-48