16. The Bee : Injustice
- Allah could have led everyone to the truth, but he chose not to.
- Those who don't believe in the Hearafter are proud. 16:22
- Allah made a roof fall in to kill unbelievers. "And the doom came on them whence they knew not."
- Disbelievers are evil and will dwell in hell forever. 16:27-29
- Disbelievers are liars. 16:39
- Allah "will cause the earth to swallow" those who plan ill-deeds. the doom will come on them when they
least expect it. 16:45
- Theirs will be the Fire, and they will be abandoned." 16:62
- "Theirs will be a painful doom." 16:63
- Allah creates you and then kills you after making senile for a while. He's just thay type of guy.
- "The Hour of Doom is but a twinkling of the eye." 16:77
- "When those who did wrong behold the doom, it will not be made light for them."
- Allah will add doom to doom for those who disbelieve. 16:88
- Those who oppose Islam will face an awful doom. 16:94
- Those who loose their faith in Islam will face an awful doom. Allah's wrath is upon them.
- Those who invent lies against Allah will have a painful doom. 16:116-7