We have revealed unto thee clear tokens, and only miscreants will disbelieve in them. 2:99

Trivia: What color was the cow that Allah told Moses to sacrifice?

2. The Cow : Good Stuff (13)

  1. Don't confuse truth with falsehood or knowingly conceal the truth. 2:42
  2. Be good to parents, relatives, orphans, and the needy. Speak kindly and pay the poor-due. 2:83
  3. If you believe it, prove it. (A good rule, but does it apply to Muslims, too?) 2:111
  4. The Jews say the Christians are wrong, and vice versa. Yet they both believe in the Scriptures. 2:113
  5. Give of your wealth to family, relatives, and the needy. Set slaves free. 2:177
  6. Do not fight wars of aggression. (Does this apply only during Ramadan?) 2:190
  7. "Do good." 2:195
  8. Spend your money for good: to help your parents, your family, orphans, wayfarers, and the needy. 2:215
  9. Help orphans. 2:220
  10. "Make not Allah, by your oaths, a hindrance to ... making peace among mankind." 2:224
  11. "There is no compulsion in religion." (But see the next verse which says that disbelievers will burn forever in Hell.) 2:256
  12. Pay the poor-due. , , 2:277
  13. "If the debtor is in straitened circumstances, then (let there be) postponement to (the time of) ease." 2:280

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