0 2 Chronicles : Science

God delivered them into their hand. And Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter: so there fell down slain of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men. 13:16

Trivia: How many men did God help Abijah kill?

2 Chronicles : Science (7)

  1. Since the molten sea was round with a diameter of ten cubits and a circumference of thirty cubits, we know that the biblical value of π is 3. (The actual value isapproximately 3.14159.) 4:2
  2. Abijah spoke to 1,200,000 soldiers at one time. (He had a really loud voice.) 13:3-4
  3. A half million soldiers die in a single God-assisted slaughter. 13:16-17
  4. In the largest single God-assisted massacre in the Bible, Asa, with God's help, kills one million Ethiopians. 14:8-14
  5. Asa, when he had a foot disease, went to physicians instead of seeking the Lord. (God disapproves of those who seek medical help rather than "seeking the Lord.") 16:12
  6. God makes Uzziah a leper for burning incense without a license. 26:19-21
  7. God gave "all the kingdoms of the earth" to King Cyrus. (OK, that might be a bit of an exaggeration.) 36:22-23

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