We reward him who is prodigal and believeth not the revelations of his Lord; and verily the doom of the Hereafter will be sterner and more lasting. 20:127

Trivia: Who misled the people by making a saffron-colored, lowing calf?

20. Ta Ha : Injustice (4)

  1. Lo! it hath been revealed unto us that the doom will be for him who denieth and turneth away." 20:48
  2. "There [in hell] he will neither die nor live." 20:74
  3. Those who do not believe Allah's revelations will face doom in the Hereafter. 20:127
  4. Allah has destroyed many generations. 20:128

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The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

Send comments to Steve Wells
at swwells(at)gmail.com